During the last 2 teleconferences both Metatron & Melchizedek spoke with us about living upon the earth.
Metatron has been known as the angel who 'holds' the souls of all who incarnated upon the earth. He also is very connected with people while being very powerful in his own way.
Melchizedek to me doesn't feel like an angel. BUT he is very powerful and have lived many lifetimes creating the essence who is he. He's one of the light beings who watch over us creating space and balance.
The Group channel is TONIGHT, March 24th at 7:30 pm. I'll be at Holly Varona's house that is in Roswell, Please contact me for directions.
Here's an opportunity for you to experience channeling! It's fun, it's about the energy, it's about transformation; all of who you are.
Please contact Shelly: shelly@goddesslight.net 770-926-2113 |