~ **** My Journey unto the High~POINT of Metatronic LIGHT I AM **** ~
I SEE grass all around me; it is a lawn perfectly tendered and looked after. It is the best I have even seen and I am walking barefoot across it
I SEE nothing but the lawn and my eyes are glued to the grass and the coolness in my feet
I SEE something on the grass, it’s an ice cube I think; I go down and sit beside it, but realise it is not.
I SEE it is a perfect cube of water yet it is held together by a force; as I touch it, it feels wet; but the cube of water does not collapse
I SEE the clear water which is only about 3inches across, immediately it changes colour; my touch had made it change; to my surprise it began to grow and grow. I quickly slide back several times to give it room
I SEE the cube getting bigger and bigger and colours kept changing inside; to blue, red, green, purple, green again, yellow, blue, white, silver and then finally gold
I SEE the cube stop growing; it was about my size and gold in colour, about a foot above the ground and slowly spinning very slowly
I SEE the gold shine and shimmer; then something dropped out at the bottom; it was a Purple Heart shaped diamond, about the size of my palm. It was incredibly cut and polished
As I began to examine it, to my surprise
I SEE a little catch and hook; it was a little door; yes the Purple Heart had a little door to one side of the diamond
I SEE the gold cube and the diamond; I was puzzled, wondering what it all meant
I decide to open this tiny door and as I do; I feel a breeze of fresh air coming from inside. I bring the diamond closer to my eyes and peek through
I SEE a forest and the wind blowing gently across the trees; it was wonderful place I was looking into. There was a stream too with running water and I could hear it too
I SEE dear then another and smaller ones too, running around between the trees; they seem so happy and I smile
I SEE a red bush with tiny flowers and they look exactly the same as my garden
I SEE several butterflies going to the bush; they had multicoloured wings and another group come as well. There must have been dozens of them all on this bush; it was a wonderful sight to see
I SEE everything fading away and I move my eyes away from the Purple Heart
I SEE the cube rise slowly up and move closer to me; then it was exactly underneath me and surrounded me, by slowly moving down
I SEE the golden walls of this hollow cube which has surrounded me; then I feel tiny rain drops falling on me from somewhere, they are golden too and they permeate into my skin quickly
I feel pressure in my head and soon it disappears; my headaches had gone
I SEE a little bird rest in the palm of my hand; it is the most beautiful bird I have ever seen. It looked at me curiously. It has multicoloured wings similar to a peacocks and a purple beak with golden eye shadows. The eyes were green and shiney
I SEE the bird open its wings and tiny diamonds fell into my hands and spilled onto the ground where I was sitting; then it became a pour and a down pour of tiny diamonds all colourless
I SEE thousands and thousands of diamonds dropping all into my hands and spilling over onto the ground. I felt rich and started to laugh in excitement
I SEE the ground me filling up and getting higher and higher with so many diamonds
I SEE the tiny bird give me a kiss and then it disappeared
I SEE everything around me fade away and disappear, my vision had finished
The Inner Sight of the Soul by Shazi
Copyright © SHAZI SIGNPOST 2010-2015
further reading; http://www.signposttothesource.co.uk/content/index.php/my-etheric-awakening/1715-ea006-my-journey-unto-the-highpoint-of-metatronic-light-i-am
~ * The consciousness, having begun to re-awaken to the mysteries of creation,
it desires to gain wisdom and experience of the Creator.
The consciousness seeks to fully experience itself
as a Co-Creator of its own holographic reality in partnership with the Creator.
Dearest ONE, in this sector of the Journey of LIFE that you lead, through this VISION / I SEE,
A SEE~ing EYE YOU are BE~Coming as The Mirror of Your SOUL,
YOU are being led by META~TRON (The Highest POINT of LIGHT, that is META / BEYOND the TRON / MATRIX),
depicted as ONE who Guards The Tree of LIFE, who is an Over~SEER ~
As there is no deity or entity to be personified and subjected under our subjective observation to be real,
that is also YOU at Your Highest MOST POINT of Consciousness in Motion / Movement,
That is The CROWN of all of LIFE, Unmanifest and Manifest,
Relating to COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS that YOU are, @Your Crown Chakra in the Physical,
The Link between the Hue'MAN & The DIVINE ~
residing within the Uni~VERSAL Consciousness that residing within YOU, as YOU ~
~ *
The consciousness that you hold in the physical that is in the third~Dimensional experience of your BEING~ness
wishes to move to the fifth-dimensional level in your Transition,
and is being guided by Your Higher Self and Your Angelic Guides.
The Star Tetrahedron of the fourth level transmutes to the Cube or Cubecahedron / Hexahedron,
whose color frequency is Blue being presented to you as Metatronic Cube, The Crucible of The Creation Process,
from which INFINITE COSMIC LIGHT radiates as Your DIVINE INHERITANCE / PROVISION for YOU through dimensions YOU exist,
For YOU ARE of Supreme Conception and are BIRTHED in every dimensions
from which YOU PROCEED / EMANATE through all of the manifestations through dimensions ~
This cube is a symbol of GROUNDING / ANCHORING,
having 6 square sides and representing the element of earth / SACRED GROUND / ANCHORING PEG of CONSCIOUSNESS ~
A solid foundation and stability suggesting a need for patience and consistency,
allowing things to develop in their own perfect time ~
The cube is the only regular Hexahedron is a symbol of GROUNDING / ANCHORING ~
The dual of a cube is Octahedron / Diamond (a Birectified Cube whose faces are points;
The third of the platonic solids in the octahedron having 8 triangular sides
and symbolizing the element of air.
Pointing to diplomacy, grace and willingness to learn.)
A Cube being through series of truncation becomes a DIAMOND,
is also presented with in this VISION ~
The cube represents perfection as the length, width and height are all of equal measurements,
and the cube has perfect symmetry.
~ * In your further exploration into the Cube Dear ONE,
YOU SEE that the Metatronic Cube is a symbol and a tool for Personal Transformation
YOU also SEE that The Cube represents the three-dimensionality of space.
and that Within the cube lies the sphere.
The cube represents the Physical~Body within the third-dimensional reality of manifested DIVINE~Thought.
The Sphere / Column within represents the Consciousness / Spirit that YOU ARE.....within YOU,
The cube can be unfolded into a cross in the two dimensional aspect of the cube.
The cross is symbol for Christ Consciousness in Formation as The DIAMOND within,
~ * And...... know this Dear ONE, when Metatronic Cube rolls as the DICE into your VISION,
YOU are encountering THE PRIME GREAT MIND, who conceived YOU into Creation and then MANIFESTATION,
as these VISIONS lead You to an understanding of how PRIME~Creator has structured the physical world around YOU;
It helps You realize the Harmony and Balance of Nature.
Within this plane, certain patterns emerge to show up,
that point to THE UNITY and Your Connection to a PRIME Divine Mind that created it all ~
Let GRATITUDE be Your MOVER in this moment of WHO YOU ARE ~
~ * As the CUBE in your VISION changes colors, remember this points to ONE CONSCIOUSNESS with many expressions;
And as The Dual of The CUBE is a DIAMOND / Octahedron that is VIOLET / PURPLE
which denotes to The CROWN Centre of Your PORTAL between The Physical Temple / BODY
SEE this Dear ONE, that The cube is the only regular Hexahedron is a symbol of GROUNDING / ANCHORING ~
The dual of a cube is Octahedron / Diamond (a Birectified Cube whose faces are points;
The third of the platonic solids in the octahedron having 8 triangular sides
and symbolizing the element of air.
Pointing to diplomacy, grace and willingness to learn.)
A Cube being through series of truncation becomes a DIAMOND,
is also presented with in this VISION ~
The cube represents perfection as the length, width and height are all of equal measurements,
and the cube has perfect symmetry.
Purple Heart shaped diamond, about the size of my palm, dropping into your PALM,
Is your Activated CROWN of The Hue'MAN Self now resonating to Your Cosmic Intelligence / Golden Cube ~
The DOOR / PORTAL within The Purple Heart, is for YOU to enter and BE from therein,
as it is your LIGHT~BODY (MERKABA) Geometry offered to YOU by Your Higher~SELF;
ENTER therein..............and BE SEATED, Dear ONE
Where the Forest of Abundance and Wind of Movement of Consciousness Greets YOU
Surrounded by The Waters of Your Consciousness with your animal Representation - a DEER ~
pointing to: Gentleness, Ability to move through life and obstacles with Grace,
Being in touch with Inner Child / Wisdom & Innocence, Being Sensitive and Intuitive,
Vigilance, ability to change directions quickly when required to,
Your Magical ability to regenerate Yourself as LIFE & Your Heart Energy,
& Being in touch with Life’s Mysteries & yet being Vigilant ~
~ * The Ka-ba / Mer-Ka-Bah: Ka means spirit and Ba means body.
The Holy Spirit unites with Your body in YOUR Temple, and it’s three dimensional shape is the CUBE.
When laying out the structure of the temple, Holy of Holies or the Holy City,
the Jews, Christians and the Muslims all cube-it.
That cube is a two dimensional cross, that all Christian’s revere in high regard.
Basically, a cross is represented as a cube in the third dimension,
and so all Jews, Muslims and Christians are following the same template,
but at different dimensional shapes.
~ * The RED BUSH denotes to Your Physical BEINGNESS in rejoicing (Butterflies),
As The CUBE surrounds YOU and permeates You with The Golden Radiance of The Cosmic Intelligence YOU ARE,
The Little Bird with multicoloured wings like that of peacocks with purple beak & golden eye shadows,
with eyes that are green and shiny,
is YOUR PURE INTENT that drew this VISION~Encounter with the DIVINE that YOU ARE,
to Your Hue'MAN Self;
The Thousands of Diamonds dropping into your hands and spilling over onto the ground,
As well as that yet to come for lifetimes, Dear ONE ~
~ * In the KISS of the BIRD of PURE INTENT is this message for Your Heart:
To call upon Metatron LIVING LIGHT INTELLIGENCE that YOU ARE in your beingness to YOU,
Look upon the PURPLE Crown CENTRE or as The OPENING of a flower of Living Presence
in The Process of its Bountiful Expression,
through which the Light of BEYOND THE MATRIX moves out of and into your Heart Seed.
Then bring this out and in movement down through your feet and into the center of the earth,
And so I SEE..... And so it is ~ *
The Inner Sight of the Soul by Shazi
Copyright © SHAZI SIGNPOST 2010-2015
further reading; http://www.signposttothesource.co.uk/content/index.php/my-etheric-awakening/1715-ea006-my-journey-unto-the-highpoint-of-metatronic-light-i-am