Warning People..... This meditation below is one of those very clever ways the dark forces use to harness our heart energy to the ''pyramids''....one of theiranchors of the dark forces In physicality here on Earth. They use the primaryenergy times on Earth, Solstices, equinoxes, full and new moons, planetaryalignments etc....these are Energetic power points.....and then they use theenergy of people to project Their energy into their devices like the pyramidson Earth or the crystals in Their possession.........it is the way they useTrue Human power. The pyramid is Used specifically to harness human energyand thoughts and feelings. And Crystals also, and in this meditation below,these people are using both Pyramids and crystals.....to hold our energy, indevices only ''certain people'' posses......this Has been one of the waysthey lock Humanity into their Matrix. I believe those doing this don't realize what they are doing, not knowing the history of pyramid use and crystal use by darkpriests.....but please be aware of who owns Those devices of pyramids and theenergy grids on Earth which are currently Under the dark forces.....they haveone of their structures on every single Energy power point on Earth frompyramids to cathedrals......it is the dark Foces.....and they use Humanenergy, albeit without our knowing their true Intentions. If people want to do some good, use this time for sure but then leave out their devices, the pyramids and crystals and focuson the Living Heart itself, and project the Love both to ones Self and to theLiving Earth and Humanity.....but NOT to ANY devices or crystals please !They store our energy In these mass meditations in their crystals and thenuse them.....do not use Devices please. For more on this energy point on Earth look into the work of Ivan Sanderson, and David Wilcock who speaks about this. Every power point on Earth has been taken by the dark forces and a structure such as a pyramid or cathedral built over it and allthose points taken together form a perfect geometric platonic solid. This is howthey usurp Human power. Don't give it to them. Focus only on sending yourprecious energies to the Living Hearts of Gods Creations, and nodevices. Blessings Serena
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