Vogage to the Stars Update - [www.the2012scenario Excerpt] AAM and Grener on Voyage to the Stars Trip

Excerpt from http://the2012scenario.com/2012/02/transcript-of-the-call-with-grener-part-12/

Written Transcript of first part of the call with Grener this morning (Part 1 of 2):

Audio of Part 2 of the call this morning:


Transcript of the Call with Grener – Part 1/2

2012 February 4
Posted by Steve Beckow

The conversation with Grener was broken into two segments. First Grener came on Linda’s regularly scheduled biweekly conference call. But Steve could not be heard among the various participants on the call when it was unmuted so the question part of the call had to be postponed.

This then is the first part. The transcript of the separate interview that Steve had with Archangel Michael and Grener will follow later today. The visual track of that call is featured on the preceding article.  Thanks to Ellen for this transcription.

Grener: I am Grener of Ashira of Neptune. I am Grener. And I have been your friend and ally for thousands and thousands and thousands of years. And that will never change, for it took us a long time to reach this point. If we are masters of anything, it is not intergalactic travel, it is patience. So that is what we ask of you this day, is to participate with us in a little patience.

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  • I could not say it any better than Vrillon has. She hit the nail on the head. Especially the part of disclosure by just showing up in there ships above some big city. Then it would be over, the media would have to cover it and then the whole world would know. The cat would be out of the bag. then the next wk do it again over another city, until everyone is ready for contact. Then they can land and we can start getting down to work, what do you think?Adonai 

  • Fellow travellers....

    Why do you allow yourselves to be decieved and humilated in such ways, by giving away your authority and power to external entities, acended masters, and other invisible things that you believe are superior to us on Earth. This is a physical universe, and you are master within this realm. There is nothing above you in physicality, for All is ONE. We have all be told many times, that part of our lessons on Earth is to master discernment, take responsibility for our actions/thoughts, trust synchonicities, and stop giving away our powers to beings presenting themselves as gods. Why would Grener and AAM who present themselves as acended 5D beings/Angels, not know beforehand of the potential difficulties that they now put forth as reasons for the JOY RIDE not manifesting...does this sound like beings with great foresight, and superior technologies, or beings who can deliver humanity from the dark ones, which they have been promising for eons of time? AGAIN I SAY, please use discernment at all times. If a being is trying to frighten you, or promise you things that seem too good to be true, then that is a being you should choose not to work with or give your energies to. WE are here to release karma, evolve spiritually from various experiences, and to part-take in the shift that is about to occur if that is our free will choice to do so. Wanting disclosure of extra-terrestrial beings or trying to force the issue by asking for proof from space beings, is down-right foolishness. Why would you want to break your agreement with Earth just when things are getting interesting? You knew the risks and the benefits before incarnating, now it seems everyone is hoping for an escape and want to be beemed up and taken away. I wonder if brother Steve Beckow asked himself, why would they come down to pick individuals, but refuse to come down just to show themselves to the public? Does this make any sense? What would be the purpose of taking people on joy ride then bringing them back to face the dark on their own, would it not be more effective for them to just show themsleves and forget the joy ride non-sense? The cover-up has been going on for decades, and even people more powerful than Steve et. al, has been rediculed and ignored...do you really think the media would pay any attention to a few people claiming to be taken on space ships and returned to Earth. Please fellow travellers, I urge you all, that if you master nothing else in this life cycle, please work on mastering discernment, for it will be challenged many more times in the coming months.

    Steve, I implore you not to give up on your mission to assist in waking people up; however, you must practice what you preach and use discerment in everything you do, say, read, or hear. Same goes for Linda to stop letting lower dimensional beings enter her energies. I am not sure why Steve felt compelled to publish this message from Grener, and to take such a risk...perhaps it was ego, but I do not intend not to pass judgement, or speak on his behalf.

    All that was said above, I expressed with perfect love, respect and compassion for all, WE ARE ONE. I am Vrillon.


  • I once read a from the 70's about a man from Australia who was invited to go to another planet.  It was from the people who built the statues on Easter Island.  Thier name is long and hard to pronounce but I can tell you this.  It was a complelling story filled with love and knowledge.  I would consider it an honor to experience what Michael did.  Also important to note:  The technology gets way better!!!  Any way, Michael was justed picked up and immediately went to another deminsion.  So it seems to me that a silent voyage is better for all involved.  He was gone for 10 days.

  • LaTonya   So what happened? Very interested

  • Such interesting comments one and all!  Here's my take on the subject:

    For those interested, there's a nice summary at the end of the above post including links to several of the instructions or discussions with Spirit about the trip.  As for me, I've got my ticket and I know this beautiful trip will indeed happen.  I'm so honored, blessed and joyful to be a part of it!  Love, peace and blessings to all!

  • Part Deux with Grener  is available now!

  • i don't think the fact that people get jealous over this helps. we're meant to be all loving a caring and send positivity out to each other. but some people who call themselves light workers all changed it was like some were threaten by this news because maybe they weren't picked to be one of the first. and I've seen them turn from sending out positivity to sending negativity out. how can they carry something out like this when so many people will end up feeling sad and left out if they're not the first? the last thing the GFOL wants is to make anyone un-happy and fall out over anything we are meant to be working together aren't we? and if you didn't believe in it what was wrong with just saying not sure i can take this on bored but i'll stand back and wait and see rather than slate the people who did believe in it. then i notice people trying to discredited the information with their own messages their have personally received like they were trying to score cheap points. we're never gonna be able to have first contact when people turn against each other whom are meant to be like minded. i actually feel like hitting my head against the wall. Remember you're all special and are loved but we are never going to achieve results acting like how some of us did over the last 3 days.  

    I want disclosure as much as the next person but at this rate we are not going to get anywhere.... 

  • Honestly, I'm not disappointed at all, because something is happening within me that's phenomenal.  

    People need to take things more lightly, and stop being so critical of everything.  Keeping an open mind and being compassionate with yourself and others is key in this whole Experience!

    Amazing things are happening on this planet, there are more GOOD people, than we assume!  I do believe disclosure is happening as we speak, it's just unfolding differently than people "expect".

    Blaiming the other, or pointing the finger is just another way to distract you from what's real inside yourself.

    And I know our Spacefriends will do what they need to do when the time is right.

    Be kind to yourself and your fellow humans, all of them! :) 

    I'd be interested in reading the Grener article, I'll definitely check it out.  - Thanks for the update :)

  • Dear marianinia,

    Sorry, but always use discernent and follow your own heart......I did warn you of this, but the truth must come from your own heart of recognition....you can see this now I'm sure...Blessings, Drekx

  • i look at this as a very positive outcome, it redirecting people to go within more .... and learn how to listen ... to trust yourself .... without any expectations (so there wouldn't be any disappointments or blaming)

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