Photo: Machiventa Melchizedek - It Is Easy to Feel Alone - Spiritualizing is a Personal and a Social Process Jun 09, 2013 - Henry Zeringue, North Idaho Teacher: Machiventa T/R: Henry Zeringue Machiventa: Greetings to you my friends, it is I, Machiventa this morning. I am pleased to be here with you to offer any help to you in terms of answering questions. [pause] I did not know if there were any available or not. All effort which is expended towards other individuals in an attempt to help with a spiritual understanding is truly admirable on your part, to take the time necessary to listen and to attempt to share thoughts on personal experiences in areas in which others are having problems. Many times it is difficult for people to truly see themselves as they are. It is necessary at times to have good friends who are not afraid to share with you their thoughts, their observations. Part of the spiritualizing process is not only a personal process but it is a social process as you yourselves are becoming more spiritually attuned and adept at addressing problems others are expressing, is an ability to hold this sacred space for others, this space of looking at things in a spiritual reference rather than a material or emotional reference. It is true that sometimes the trauma of events are experiences or situations which are tremendously overwhelming for people and it is good to have someone that you can share these thoughts with that can bring them into a greater perspective. It is easy to feel all alone, like no one really cares, like there is no help, and you feel like all is in vain, in a certain sense it becomes ever the more necessary to be a ground, a point of reference and strength for others that they don't always have to dwell in a negative space of mind all of the time, that you can help to bring an understanding and insight to help tie their boat to something more secure so that it is not out floundering on the water aimlessly. Sometimes it is tremendously tedious helping others, and if it gets very tedious it is important to remember those times in your own personal development where you were burdensome to others and you were tedious yourself in the understanding that you now have acquired. It is important to maintain decorum and respect for others as you yourselves at one time may have been burdensome to others who helped you get through tight and trying times, that may have lifted you through a period of remote darkness yourself. This whole notion that as you grow spiritually you acquire an understanding, an understanding which incorporates experience with knowledge and understanding. It is this life education that is important to share with others, that they receive a spiritual sense and reference to life situations. Sometimes in the middle of an emotional structure, an emotional process, it is very difficult to detach oneself and look at the bigger picture, why these patterns keep repeating themselves in your life, why you refuse to allow others to help you see a greater application here which could lift you out of the doldrums of bad choices, emotional indulgences, these kind of things. Be of service to these folks. They may be your friends, they may be acquaintances, they may just be your brothers or sisters but they are all God's children and in this respect you are all representatives of the spiritual family of God. For all practical purposes you are ordained to speak on spirit's behalf. The greater progress of mankind arises from the ability of mankind to understand and foresee those areas, many times, that practical life lessons can actually help others, that they may not necessarily have to go through the lesson to learn it, that they can draw upon the lessons that they already have taken and been tested in to learn. Life is teaching each and every one of you the same lesson. It is teaching you the lessons of respect, the lessons of humility, the lessons of understanding the nature of man and the nature of spirit and seeing that there is a relationship between these two phenomenon. The days you live in today are great days, for you do not have a grand tradition on this planet. What you are partaking in is a basic grass roots drive to pull spirit out of the ether and to present spirit to the world in some real and palpable form like your behavior, your understanding, your insight, in your ability to connect with others in a way in which they grow and prosper also. It is in this vein of thought that I am interested in speaking with you today, that those of you who have chosen to believe beyond all certainty of doubt, to those I address the task at hand, to become a spokesperson and a mouthpiece of spirit, of spiritual value, of spiritual behavior and spiritual living that you can discern what is best in the moment, for that moment, that all of you can grasp with the spiritual tools that you have acquired to grow in a recognition of this practice of attempting to show forth spirit, spiritual light in a world bereft of spiritual light, a world in which spiritual light becomes suspect, maybe even probable cause. Do not disqualify your certainty of these things, yet qualify your surety through your ability in furthering the distance that the light can travel. Go in peace my friends. Make peace with others. Help others find their own peace within. Help in bringing the peace that exists into its proper recognition. Just as the sculptor removes the pieces of stone that do not belong there, to reveal the sublime beauty of the figure held within the block of stone, so will you shine light on all of the darkness which must be removed to reveal the inner beauty of the light within all of you. Thank you.

Void States carry us into Life Tracks that are more Spiritually Alive ~ DL Zeta

By DL Zeta


In times of change we enter a void – the space between what has been and the future we’re creating. The void is a natural and necessary passage in which we release the past and open to new visions and new ideas. A void offers access to new portals of joy and fulfillment and brings us into connection with souls who have agreed to play a role in the movie of our upcoming timeline. As we move deeper into these new realms, we connect with the version of ourselves that will lead us into the next phase of our lives. While void states may feel uncomfortable, they offer a rich and fertile ground for new seeds we are planting to take root and grow.

Void states are necessary because it’s difficult to perceive the future clearly from inside a reality you’re completing. You may have some glimmers but you can’t fully know a future timeline until you’re living inside it. Most always, we enter a transitional timeline when we complete with an enduring timeline that has carried us through new levels of self-understanding and new phases of life lessons. It’s best to say we are completing with a timeline rather than leaving it. To say we are leaving a timeline implies we are moving away from, escaping from or eliminating the old timeline and this is not the case.

Determining the Nature and Tone of a Transitional Life Track

We can never get rid of a timeline we have experienced nor would we want to. This would eliminate the valuable understandings we gained along that life track. We could not eliminate a life track if we wanted to but there are some very good reasons we would not want to. When we realize our focus along a given life track is complete, this is the moment we determine the nature and tone of our transitional life track. If we hold intentions of embracing change and accepting the flow of beginnings and completions in our lives, we will find ourselves in a space of discovery and appreciation of the newness of our experiences.

The void can be a place of peace, joy, anticipation, self-discovery and tremendous freedom. It can also be a nerve-wracking journey of fear, dread, overwhelm, stress and sadness. The choice is ours. Even if we initially enter the void from a place of fear or resistance, we’re able to shift into joy and acceptance by remembering everything that happens in our life is attempting to assist us and lift us up. We control our response to change. When we enter a new and challenging time with an open mind and loving heart we create the causes of a joyful journey through the void. We can begin this journey by entering a meditative space and basking in the love and assistance that is there for us. Our higher self is always ready and available to surround us with the warm glow of love and peace. We can enter this space any time we feel the uncertainty that naturally accompanies the un-rootedness of the void. This is why times of change and transition are essential to our spiritual growth. When we are existing along a timeline of well-established, third-dimensional comfort zones, we may not feel the need to reach out to our higher self.

Losing Ourselves to Find Ourselves in a New and Deeper Way
Complacency along an existing timeline is a signal it’s time to renew ourselves and shift to a life track that is more spiritually alive. Our conscious mind may resist this change initially. The ego loves a sense of order and control. When the ego establishes too much order and control, this sets up a wall of resistance. It’s about this time that the universe guides us into the chaos of the void where we lose ourselves in order to find ourselves in a new and deeper way. Our conscious mind may resist this change but soon enough the ego recognizes that the only reasonable way to navigate the unknown landscape of the void is to surrender to the soul’s higher knowing.
Embracing Beginner’s Mind with Grace and Humility

If we can embrace with grace and humility this place of beginner’s mind, we can expand into the moment-by-moment awareness inherent in a new situation. This sense of newness builds in us anticipation about the transition timeline. When we surrender to the void we’re able to fine-tune our vibrational frequency and bring it into resonance with a new timeline more strongly aligned with our spiritual purpose.

Beginner’s mind is a place where we live our life moment-by-moment in divine communion, listening within for the next step and allowing our soul’s feeling states to serve as the star we steer by. We may find beginner’s mind to be so fulfilling we choose to remain there as part of our spiritual practice. Just incorporating periods of beginner’s mind into each day will help us forge a strong connection with our inner guidance.

Resistance to Change Triggers a ‘Ghost Town’ Experience

If we go into resistance when we enter a time of change, we may shift to a transitional timeline that is rife with roadblocks, struggle and scarcity. Usually we encounter difficult transitional timelines when we cling to the past in some way. When we attempt to carry the past with us into a new timeline, we encounter a bleak landscape. This is very much a “ghost town” experience because we are in effect a ghost haunting a space we no longer inhabit. In other words, our present moment is no longer alive inside the previous timeline but our consciousness continues to travel back there – to haunt our own past, so to speak, stubbornly refusing to release what has been.

What we are holding onto is not truly the past, for the past is a concept of the mind. What we are holding onto are the people, situations, moments and things that represent our experiences along a past timeline. There is an energetic connection to these experiences of the past that can be addictive in nature. It is this addiction that keeps one haunting past moments in search of that which the mind knows well.

Allow Yourself to Exist Peacefully in Times of Change and Transition

Attempting to hold onto a past timeline throws us out of alignment with the flow of our higher self and distorts the focus of our mission here. We cannot exist in the ghost town of a past timeline for long without dramatic consequences to our health and well-being. Anytime you find a transition difficult, enter a quiet, meditative space and reconnect with your higher self. Allow yourself to exist peacefully in the void. Soon the flow of guidance will be reestablished, transporting you to a new transitional timeline where you can fine tune your vibrational frequency by aligning with those things that bring you joy.

You will find many elements of your past inside a transition timeline, including people, forms of creative expression, places, situations and life lessons. These elements that are in resonance with the frequencies of your transition timeline are renewed energetically. Your connection will now be based on the new frequencies, the new vision and the new timeline you’re activating. You will find things have changed, however; your relationship with a person may become more loving, your art or writing may take new forms, ideas and flow; you may find yourself redecorating your house and bringing the frequencies there into alignment with your new vision. You may change your diet or choose to incorporate new forms of movement that help align mind, body and soul, such as yoga or t’ai chi.

During a transition phase, people, situations and places that are not compatible with the new frequencies will fall out of resonance. It is natural and understandable that once you connect with a vision that will carry you into the future, this will impact every area of your life. Some people, situations and interests from your past will be energetically renewed into your new life while others will be de-magnetized and fall away. This process will be sudden and abrupt in some cases and gradual in others. When you sense a person or situation leaving your life, surround them with love and thank them for the role they have played in your life. Keep in mind friends of the past never truly leave us. We’re always connected at the soul level.

When you release a connection with someone from a place of love and appreciation, this opens a space for someone new to enter your life. Learn to exist joyfully along a transition timeline in a state of heightened awareness and anticipation and soon you will find new people, new situations, new events, and new moments flowing into your life as you are transported to a new timeline.

BEAUTIFUL REV. JOSHUA...I LOVE YOU! 8109119678?profile=original

Love just is, let it be,below as above.

Love answers all questions that can be

Love lifts you up when you are down, you see.

Love is true Vision that judges not,

Love see's the goodness that was forgot.

Love remembers only the joy of life,

Love transcends what we call strife.

Love enters where a man must someday go,

into the quiet inner self of his very holy soul.

Love seeks to find the Kingdom within the mind,

where the trinity of God & family you will find.


Love is in the dwelling place of the higher self,

a marriage of spirit of all the different selves.

Love is the extension of the Creator personality,

bringing all creation back to Divine reality.

Love is God and we are his holy daughters & sons,

an extension of him like all the planets and suns.

Love is the mind of God in which we think,

our mind is part of his, we are the Love link.

Love shows us that we are the Kingdom of God within,

only Gods plan for Salvation will work when we begin.

Salvation comes from ones self,the God of Light & Love,

and so the story goes, as below and within, so is it above.

Love is when we realize that we are part of the infinite, 

that all is connected,, all is part of evolution thats finite.

Love is the Key to the mind & soul where spirit is combined,

Oneness in the way we leave this old 3D world way behind.

Love is the only way that Ascension in 5D can proceed,

leaving all behind that is not needed in our mind,indeed.

Love knows no boundaries as we sail the ocean of light,

on the wings of a dove as we learn to take spiritual flight.

By Rev.Joshua Skirvin and my higher mind. 3/14/2014

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