Valiant Thor Speaks - Repost

I want to thank Brandon for helping to convey this truth, which is a filtration of science, theology, psychology, and all other forms of understanding, into a matrix of what is, pure and simple, just like I like it =)valiant thorPosted by BRANDON on November 29, 2009 at 3:09amSend Message View BRANDON's blogVALIANT THOR SPEAKSCHAPTER ONESalmon Arm, British Columbia, CanadaJuly 22, 1994"Good evening, I am Valiant Thor and I am from Venus."It is very important that earth people attune themselves to three important segments of reality."The three important segments of reality are the conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind. Every atom, electron, neutron and proton, together through fission and fusion, constantly give birth to create a universe."At this particular time, there is a galaxy being formed. On Venus, we have very strong tracking ships which are able to watch this formation occuring with minute detail. Even I have seen a galaxy being formed!"In your consciousness in the physical body there is a 'viewing' reality and an 'understanding' reality. If you were viewing and understanding what you were viewing, by using your sense faculties, which humans possess, you would know exactly what was going on. However, because you have given yourself birth to a physical form on a physical planet, you submerge your consciousness. Therefore, you cannot understand what you 'see' and hence understand 'reality'. This is because you have given birth to a physical form on the physical plane. It is the nature of rebirth in the physical plane to submerge your consciousness."I want you to remember this. You submerge your consciousness. In other words, what is happening is you are giving birth to the consciousness of the physical faculties and you are submerging your unconsciousness to whatever life forms that you were when you gave birth of spirit. To integrate, it is very important to fine tune yourselves."You are part of a beginning of form. There is a beginning of form. When you find out what the aftermath of the Jupiterianeffect really is, you will understand."The beginning of form is giving form to each galaxy so that it has 'a conscious unconscious'. In other words, it doesn't matter whether an object is animate or inanimate; it has consciousness. So consciousness is your awareness of whatever form you are in now."By burying the unconscious to allow consciousness, you are still connected to the unconscious form that you really were as a spirit. A spirit, upon taking the energy of consciousness through form, allows itself the formation of the soul. The soul is simply a memory and the attunement of the awareness of youself as a form. It gives you, what we call, the intellect. However, the facets of the spirit in total are forming. There is no beginning and no end of spirit. The spirit is in total forming. So the spirit that is in total forming will allow the unconsciousness. Spirit is not conscious of anything. It is in neutral. So therefore, deep within the recesses of spirit, we call the unconsciousness."The conscious, subconscious and unconscious will integrate the facets of awareness and impregnate the spirit. The spirit will carry with it the knowledge of omniscience. In other words, total knowledge."What is total knowledge? Total knowledge is knowing each impregnation you had as a soul in whatever form you took in the galaxies, in the universe."The universe is a garden of form. Each garden gives a form of life. Each galaxy represents a form. So therefore, the universe itself, which you may call God, is omniscient totally in the unconscious state. This is hard to understand and you may say, 'How do I understand if it is unconscious, if I'm not conscious of exactly what is going on?'"The unconscious state is the filtration of the superconsciousness. This is why each and every one of you who come to earth has the ability to program into the subconscious at night, to reprogram into the unconscious, to program into the superconscious, the seed. This is the seed of depth of no measurement."The universe has this kind of central mind. It can see everything in its perfection through the unconscious state. Therefore, if it doesn't have a conscious state, there is no such thing as good or evil. Good or evil are the impregnations of a conscious state only. So you are aware of some form of interaction and integration of what you call 'good'. Good and evil are only homosapien concepts that have been handed down culturally through thousands of years of programming on planet earth."So when we look at this programming , it is of great importance to meditate. Meditation, or contemplation, is simply a state of awareness that you enter into in order to receive peace, solice or quietness. This allows the soul the programming to be able to latch onto your consciousness."The unconsciousness carries the imprints of reality. So you look at, what you call, something out there in the sky that doesn't resemble airplane. It is too far away. We put you five feet from it. Now you look at it and you say, 'I can't recall our scientific mind to have anything like this.' So immediately the interaction that is going on inside of you cannot find physical answers in your physical consciousness because it is not there. This is the first viewing of something you would call unidentified. It is really deep down as you submerge into the unconscious. You have somewhere had an interaction in the unconscious state before you had an interaction in the conscious state. Somewhere in that reality in the unconscious state you have already had a life form that was exactly as you are proceeding five feet in front of you as an unidentified flying object."So you interrelate through, what we call, traumatic state. So in the unconscious you have traumatic states where you know yourself. When you get up in the morning you have problems because there is something that hasn't been happening correctly in the conscious state that is coming out of the subconscious state."The unconscious state is very important because all of your realities that don't seem to be realities at this particular time, really in that particular time was a reality. So you are having difficulties explaining to your greatest authorities here on this earth what it is all about; what life is all about."Everybody is locked into the consciousness, you see, so everything has to make sense. Within the conscious state from the five faculties; they are the teachers that tell you what is happening in this universe. But what is happening in the real universe comes from the unconscious state. And that unconscious state is attached in, what we call, the subconscious, conscious and the unconscious.The facets of filtration by going through the unconscious to, what we call, the superconscious state, has got to go beyond the conscious to see something like that. For example, if you see my craft you might think it was just a reflection of a mirror. That is because we travel at a certain rate of speed that we reflect light by travelling into dimensions."Unfortunately, the last twelve days on Jupiter were very, as we call it, tragic to some extent. The entities living inside of Jupiter are of the gaseous state. So therefore, it was a close decision towards two of your days ago, whether they had to evacuate, or whether by allowing the short evacuation around the other side where the bombardment did not do any damage, whether the gaseous state kind of species would survive. Up to this point, as we look at it, we are going to have to, in the next thirty days, because of the state of atmospheric change on Jupiter, we are going to evacuate all of the gaseous entities. And this is why we are going to be using all of our craft with the exception to security to do this."The Jupiterian effect, being in your galaxy, will cause some problems. The problems are; any time you have any kind of nuclear reaction to light, or heavy bombardment to sound, it is interconnected to the whole galaxy. So these sound effects will cause earthquakes. They will cause, as you go into your next six to eight months, some changes to your weather because of the light effect that will block up through ultra violet light, will block up and interfere with the light that comes from your sun."Now, it will take 200 years, your earth time, for this nuclear waste to go into, as you call it, to a safe count where you could be exposed. The resistance and the amount of energy from these nuclear explosions have caused a great storm in the atmosphere of Jupiter. So there will be, what you call, a fallout effect. This will not harm anyone on earth due to the distance that you are away from Jupiter. The only effect that will come is from, as we said, the sound or the blast waves that will trigger off a fine hair in these tectonic plates, These tectonic plates are very vulnerable to something like that, especially on your earth."So to the astronomers watching a celestial light and looking at it for some glorious effect; really mankind has got to get his head together and get himself together to understand what physics is all about."Physics in the universe is a vital tool of creation. Physics, especially when you get fragmentations of a galaxy that has exploded. The fragmentations that you will call a comet out of control is something that one must look at from both, as you call it in your language, a positive and also a negative effect."The negative effect is when it hits another planet in the same galaxy. It is a negative effect to the extent that it does cause, as we call it, some harm to that planet."The positive effect is that when a comet goes through a black hole, it could recreate another galaxy. So there are, and we have to look at the physics of the universe which is very unique in its way. In other words, through fission and fusion you not only have an implosion, you have an explosion. So there are changes done from two different facets which are again causing a new, as we call it, seed in the Father's House creating a new mansion."So the total effects of these kind of explosions and implosions have, what you would call in your language, the positive and the negative. But when you look at it from the unconscious state of integration, what it is doing, it is actually creating another form. That is how you all got here, from the creation of form. So the sampling within the universe through galaxies to express life through form is also expressing life through the unconscious state as well as the conscious state."So integration of the different consciousnesses within the inner universe and the outer universe is what controls life light beginnings and endings. But it is constantly revolving around an eternity that gives light to the animate/inanimate and also to the soul and soulless. Something interesting to understand is that there are entities who do not have a soul. That is interesting in the galaxies. So interesting in your state that it is maybe a state of fear."Where there is no soul, therefore, that kind of consciousness is always like, what we would call it, a mad scientist. This is a great universe that gives seed to different galaxies and to different forms. It is always a continuum. There is no beginning to an unconscious state. You can only understand a conscious state because of the physical makeup you are in now."Once you go into, say a very strong experience in the galaxy through say, the spirit kingdom, then you will understand more about life and form. That is your choice as you leave here.Every 26,000 years, each galaxy, depending on its origin, goes through a phase of ascension. This earth, at the start of 1987, was impregnated with its first phase of galactic change. The first phase of galactic change will be an offspring of Jupiter. The second phase will start happening on your earth towards the end of this century."The hate and the madness of mankind has to come out. But it has to come out through, it seems, through a different process. And if you look at typical examples, like your Bosnia area, Rwanda, the filtration of that light is taking great effect because some of you have accepted through millennial light the new birth change concept of the ascension in order to uplift yourself into a higher consciousness to avoid a physical, as you would call it, cataclysmic ending."The year 2000 will bring birth to a very important understanding. Mankind will go through a very strong sifting in the year 2000 to the year 2007, envisoned by Daniel as your great tribulation. Some of you may look at it and say, 'Well there is big, bad times that are happening in the earth now'. These will start happening. So take note that this energy change is highly effective every 26,000 years as the restructuring of galaxies and the removal of this kind of system, as you call it."This system will destroy itself. Your government system will destroy itself and you will find that in those years of 2000 to 2007, be prepared to be the greatest barterer that you ever can be."Your money system, because of the rising debt that you have in your economy will never be paid. And when your taxes reach 70 percent of your earnings, that is when you will stop and defend yourself as your own government unit. This is what we mean by falling off."Each system, through the change of what we call the millennial light, those people who are believing in the unconscious superconscious state of themselves, will give birth to that. It is that simple. You will give birth to the unconscious to be birthed into the superconscious state. And you will avoid, as we call it, cataclysmic ending to a society who possibly could have made changes. But because of the differences now in your cultures and especially in China and the other yellow races are going to find great explosions."The uncontrollable earth, they call it right now. I can just see my friends here with all their data and the programming. So the coming of this millennial light in the year 2000; from 2007 and 2011, you will have entities on this earth in the 5th and 6th interdimensions."So how are you groomed? You are groomed by those who are already in the 5th and 6th dimensions. You can't see; so in actual reality those space ships that you are seeing are in the 5th and 6th. You are only getting glimpses."I have to stop and change this silly instrument. {Note: Valiant Thor reversed the tape on the tape recorder}"See that? I even know how to do this. Very strange, your instruments. We can talk through light beams. If I want to talk to you 93 million miles away, I talk through one light beam. This light beam will travel, as we call it, at the speed of interdimensionality. So we will get from one dimensionality to another within seconds."Hard to understand. But when you get into these unconscious superconscious states of evolvement, then you can understand why there is no frequency. See, you have an energy system on your earth that has burnout. This is what stops things from working on a perpetual basis. This is burnout. You have got to get away from that and into the idea of creating whatever you need to fulfill that purpose. That's it! To fulfill that purpose."Now, talking about the every 26,000 years and getting strongly into the millennial light on earth, similar to other galaxies, you have a blending of the unconscious into the superconscious state of omniscience and full understanding of one's self."Great changes will take place from the year 2000 to the year 2007 and to the year 2011. You will be getting the final segment of ascension from the years 2011 to 2022."On each segment one master number of eleven will thereafter set the stage proper. "The body will last, in this case, 1000 years as foreseen as the millennium."The millennial light is the guidance of knowledge that takes you into and through all of these stages of interdimensionality to arrive to a superconscious state. What will happen to this planet earth after the year 2097, there will be a perfection of masters. After that, there will be no need for people to come back to pay karma in a form that you are in now. The earth will strictly be for masters."It is hard to understand those segments. But as you get higher into your consciousness and as you realize right now looking at your scientists of the great progress in outer space, we find this interesting. But we find it almost like a waste of time because when we view it, we look at it from the perspective, of course, of our advancement. This is wrong because even as an earthling you have to start somewhere and begin to advance somehow."There will be a big change in your Apollos and your Discoveries, whatever you will call your spacecraft, especially in the year of 2011. You will find that you will be travelling on interstellar polarity to many dimensions, to whatever being you are going to."So this idea then may ask the question of 'Beam me up Scotty'. Why do they not then, being in the gaseous state on Jupiter, just beam themselves up into another higher dimension? It is because they have allowed themselves to be of solid, liquid, gas, gaseous, electrical states of form in a galaxy that has a life similar to this. So when you are in that form, then you are restricted to only the knowledge that that form will give you. That is why we have our spaceships there on alert. So we do when we come into other galaxies that need evacuation. That is one of our purposes because our craft can travel at an extremely fast speed, if you wish to call it that."If you are in, say my state, which is in more of the electrical state, then I can 'beam me up Scotty' because then I don't have frequency. When you have burnout in frequency, you have lasting form of energy that only lasts a certain length of time. We go into, what we call, recreative energy."Recreative energy is a constant replenishment of energy as you go along. There is no depletion of energy in that state. If I was to give you the dimensions of, say my engine room, and how it really works and you took it to one of your smartest engineers here on Earth, they would laugh silly. So you see that when you are progressing in another state of consciousness how you lose that kind of concept. Wherever you are in the galaxy, you have a certain kind of concept and that is the concept that is your experience."Have an open mind. Some of you are in a new age metaphysical movement. Some of you will touch upon, what we call, fourth gear. There is a four-wheel drive in meditation, if you can find it. There are all kinds of things in the unconscious state that you will start to use. This is why, in some of your galaxies there is extinction. There is only extinction of form. Understand?"When they went, say through an ascension on the planet of Owander in the galaxy of Exxon, when they went through the change, they went completely through the ascension into the subconscious, unconscious and superconscious and died to the extinction of their conscious form. So why certain forms become extinct is because they believe in ascension. They don't believe in procreation constantly."This is why some of your Zetas are having problems. They need a little bit of an education because they are going into extinction and they are doing it in a manner that is not really acceptable on your earth terms, what you would call your social norms, what you would call kosher, or what you would call what is right and what is wrong. I agree with you. They are out of control. But if you do not fear them, you have won the battle. They only strive on fear. Remember that. They are soulless. Some of them are referred to as Satan's angels."Now, who is Satan? The word satan just means another soulless person that went out of control through extinction when he was in the Godhead; when he was an archangel. You could fall and you could go up. Going up is called ascension. Falling is called death. I want you to remember that. There is a very important principle here."When you come into a new knowledge or strong feeling, work with what you call your gut feeling because that gut feeling is tied into the unconscious superconscious. You have spurts here. You have great feelings. You have deja vu's. You hear voices. But you see, when we talk to some of your earthlings, you will hear voices. But if you go to your very intelligent men, called your psychiatrist, we should call him a psychiatwist, they will say you are completely off course because you can't have that kind of sensation because you have five physical senses and this is all you can pick up because this is what our medical charts say. And you don't fit on page 59. 'Well, let us see now. We'll take you to a small place, put a white jacket on you and treat you'."There are many sane people in the insane asylums. Let me tell you, when we are dealing with these high consciousnesses, we are dealing with no boundaries of intelligence."Sometimes your insects called ants are very intelligent when they build their homes on high ground when they already know that there is going to be a bad winter and a lot of flooding. It makes me wonder, even in your insect world, how that strong vibration that comes to a little ant who takes warning and yet when some of you people hear voices, some will listen, some will just say it is nonsense and some will not even act and some will get castigated."It is a strange world when we only work on our five physical senses. We are going to be prisoners to our own social norms that we make from the five senses. It is your loss because you came here with the unconscious state of the mind. So as one of your great teachers said, Sigmund Freud says you are only using one-fifth of that power within your mind."He was touching upon and very close to the unconscious. And we could go on and on; great people like Jung; great people in your existence of psychiatry, of psychology, who were tapping in. Albert Einstein, Edison, were all tapping into a strong voice, whether it was the voice of electronics, whether it was the voice of invention, or whether it was the voice of guidance. It is for you to decipher the voice."There is a voice that is eternal inside of you. And this voice can only be understood when you start to submerge deep into the understanding of the understanding of yourself."I say to you this evening in finality. It is interesting, interesting species wherever you go. Each and every one of you is related. No matter what form you are, you are related. You are related in the unconscious mind. You are all from the same source that gives birth to whatever form you are taking at this particular time. I want you to remember that. There is only one brother, one sister, one father, one mother. And it is called God/Goddess, the unconscious. And it is part of you."I leave you tonight and say alahoy."Chapter Two!Valiant Thor Speaks Main Page!Read more:
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