Patricia Cota-Robles
AUGUST 27, 2018
As I assimilate the wonders that took place during the 32nd Annual World Congress on Illumination, and strive to put into words what was cocreated through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth, I AM overwhelmed, humbled and elated in ways I have not previously experienced. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world consciously joined with those of us gathered within the Portal of Light at Diamond Head in Honolulu, Hawaii from their various points of Light all over the planet. I was also clearly shown by our Father-Mother God that the I AM Presence of every single person on Earth assisted through the multidimensional aspects of their superconscious mind to cocreate the miracles that took place that week whether they were consciously aware of it or not. Please read these words from within the Flame of Illumined Truth pulsating in the Divinity of your Heart. Know that YOU were an essential part of this facet of our Father-Mother God’s unfolding Divine Plan. You God Victoriously succeeded in fulfilling a mission you have been preparing to accomplish for lifetimes.
The Hawaiian Islands are mountain peaks on the huge continent of Lemuria that used to exist in the Pacific Ocean. That is where the initial impulse of our fall from Grace took place aeons ago. When it was clear that we were spiraling into an abyss of our own making, our Father-Mother God determined that the continent of Lemuria must be submerged in the healing waters of the Pacific Ocean. When that occurred, Lemuria broke apart and some of it was pushed into the Southern Hemisphere. The islands of the South Pacific, Australia and New Zealand are also part of Lemuria.
This year we were called back to Honolulu and the Portal of Light at Diamond Head for the 32nd WCI because our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven perceived that the awakening taking place within the hearts and minds of the masses of Humanity had reached the potential of reversing the adverse effects of our fall from Grace back to the initial impulse of the fall on Lemuria. They knew that if the Sons and Daughters of God embodied on Earth could accomplish that miracle, it would assure that the Millennials and the children would be able to transcend the toxic substances and the gross contaminations within their Earthly Bodies that have been preventing their I AM Presence from activating their consciousness codes.
There were both Celestial and Earthly events that assisted in paving the way for this monumental endeavor. For several weeks the Earth and all her Life were bathed in powerful planetary alignments and a triple Eclipse Series that was brought to fruition during the Opening Ceremonies for the World Congress on August 11, 2018. That weekend was the peak of the annual Perseid Meteor Shower. As comets and meteors pass the Earth they shake the ethers and break down the obsolete crystallized patterns and archetypes of Humanity’s miscreations. This allows the Elohim to create a fluid field of unmanifest Divine Potential upon which new patterns for the unfolding Divine Plan can be encoded by Humanity and the Company of Heaven.
In addition to the assistance we received from the Cosmos, for several weeks the Elohim and the Directors of the Elements assisted in relieving the pressure building up in the body of Mother Earth through the Divine Alchemy she is experiencing in her Ascension process. This was necessary in order for her to be able to safely receive the unprecedented frequency of Light that was needed to activate the consciousness codes within the DNA of the Holy Innocents. That release of pressure was accomplished during the eruption of the Kaleo Volcano. Then, on August 8th during the opening of the Portal of the Lion’s Gate above the Pyramid in Egypt, Hurricane Hector passed by the Hawaiian Islands clearing the atmosphere of the last vestiges of the surfacing dross prior to the activities of Light that would take place during the 32nd Annual World Congress on Illumination.
On August 11th, the Opening Ceremonies were free and open to the public allowing many Lightworkers from Honolulu and the surrounding areas to weave their magnificent Light into the Chalice of our unified Heart Flames. During that event, our Father-Mother God infused our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love with the highest frequencies of Light that Mother Earth and Humanity were capable of withstanding at an atomic and subatomic cellular level. This unfathomable frequency of Transfiguring Divine Love flooded the Earth amplifying the Divine Intentions of the Lightwork of every person on Earth one thousand fold in preparation for the miracles that were destined to be accomplished throughout the entire week.
Every day during the World Congress on Illumination we had enlightened presenters, wonderful singers, musicians, music, meditations and visualizations that blessed the attendees and enhanced the ability of every one of us to stay focused on the Light and our Divine Mission. Day by day, our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven guided us through activities of Light that enabled us to accomplish the facet of the Divine Plan intended for that day. Those activities of Light were multidimensional and were God Victoriously accomplished through the unified efforts of our Father-Mother God, the Company of Heaven and the embodied Lightworkers who participated at both inner and outer levels.
On August 12th, our Father-Mother God said that the greatly intensified purging process Humanity has been going through since the beginning of 2018 had pushed tons of Humanity’s miscreations, negative thoughtforms and behavior patterns to the surface to be transmuted back into Light. They said this powerful purging process caused an unintended accumulation of negativity in the Psychic Astral Realm surrounding the Earth. Our God Parents revealed that this dense and very dark energy was interfering with the influx of Light from our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love.
The Psychic Astral Realm is the sea of negativity surrounding the Earth that people who have gone through a near-death experience describe when they talk about passing through a “dark tunnel” on their journey into the Light. Our Father-Mother God said that the first phase of our Divine Mission in Honolulu was for each of us to be the Open Door for an activity of Light the Company of Heaven would lead us through. This activity was designed to transmute the dense negativity in the Psychic Astral Realm, so that the Light of God necessary for the activation of the consciousness codes of the Holy Innocents would not be blocked from Earth. I will describe this awesome activity of Light step by step, so you can get a glimpse of the magnitude of this Divine Intervention.
First, the Mighty Elohim who are the Builders of Form descended into the atmosphere of Earth and took their strategic positions equal distance around the equator of this planet. The Elohim were followed by Archangel Michael and his Legions of Power and Protection. Archangel Michael directed these awesome Beings of Light to traverse the Earth and to project their powerful Swords of Blue Flame into all of the vulnerable areas and the wounds in the body of Mother Earth. Archangel Michael’s Legions projected their Swords of Blue Flame into all of the tectonic plates, cracks, faults, fissures and weak areas in the body of Mother Earth. They also reinforced the areas where mining, drilling for oil, fracking and nuclear testing have taken place.
Next, under the direction of Saint Germain, Legions of 5th-Dimensional Violet Flame Archangels of Infinite Transmutation took their positions throughout the Psychic Astral Realm and within the atmosphere of every country, province, state, city, town and hamlet on Planet Earth.
Once this was accomplished, the Directors of the Elements took their positions at the four Cardinal Points. Thor and Aries and the Sylphs of the Air were stationed at the Cardinal Point to the North, Neptune and Lunara and the Undines of the Water were stationed at the Cardinal Point to the East, Pelleur and Virgo and the Nature Spirits of the Earth were stationed at the Cardinal Point to the South, Helios and Vesta and the Salamanders of the Fire were stationed at the Cardinal Point to the West and Aeolus and Amaryllis and the Devas and Deva Rajas of the Ether were stationed within the Sun of Even Pressure in the center of the Earth.
As all of these Beings of Light stood in readiness, our Father-Mother God bathed Beloved Mother Earth and all Life evolving upon her with a Healing unguent of their Divine Love and Comfort in preparation for the unprecedented cleansing process that was about to take place.
To begin the cleansing process, Saint Germain sounded a Cosmic Tone signaling his Violet Flame Archangels to begin blazing the most intensified frequencies of the Violet Flame of Infinite Transmutation that Cosmic Law would allow in, through and around the Psychic Astral Plane. Instantaneously, the Violet Flame shattered every thoughtform, pattern, archetype and matrix that Humanity had either deliberately or inadvertently miscreated since our fall from Grace aeons ago.
When that facet of the cleansing process was complete, Saint Germain then directed the Violet Flame Archangels standing within the atmosphere of every country, province, state, city, town and hamlet on Earth to blaze this powerful 5th-Dimensional Violet Flame of Infinite Transmutation in, through and around every remaining thought, feeling, word, action, memory and belief that the Sons and Daughters of God have ever expressed in any time frame or dimension, that were not based in Love.
After this unparalleled cleansing process was victoriously accomplished, the electronic Light substance and the atomic and subatomic particles and waves of energy that were forced to outpicture those gross mutations by a fallen Humanity were taken into the embrace of our Father-Mother God and bathed with their Healing unguent of Comfort and Love.
As this previously distorted and grossly mutated intelligent electronic Light substance was Loved free and transformed back into its original perfection, this Life Force began to awaken to its Divine Potential and to remember its purpose and reason for being.
The Directors of the Elements witnessed this awakening and began magnetizing from the very Heart of God the first gentle frequencies of 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light that these previously distorted electrons and atomic and subatomic particles and waves of Life had been able to integrate. Instantaneously, these precious Life Forms were prepared to receive, along with Humanity and all of the rest of Life evolving on Mother Earth, the next level of our Father-Mother God’s Healing process.
That Gift from On High was a Baptism by Sacred Fire from the Holy Spirit, our Mother God. As the Company of Heaven watched in breathless awe, our Mother God breathed her Holy Breath through the Portal of Light at Diamond Head and Baptized the Earth and all her Life with Sacred Fire.
Once this Gift of Sacred Fire was received by every particle and wave of Life on Earth, the Mighty Elohim Inbreathed Mother Earth and all her Life further up the Spiral of Evolution into higher frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar New Earth than we have ever experienced. As this miracle took place, our Father-Mother God, the Company of Heaven and the I AM Presence of every man, woman and child on Earth watched with open hearts and Infinite Gratitude.
On August 13th the Company of Heaven told us that through the cleansing activities of Light that were victoriously accomplished the previous day, the very dark and distorted energy in the Psychic Astral Realm had been successfully transmuted into a veil of gossamer Light. They said this very thin gossamer veil was now allowing greatly enhanced frequencies of Light to bathe the Earth through our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love. This paved the way for the next phase of the Divine Plan.
We were told by the Beings of Light that important shifts of energy, vibration and consciousness had taken place within the hearts and minds of the masses of Humanity since our Father-Mother God’s new Divine Plan was initiated in January of 2018. They said these shifts allowed more Light than ever before to flow through every person’s newly balanced and recalibrated Heart Flame during the opening of the Lion’s Gate on August 8th. That influx of Light allowed the I AM Presence of every person to open their 5th-Dimensional Heart Chakra to new breadths. The Beings of Light said the increased Light that had been flowing through every person’s Heart Chakra since August 8th had gently softened and prepared their hearts for the next phase of our Divine Mission.
On August 13th our Father-Mother God reiterated to us the greatest need of the hour. In the silence of every person’s Heart Flame, our God Parents had been sounding a Cosmic Tone with the Divine Intent of awakening within each of us the KNOWING that we are ONE and that there is no separation. We were told that our Divine Mission for that day was to be the Open Door for a greatly intensified activity of Light that would exponentially expand that holy endeavor.
The Company of Heaven guided us through an activity of Light that was designed to Love ALL Life FREE and assist every person on Earth, even the most recalcitrant and asleep Sons and Daughters of God, to hear the Cosmic Tone that was now reverberating within every person’s Heart Flame. Through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth, that exponentially expanded activity of Light built in momentum throughout the day and helped the I AM Presence of  every person on Earth to awaken within their Heart Flame the KNOWING that “We are One.”
On August 14th we all participated in the activity of Light that was shared around the world that morning on our Weekly Vlog number 75. In order to empower that activity of Light in monumental ways, our Father-Mother God asked the Angel of Resurrection to intervene. In response to their request, the Angel of Resurrection descended into the atmosphere of Earth and expanded his luminous Presence until the Earth and all her Life were cradled within the Divinity of his Heart.

The Angel of Resurrection then breathed the most intensified frequencies of the Mother of Pearl Resurrection Flame that we were capable of receiving into the Core of Purity in every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth. This Gift of the Resurrection Flame greatly enhanced the activity of Light we were guided through on Vlog 75. As One unified Heart, we accelerated the Divine Alchemy taking place within the Earthly Bodies of Humanity and Mother Earth to the next level of our physical preparation.
After the activity of Light in the morning, the attendees at the 32nd WCI had a free day. They were guided to listen to their heart and to go wherever they were inspired to go on the island. Everywhere these dedicated Lightworkers went, they spread their Light and expanded the Portal of Light at Diamond Head in preparation for the events that would take place on August 15th and 16th.
August 15th is celebrated around the world as Mother Mary’s Ascension Day. The exquisite Light associated with this exponent of our Mother God and the Divine Feminine began bathing the Earth the moment the Sun crossed the International Date Line which was actually August 14th in Honolulu, Hawaii. On August 14thMother Mary projected her luminous Presence into the auras of the attendees at the World Congress on Illumination as they traversed the island. In preparation for the next day, Mother Mary anchored her Light wherever these dedicated Lightworkers were called to be.
On August 15th, as Mother Mary’s Healing Light continued to infuse our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love, she asked her Beloved Sister Pallas Athena to join her for an unprecedented activity of Healing. Pallas Athena is known through all Creation as the Goddess of Truth and the Keeper of the Flame of Illumined Truth. She joyfully accepted Mother Mary’s invitation.
As the luminous Presence of Mother Mary and Pallas Athena pulsated in the atmosphere of Earth, Mother Mary breathed the Madonna Blue and Crystalline White Flame of the Immaculate Concept into the Heart Flame of every person on Earth. This Sacred Fire contains within its frequencies the matrix for the Divine Potential within every Son and Daughter of God.
Once the Flame of the Immaculate Concept was secured within every Heart Flame, Pallas Athena breathed the Emerald Green and Sunshine Yellow Flame of Illumined Truth into the Heart Flame of every person. The Divine Intent of that Gift from Pallas Athena was to illuminate and to awaken within every person the profound Truth of who we are and why we are on Earth during this auspicious Cosmic Moment.
When all was in readiness Mother Mary and Pallas Athena assisted the I AM Presence of every person on Earth to anchor the Immaculate Concept of our Divine Potential and the Illumined Truth of who we are and why we are here within the Core of Purity in every electron of our physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies. Then, those of us gathered within the Portal of Light at Diamond Head were asked to serve as surrogates on behalf of the Millennials and the children for an activation of their 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies. As we were guided through this powerful activation, we also held the sacred space for the activation of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Bodies of both awakened and unawakened Humanity.
After that activity of Light was complete, Mother Mary sent forth her Legions of 5th-Dimensional Archangels to gather from all time frames and dimensions the indigenous Grandmothers and Grandfathers who have tenaciously held the sacred space and the Divine Intention that one day Mother Earth would be restored to her original beauty and wondrous expression of Heaven on Earth.
Responding to the Clarion Call of Mother Mary’s Archangels, our precious ancestors in the Family of Humanity from all indigenous traditions descended into the atmosphere of Earth from the far reaches of the Cosmos. These selfless Ones traversed the Earth north, south, east and west and took their strategic positions within Mother Earth’s Crystal Grid System to serve as acupuncture needles along the meridians of this planet.

The Mighty Elohim and the Directors of the Elements then took their strategic positions around the Earth in order to assist with the final step of preparation for the most intensified Healing that Humanity and Mother Earth had ever received.

When all was in readiness, Mother Mary sounded a Cosmic Tone and the Mighty Elohim began Inbreathing from the Core of Creation the most intensified frequencies of the Emerald Green and Violet Flame of Healing Through the Power of Transmutation that Cosmic Law would allow. Then, on the Outbreath, these Mighty Builders of Form breathed this unfathomable Healing Flame into our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love. Once this Healing Light was infused into our Grid of Divine Love, it was anchored within the Heart Flames of the indigenous Grandmothers and Grandfathers stationed along the acupuncture meridians in Mother Earth’s Crystal Grid System.

Then, on the Holy Breath, our indigenous ancestors breathed these new frequencies of the Emerald Green and Violet Flame of Healing Through the Power of Transmutation through their Heart Chakras into the physical world of form. With the assistance of every person’s I AM Presence, this powerful Healing Light was secured within the Core of Purity in every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth blessing this sweet Earth and all her Life with the most effective and intensified Healing we had ever received
That afternoon our Father-Mother God revealed to us that the activities of Light that had been God Victoriously accomplished during the first days of the 32nd Annual World Congress on Illumination had created a rare opportunity for the recalcitrant souls who are still resisting Earth’s Ascension in the Light to reclaim their path of Divine Love. The Company of Heaven said the possibility of that miracle was actually beyond their greatest expectations.
These recalcitrant souls are our sisters and brothers who were in danger of being left behind during the Shift of the Ages but who, through an act of Divine Grace, eventually made the decision to do what was necessary in order to transmute their karmic liabilities in time. After the New Earth was birthed in the Realms of Cause and the Shift of the Ages was victoriously accomplished on December 21-22, 2012, our wayward sisters and brothers began to tangibly experience what it meant for them to give up their power and greed in order to function from a place of Oneness and Reverence for all Life. This terrified them and caused them to revert to the old patterns of control and manipulation which they had wielded for centuries.
Tragically, when that occurred our recalcitrant sisters and brothers began to renege on their commitment to transmute their karmic liabilities. Instead, they began doing whatever they could to block Humanity’s forward progress in the Light. Their actions are what caused our Father-Mother God to initiate the New Divine Plan and the Divine Mission of activating the consciousness codes within the DNA of the Millennials and the children.
On August 15th, in a powerful activity of Light involving their I AM Presence and their multidimensional consciousness, these fallen Sons and Daughters of God were called Home and escorted by Mother Mary and Pallas Athena into the very Heart of our Father-Mother God. In the Realms of Illumined Truth they were once again shown who they truly are as Beloved Sons and Daughters of God.
While the Lightworkers gathered in Honolulu, Hawaii and those tuning in from around the world held the sacred space, our Father-Mother God gave our sisters and brothers another chance to commit to their agreement of transmuting their karmic liabilities and of reclaiming the Path of Divine Love they will need to follow on their journey to the 5th-Dimensional New Earth.

When that activity of Light was complete, the Company of Heaven said that a critical mass of these resistant souls had made the choice to renew their commitment to transmute their karmic liabilities and to return to the Path of Divine Love. This positive decision by a critical mass of our resistant sisters and brothers created an unstoppable shift that lifted the remaining recalcitrant souls, who had refused this opportunity, into a Higher Order of Being. This will hopefully give their I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven a better chance of still reaching them.
August 16th was the final day of the World Congress on Illumination. I will share with you step by step the miracles that took place that glorious day. Our Father-Mother God revealed to us that since July 12th, which was the New Moon Solar Eclipse that initiated the triple Eclipse Series we had just experienced, the Millennials and the children were escorted into the Temples of the Central Sun of Alpha and Omega in their finer bodies as they slept at night. Through their I AM Presence and within their multidimensional consciousness they were given refresher courses to remind them of the sacred knowledge they have encoded within their consciousness codes. This knowledge contains viable solutions to the maladies on Earth and new information that they will use to assist Humanity and all Life on Earth to cocreate the patterns of perfection for the New Earth in wondrous ways. The Company of Heaven said that this sacred knowledge will surface into their conscious minds in Divine Timing once these codes are activated within their DNA.
During the night time hours of August 15th-16th, within the Eternal Moment of Now, a glorious graduation ceremony took place for the Holy Innocents. This occurred within the Temples of our Great, Great Central Sun. The Solar Logos for this Sun are El and Ela. Attending the ceremony were the I AM Presences of the Sons and Daughters of God evolving on Earth who have been holding the sacred space for the awakening of the Millennials and the children. It also included the I AM Presences of our asleep and recalcitrant sisters and brothers who had just renewed their commitment to return to the Path of Divine Love. That sacred and holy night these previously resistant souls were given permission to enter the Temples of El and Ela for the very first time.
The morning of August 16th began with a glorious procession through the Portals of the Suns in our system of worlds. First, El and Ela led the procession involving the Millennials, the children and all of us who followed them through the Portal of the Great, Great Central Sun. Next, El and Ela were joined by Elohae and Eloha the Solar Logos of our Great Central Sun as the procession passed through the Portal of their Sun. El and Ela and Elohae and Eloha were then joined by Alpha and Omega the Solar Logos from our Central Sun as the procession passed through the Portal of their Sun. And finally Helios and Vesta the Solar Logos of our physical Sun joined the procession as we all passed through the Portal of their Sun.
As this glorious procession descended into the atmosphere of Earth, the Holy Innocents and the rest of the Family of Humanity embodied on Earth traversed the planet taking our places in our specific locations around the world, in preparation for the activation of the consciousness codes within the DNA of the Millennials and the children. When all was in readiness, the miraculous activities of Light involving the activation process began.
The first activity of Light was conducted by Beloved Kwan Yin. This Feminine Being of Light represents our Mother God in the Buddhist tradition. Kwan Yin is known through all Creation as the Goddess of Divine Family Life. In a sacred initiation, Kwan Yin guided the I AM Presences of the Mothers and Fathers and the Grandmothers and Grandfathers of the Millennials and the children through an activity of Light that awakened within them the highest possible frequency of Christ Consciousness. This initiation will to help them to remember that they have been preparing for lifetimes to be the most nurturing and enlightening support system possible for the awakening Holy Innocents. At the conclusion of the initiation, Kwan Yin blessed Mother Earth and the entire Family of Humanity with her Celestial Song.
Next, the Mighty Elohim took their strategic positions equal distance around the equator of the Earth. All twelve masculine and feminine Elohim brought to Earth within the Divinity of their Heart Flames powerful new frequencies of the Twelve 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Aspects of Deity. It is this 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Light Substance that the Holy Innocents and the rest of Humanity will use to cocreate the patterns of perfection for the New Earth.
The Elohim were followed by Serapis Bey and his Angelic Legions of the Ascension Flame. These Mighty Angels traversed the Earth and took their positions in, through and around every facet of Life on this planet. When they were in their designated positions, these magnificent Ascension Angels breathed the Crystalline White Ascension Flame from the Heart of God into the Core of Purity within every electron of precious Life energy on Earth. With the Ascension Flame blazing through every particle and wave of Life in the body of Mother Earth and all Life evolving upon her, the activation of the conscious codes within the DNA of the Holy Innocents began.
Our Father-Mother God sounded a Cosmic Tone and the Mighty Elohim began their descent into the center of the Earth carrying within their Heart Flames the highest frequencies of the Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity the Earth had ever experienced. As they entered the Sun of Even Pressure in the Heart of Mother Earth, they knelt before the mighty pillar of Light that forms the axis of the Earth. Then, one by one, the Elohim breathed the specific Aspect of Deity they were responsible for into the Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras aligned along the axis of Mother Earth. When the Elohim were finished Mother Earth’s Twelve Solar Chakras were pulsating with the highest frequencies of the Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Aspects of Deity that this planet had ever experienced. All Twelve of the Aspects of Deity formed a Circle of the Sacred Twelve within each Chakra.
When that phase of the Divine Ceremony was complete, the exquisite Light anchored in Mother Earth’s Chakras began radiating through her Crystal Grid System. As it did, the Grandmothers and the Grandfathers from all indigenous traditions breathed this Light into their Heart Flames and permanently secured it in the physical, etheric, mental and emotional strata of Mother Earth.
With that activity of Light complete, the frequency of Light from our Father-Mother God that would allow the I AM Presences of the Millennials and the children to activate the consciousness code within their DNA began flowing into our Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love. As this unfathomable Light flowed through the Portal at Diamond Head, it descended into the Heart of Mother Earth and was transmitted through her Crystal Grid System into the newly balanced and recalibrated Heart Flames of awakening Humanity.
Through the dedication and the Divine Intensions of Lightworkers around the world, our Father-Mother God’s Light was amplified one thousand fold as it entered the Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Strands of DNA within the Holy Innocents. As this occurred, the I AM Presence of every child and every Millennial gently activated the consciousness codes that were placed in their DNA prior to this embodiment.
Once this miraculous event was God Victoriously accomplished in perfect Divine Order our Father-Mother God revealed to us that this blessed planet was now pulsating at a frequency of Light that would allow her to Ascend up the Spiral of Evolution and, at long last, reclaim her rightful place in our Solar System. This is something that Mother Earth had not been able to accomplish since our fall from Grace aeons ago. 
As all Creation watched in breathless awe, our Father-Mother God Inbreathed Mother Earth and all Life evolving upon her up the Spiral of Evolution where she was able to reclaim her rightful place in the Solar Systems of Helios and Vesta, Alpha and Omega, Elohae and Eloha and El and Ela.
Our Father-Mother God said that with the success of this wondrous event the old Earth was absorbed into the Light of the New Earth. This means that the old Earth no longer exists. Our God Parents said that only a small amount of the negative residue from Humanity’s miscreations remain to be transmuted into the Light. Now, through our deliberate and heart-based efforts, the Holy Innocents and the rest of Humanity will be able to cocreate the patterns of perfection for the New Earth in ways that we have not even dreamed about.
So stay focused on the Light, listen to your heart and BE the Open Door that no one can shut. Our purpose and reason for being on Earth as Beloved Sons and Daughters of God is now beginning in earnest. Thank you and God Bless you ALL. Victory is Ours!
God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles
Era of Peace
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
Phone: 520-885-7909, FAX: 520-751-2981,
Era of Peace,  PO Box 41883,  Tucson, Arizona 85717
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is offered for FREE, it is not altered, and the proper credit line is included. Thank You.
©2018 Patricia Cota-Robles
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  • Dear amparo,

    Yesterday only I saved it as a pdf.


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