Video & Transcript ~ Sanat Kumara: Universal Law, Operating System for Nova Earth

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Thanks to Mary for this transcription.

Universal Law: Operating system for Nova Earth

Sanat Kumara

An Hour With an Angel, April 27, 2017

Linda Dillon: Channel for the Council of Love

Steve Beckow: Host, InLight Radio

Steve Beckow: Why don’t I let you make your transition, Linda, and we’ll welcome Sanat Kumara, the Planetary Logos, the being responsible for the human civilization on the planet. He’s from Venus. He’s known to most of the world’s religions. He incarnated or visited as Quetzalcoatl, Ahuramazda for the Zoroastrians, Skandha, Subramanya, Dipamkara, the Lamplighter Buddha. He is Keeper of the Universal Laws and we’re very eager to hear you, Raj.

Sanat Kumara: And I am eager to hear you. Greetings, I am Sanat Kumara. Yes, Keeper of Universal Law, Planetary Logos, and beloved brother of Venus, of gold, of so many experiences. And I have been the Planetary Logos and will be the Planetary Logos until the Plan and the Dream and the desire of the Mother, in this phase, comes to completion.

Let us begin this night by telling you, by sharing with you, my exuberance and joy, for there is new life, greater joy, new experience, new energy upon this planet of love. As you have mentioned, my home planet, if you were to think of it that way, is Venus – also a planet of love. So, I know whereof I speak when I suggest to you, when I tell you, when I share with you the good news…that the quotient of love upon this planet of grace is growing exponentially, every day, every minute, every hour. And yes, we congratulate all of you for committing your hearts, your minds, your beings, to love. Yes, of course, it is an excellent undertaking to do a meditation on love…all together, at once, simultaneously, domino effect, it matters not.

But what I also wish to say to you, “Why, why beloved ones, would you not choose to live your entire life in the luminous glory, the bliss, the sweet satisfaction of love? Why would you choose or proceed in anything else?” I know and I declare that as we speak this night that this message goes forth all over this beautiful planet of Gaia. But I also address you who are lightworkers and love-holders because you have evolved and you are evolving and yes, there is this particular project underway with my brother, Uriel, and that will broaden the pattern of love and anchor more deeply the promise.

But why, and I pose this question specifically, why would you choose to proceed, to live, to exist, to experience, to express, anything other than love? Why would you choose to be or to align with anything other than love? It makes no sense. Now, many of you, and especially in the broader worldwide context, pride yourself on logical thinking…your mental body is overworked and underfed…and so you pride yourself on the logic, or what you think of as logic – which has no basis in sound mental capacity – because you do not choose the love; you choose the ego, or you choose what you believe to be practical. The only practical choice is to align with the Mother’s love…anything else is difficult.

So often we hear, “Oh, I would like to do that; I would like to live in a world of love; I would like to live in a world of kindness or consideration…but, but, but, but, if only…” The truth of the matter is, my friends, that in any other choice, in any other action, in any other behavior, you are making your life more difficult, not more fluid, not more graceful, not easier. You think that you are complying with a paradigm that is fixed in various societies, institutions, but in fact, you are aligning with whispers and vapors that do not exist.

And that is why, as your beloved Planetary Logos, as your brother, as your friend, and as the Keeper of the Laws, I have asked to visit yet again. And that is why I have also begun by saying, let me put it very simply, “Love is winning” and let me also declare in the short run, in the medium run, and in the long run… “Love always wins!” In the case of this planet and in the human illusion that has grown up, it has taken some time. And while you think of this process in terms of thousands of years, we think of it and know of it in terms of millions of years.

We never stop this work of love and we never quit. We never pretend that it is something other than what it is and we always adhere and bring you back to what is the truth. You are entering into a beautiful new realm and chapter of existence; it is what you have asked for, prayed for, worked for, and yearned for. In this realm of existence that you are stepping into and many of you are already within, there is only one operating system. If you want to know how things work then look to Universal Law – it is not codified rules and regulations, it is an understanding of how to proceed and live and be on a planet of love.

Universal Law does not simply pertain to this planet or galaxy, it pertains for all…it is the rules, it is the understanding. So often we hear you and you say, “I’m not quite sure how this works, how this planet works…it is so chaotic.” But the chaos, the hatred, the greed, the abuse that you have all witnessed in various ways, shapes, and forms has come from a lack of adherence, from a deviation from Universal Law.

So, as you progress, entrain yourselves individually leading in stewardship and leadership leading the collective, showing them the way. You retrain, you have already been forging new pathways and what you are doing is saying, “Come, come and follow me.” You are the lead goose, you are the lead duck, you are the lead fish, and it starts, my beloved ones, with the Law of Sacred Purpose.

If you do not know, individually and collectively, what your sacred purpose is and align with that, then what are you aligning with? What are you committing to? What are you following? You are simply following ethers, you are following what does not exist. You are following others and another does not hold the key to your plan, yes, within the Mother’s Plan.

You say, “But I am not sure, Lord. Raj, can you tell me what my sacred purpose is?” And, of course, I most certainly can, I can tell you in the specific detail and I can tell you in the broadest strokes. And if you turn to me I will assist you in that discovery, in that unfoldment, that sheer joy. But what I suggest to you, my evolve, ascending brothers and sisters, is that you do know, you have, maybe diligently, been trying to ignore it, or pretending that it is too grandiose, or that it is too egoic. Stop the ignoring, the pretending. Let go of the facade and embrace yourself in sacred purpose.

There is not a one of you who has come to this planet without a full knowing of why you are here. You may have tried to bury it. You may have been fearful of criticism or exposure or vulnerability. All of that is understood, it is not even a matter, truly, of forgiveness, it is simply a matter of assumption, of assuming your divine authority and right to be in the freedom of who you are, to be in the glory of who you are, not in a way that is hierarchical but in a way that is fully participatory, cooperative, collegial, embracing, unitive. The time for pretending is over. You are assuming your mantle, you already have. Now you have need, my beloveds, to step out into the world.

So many upon this beautiful planet are still feeling or thinking that they are confused. When one claims and declares and begins to truly operate in the clarity and purity and grace that the Mother has given you, it not only acts as role model, as mentor, it bestows courage, valor, bravery, excitement in other people. There is an entrainment, a herd mentality in human beings, you see it all the time… ‘well, if they can do it, I can do it’…and that is perfect.

The nature of this collective is truly to belong, is truly to be part of, but it is part of the love, it is participating and sharing the love. And moving from that place where you simply, in privacy, enjoy the bliss to actually living in action, in undertaking, in co-creation with us using the essence, the energy of love to bring forth what the Mother has already deemed.

You have been staying the course and you have done magnificently well. But fulfillment, my sweet angels, is more than simply staying the course, which continues to be in force; it is stepping into, embracing excitedly, breathing peacefully and excited, at the same time what you are capable of and from that place of sacred purpose and intent to use the Universal Laws.

They are not esoteric, they are entirely practical and this is the operating system for Nova Earth and Nova Being. So, you cannot say, sweet ones, “Oh, I don’t know about Universal Law.” It is time to know. You would not get into a car, or a truck, or a steam shovel without knowing how to turn on the ignition or put the vehicle in reverse or forward or neutral. It is as basic as that.

Now sweet friend, dear Steve, where do you wish to begin?

SB: Well Raj, I’m really torn because I have a lot of questions about the Universal Law but I’m still back with your invitation to ‘be the love.’ When you say that…or it also comes up when you issue an invitation to be a leader, be a financial wayshower or steward, kind of a wall of worry and fear came up, fear of ridicule and voices saying, ‘who do you think you are and who gave you the right and authority? I know that the love you are talking about would sweep away those worries and fears, but I’m not in that love and so long as I’m not…I don’t know how to get into that love in the face of the worries and fears that come up for me.

SK: You have need, yes still deeper, and you are posing a question that many will feel and pose… ‘I’m afraid to be the love’ …that is really what your statements are about because it is not really fear of being a wayshower or a pathfinder because you already are. So, it is fear of the unknown, it is fear of the detail of the unfoldment of the Plan, it is fear of ascension because that again is into the unknown, and it is fear that the Mother is going to reject you

Yes, I’m letting that one sink in.

All of you and all of us exist and carry the very essence, what in human terms you would think of spiritual and physical DNA, of the Mother. So, to be the love isn’t something that you need to become, it is something that you have need to allow to ‘bubble up’ as it were.

Now, why would any being, on your side, on our side, on Cee Cee Cee or Venus, why would any being avoid being the love? It is this concern, illusion yes, but it is real at the same time. If I declare myself as the love, first of all, you are declaring yourself as divine, as an integral part of the Mother/Father/One. And is that not the ultimate hubris, ego, conceit?

But if you do and the Mother finds out – and you know She is a mother, She will always find out – what if She finds out and says, “Oh no, you are not worthy, you are not truly of my heart and loins. You have not earned a place with me. I have not assigned you to this planet or any planet in order to be the fulfillment of our Plan. I have assigned you there so you can prove yourself and you really aren’t that worthy, are you…because look at all the mistakes and missteps you’ve made.”

That is the fear and it is tragic and the fear of stepping forward is “and what if I make another misstep?” And it isn’t about fearing looking foolish. It is about the fear of hurting people or disappointing the Mother. But it also speaks to a fundamental core…yes, we are back to those core issues, are we not?…a core issue of being fearful of being expelled, unacknowledged, and a fear of your own capacity to truly be who you are. Now, that is in the broadest sense.

You are love, your cellular structure, your bones, your breath, your blood, your lymph, your organs are love. We have begun talking to you about this and it is an eye-opener, an awakening for many of you. So, when you say, “I am afraid”, you have two choices. This is ultimately, if nothing else, this is a planet of free choice so you only really have two choices: I can be the love, I can take a wild chance and really, not just try, but be who I am or I can cower in fear and keep batting up against and feeling miserable about my insufficiency. Those are the only two choices.

So, in order to be the love, it actually entails that free will decision. Everything you do and yes, at first it may feel, in human form, balancing your mental, emotional, physical, various bodies, every choice is prefaced by ‘is this of love?’, ‘am I of love?’. ‘am I operating in love?’ And when the answer is no, you go woops, and you correct and you come back because it is your choice to be the fulfillment, yes, of the Mother’s Plan, but more importantly, who you are.

Do you understand what I say?

SB: Well, I do. I’m thinking I often have trouble with the thought that love has become everything and I keep looking for a metaphor because we often understand the unknown in terms of the known, at the intellectual level. That doesn’t necessarily lead to realization but is there any metaphor that you can give me, offer me, that helps me appreciate that love has become everything? Is there anything else in the physical world, for instance, that has become everything…oxygen or…I can’t think of anything?

SK: You are correct because there is only one thing. Think of a seed, one singular little seed that you plant. Perhaps it is a sunflower seed…I am preferential to the gold…and it becomes, from that seed, it becomes a flower. Now, those two things are perceived and experienced very differently. And then the birds come and they eat part of that flower, or the bees pollenate and then it spreads, and it spreads, and it spreads, and then it goes to seed and it dies and it regenerates and it may or may not become something else.

You see, you are looking for a physical explanation for an experiential reality.

SB: Yes.

SK: Everything is love. Now, can we say if we want to play the word game, that nothing is love? No, we cannot. So, it does become confusing at times…I know and I am Planetary Logos and have travelled throughout the multiverse for eons and it is even confusing to me at times. And then I go and I sit at the feet of the Mother/Father/One and it all becomes clear again. And that is what I am asking you to do.

You see, when you start with sacred purpose – and I am bringing you back to rule number one – what it does is it narrows down. That is why I am talking this way…rather than thinking, “this is a planet of love, this is a universe of love, this is the Mother’s Plan of love” it becomes overwhelming… “my skin is love, my liver is love, my carpet is love” …it becomes ridiculous does it not?

So, when you bring it back to your sacred purpose, not in the biggest sense but in the very individual sense, because part of your sacred purpose is to experience love, to know love, and when you have experienced it then you can be it. It is one of those trick questions.

SB: Can I just interject that I have gone through experiences in which I recognized either love, in my field of experience, or bliss and the instant that I recognized them, the instant that I bestowed…no recognized is the word…they completely filled me up and took me over (laughter). Is that what you’re referring to?

SK: Yes. But in that, in that sacred purpose is the practicality of the journey of this lifetime. And the journey of this lifetime…

SB: How is that?

SK: Because you have come – we will use you as an example if you will allow us – your sacred purpose is to be a communicator, is to speak the words of truth because for you, in this your particular sacred purpose, your agreement is to share your perceptions and your knowing of the truth as you know it and as you are coming to know it. And that is one of your experiences and expressions of love. So, it makes it not only tangible, it also makes it applicable to your life, it makes it manageable to your life.

And when you find yourself, whether it is on the blog or in a personal conversation speaking words that are not of truth, not of love, you feel the twinge, you know full well, ‘I am pretending, I am off-track, I am not authentic, I am not being my natural self.’ And that is what we are working with you, not doing for you, not embedding within you, it was already embedded before you arrived, that is what we are working with you to help blossom in each and every one of you, so that you come to know love and be love in every thing you do; not just in deepest meditation or experiences of bliss but how does that translate…we are at the translation stage, we are at the bridging stage…so how do you put that knowing into operation?

SB: So not just brief moments of the experience of this deep love in meditation but actually living in that experience moment to moment to moment to moment you’re saying.

SK: That is correct. And there are times, and it will grow by the way, there are times when you will say, “Well, I know that I am operation with and in the love, I know that I am the love, but it doesn’t feel euphoric today”…but it will. That is the bridge you are crossing. And then, because it becomes your true nature, not even second nature, it reveals and expands your true nature and then anything that is not in alignment with that becomes abrasively discordant. And dealings with other people, because it is a (?) that are not operating from that place becomes abrasively discordant. That is why we have all repeatedly said to you, “Do not engage in the mayhem and chaos. Do not bother any more trying to convince the recalcitrants. Make your side of the fence, as it were, your pathway so attractive, so beautiful and easy that everybody wants to go there; the same way as it once happened that everybody wanted to go to Venus.”

SB: Pathway seems very simple, let go, let go, let go, let go…

SK: And while you are letting go, take action, take action, take action, but make sure, please, that the actions are in the true balance of Universal Law – that when you give, you receive; when you attach, you detach; when you come from above, you come from below. It is the balance…

SB: I don’t understand what that means, Raj…when you come from above, you come from below…

SK: Many of you think to have the experience of the divine that you must go, but in fact, what you are doing is bringing what you have thought of as the above into the below, into your being, and then once it is in your being you are expressing it and experiencing it within yourself and then sending it out to the outer world, so you become a conduit. Think of it as a giant L, so it is directly from the heart of One and the All, into you and out to the greater collective…and when I say the greater collective I mean, of course, this is where we are focused is upon the human race but it travels far, far beyond.

For example, you are recently working with the Porlana C, which by the way is one of my favorite energies – it will transform you in physical reality more than you can even assume, guess, or estimate. But think of it in this way, your star brothers and sisters are pulling it, it is their life force, their divine force, they receive it from the above, they anchor it because it is truly their life force and then they are sending it to the without, they are sending it to each and every one of you. And it is transforming you and you can feel the energy of this change, the higher quotient of electrical energy, the absorption factor, the exhaustion, the exuberation, the fact that you can run a mile and can’t move an inch…you are feeling all of it. This is an example of the above and the below and the factor, the love factor that you are receiving.

SB: Vitamin L.

SK: It is the crucial vitamin.

SB: (Laughter) Aha…boy, well, the Company of Heaven seems to be doing this multi-level task of moving us all forward in terms of our intellectual understanding, ushering us into new experiences, and giving us the energy with Porlana C and the others that assists with realization and assists with bodily revitalization…what a lot to direct. You are the director are you not?

SK: Yes, I am but I have a few helpers.

SB: You do, okay, how are you doing and how are we doing?

SK: I am doing just famously, thank you and I am excited…you know, I will talk about myself for a moment.

You know you all have days when you are high and you are energized and you feel that you can conquer the planet. And then there are days when you feel like you are on auto-pilot and that it is really same-o, same-o kind of dreary. There was a long period of what you think of as time where there wasn’t a lot of breakthrough in terms of the anchoring of ascension and breakthrough and love upon this planet. There were times when I had certainly, if you would use your experience felt, that my Mother had given me an impossible task or I was simply really not that great at my job and that I was taking way too long and assuming the responsibility that truly lay with me, with my team, and with all of you.

And then there is the time when you feel that you can conquer whatever is in front of you, that there is new life, new dawn, new breakthrough, new energies…and that is where we are. And why am I feeling that way, why are all of us feeling that way? My sweet friends, it’s because of you! You are breaking through, not at the speed of light but the speed of love and it is so fast and because it is beyond your understanding of quantum physics, you don’t perceive it because it happened in a nano second divided by a billion. But you are breaking through. That entrainment that we spoke of early on is happening; oh yes, there is some fish that decide to go on their own merry way – that is okay, they will be back.

So, your question is “How are you doing?” Have you also felt, when you are having one of those ho-hum days and you feel you don’t look your best, that you kind of have circles under your eyes and your hair is disheveled and then someone comes along and says to you, “You look fabulous. Have you been dieting? Did you go on vacation? Have you had a holiday? You look great, it’s so good to see you.” And when that is said to you you think ‘well yeah, it isn’t such a ho-hum day, I feel pretty good and I’m looking even better.’ That’s what we’re saying to you.

You will tend to sometimes fall into the trough of ‘stay the course’ and feel like that is all you are doing and that it is a ho-hum kind of day…no, land is in sight. You are holding the space and you are doing spectacularly well. And then you say, “But Raj, are there enough of us?” The answer is yes. Each of you are working with more than you know, assisting human beings in legion, as are we, and it is an exciting time.

When this job is done, I will continue on…and so will you. But we are not there yet, we’re at this birthing time. Think of it, of yourself, new beings are being birthed. You tend to think of your life as beginning and end and aging in-between. But there are within that lifetime, you said that yourself at different times, “I feel reborn. I feel re-invigorated. I feel like I got a second chance. I feel like I’m starting over again.” And you are! Not because you have in any way, shape, or form failed…you have broken through and you are starting that second adventure. You are at the end and you are at the beginning, altogether at once again. It is an exciting time.

But the new chapter, your operating system is Universal Law and it begins with you embracing every minute detail of your sacred purpose. Was your sacred purpose to be a father or a mother, a friend, a brother, a sister, a writer, a surgeon, a communicator, the first being to operate a starship? Was your job to create Nova Earth, regenerate the earth, the air, the soil? And how? I think that is where most of you are confused, sweet ones…it is the how. When you make the decision, when you hold the intent, the ‘how’ emerges and it is emerging and merging with you right now. You are doing very very well.

As Planetary Logos, I am so proud of you and honored, honored to be working, playing and loving with you.

SB: Thank you, Raj, and of course we are honored to be working with you, probably not for the first time I would suspect. Many of us have probably worked with you in the past, is that not correct?

SK: Oh yes. We are old friends. There are some, what would you call them, newbies upon the planet and they have mostly traveled from various sectors of the universe, but most of us, my friends…we have been at this in and out of various forms for a long time. No, you have this saying upon your planet, “This is not our first rodeo.”

SB: That’s funny. So the younger generation…do you have any words for them before we leave our program? They’re going to be carrying the torch, right?

SK: They are carrying the torch and they will be carrying the torch and what is unusual and very encouraging about this wonderful generation – not just their exuberance but their determination to do what they feel they want to do. It is very hard to dissuade any of this new generation from their path. It is not a matter of fortitude, it is simply a matter of knowing, and that they will do what they need to do and they won’t let anything get in their way. They are claiming this planet as home and they are claiming their circle of love.

SB: I’m afraid we’ve run out of time, Raj. Is there anything you’d like to say in closing?

SK: Begin the next adventure even if you feel, sweet angels, like you are peeking behind the curtain. Go ahead and begin. You won’t find an illusion behind the curtain, you will find me, ready, willing, able to help. Go with my love. Farewell.

Channeled by Linda Dillon

© 2017 Council of Love, Inc.


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“Transcript ~ Sanat Kumara – Universal Law: Operating system for Nova Earth, April 27, 2017,” Channeled by Linda Dillon, at

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