Beloved Ascended Master Meta:
Beloved Ones, if you are earnest enough, you will use this Violet Consuming Flame to dissolve and consume every bit of discordant creation which has been drawn about you throughout the centuries. That is the Magnificent Mercy of the "Presence" to mankind today. No matter how great the mistakes have been, by the constant use of the Violet Consuming Flame you can dissolve and consume every discordant thing which you have drawn into your world through the centuries. Beloved Ones, this is what We are trying so earnestly to convey into your feeling world. It does not require long periods of time to do this. If you will do it earnestly, you will feel the results in yourself, lightness in your human forms, and a freedom which will prove your accomplishment to you in the use of the Violet Consuming Flame.
Now Beloved Ones, this is the first Fundamental Activity. As you use the Violet Consuming Flame, it causes the "Presence" to set It into action and keeps It sustained when your mind is on something else. The Violet Consuming Flame acts You do have to set aside a few moments several times a day while you are accepting Its Activity. Call the "Presence" to sustain Its Activity and keep It going on all the time, until every particle of your discordant accumulation of the centuries is dissolved and consumed.
In this way, Dear Hearts, you can so quickly free yourselves. I plead with you, Precious Ones, call your "Mighty I AM Presence" into action to do this with great Power and Speed that you may be free. (You will pardon Me, Lady Betty, if I talk too fast.) Dear Ones, you can accomplish anything that your Hearts desire for your freedom in this Acknowledgement of the "Presence." Do not let anything cause you to feel otherwise!