
{ False-flag } / Post-Ecliptic Observations & Our Regular Programming [videos] Sarge_ Kerry K. ;Starship Earth:

''Above blog is what they’re calling a “wild glitch in the matrix”. Some would consider that an understatement—but more confirmation we don’t live in the world we believe.''

I believe something really strange is going on here! Did you view the above videos.? Why are people not talking more about this ''False Flag Event'' its pretty easy to see that this F.F. is a false Matrix or better yet a glitch in the Matrix. Lets look at a few of the things that happened or did not happen as we are told it did.
1st off the super full moon on the 8th was to be ''no moon that night'' and the real full moon is to be on the 23rd. It takes 28 days to go from no moon to full moon, not 14 days that is normally impossible! So do we have 2 moons or better yet do we have 2 suns? One that is lit up and the other a binary sun that is no longer lit up, due to the explosion of the planet Mel-dick.

This 2nd sun has now come back to our solar system, many call it planet-x or Nibiru. It made its grand re-entry on May 10 th 2013. I saw it in the Sky here in Belize at 2 pm. My female dog was having pups at the same time, so I went to ck on her, she was fine but Nibiru was not standing still and soon was out of sight. I was told by others that this black Sun only took 15 min. to cross Belize.It looked to be about the size of a super full moon. It was red in color and had a lot of protruding spike's coming out of it. We are told it now has a eleven year orbit. So this is nearly 11yrs sense it was here last.The evil Anunnaki are said to live within this dead binary sun. It is said that they are the ones who came to earth and originally set up the New World order , invisible Empire idea as the Dark Cabal many thousands of years ago, which split into many different names that they could hide behind as they continued up to this very day to take over our planet and kill us off.

I believe the eclipse that we saw was not a super moon covering our 1st sun but in fact it was Planet -x or Nibiru. It appeared out of nowhere , blocked out the Sun for up to 4 min. then disappeared again after it crossed the other side. IF it had been the super moon we or some of us would have been able to see aligning before it crossed the sun and see it after it crossed. But as you see in the vids nothing was seen before or after the eclipse. The so called Moon just disappeared. in one of the vids it shows both the invisible Nibiru becoming a dark shadow then disappearing again and during this time the person doing the video panned back and forth from the Eclipse to the full moon which was nowhere near the sun, so how is it possible for this to happen. Was it two moons or two suns, the smaller one being the black Sun blocking our the larger one but not sen before or after. Whats really going on here. This is more than a glitch in the Matrix, a slight of hands or some sort of magic trickor Signs of the Times?

Apparently they did not wont us to see what was really going on but this whole show was well planed, but by who? the Black hats or the White Hats or maybe the new faction in the Game, the Red or Gray Hats.But whoever They Are they seemed to pull it off. No one on yet on X or u-tube are talking about this, that's why I waited a couple of days to see if there was going to be any feedback. I did see a vid on X by a young women who claimed it was impossible to happen for some of the reasons I mentioned here.

So I went ahead and posted BP's blog.U-tube probably pulled the plug on the other but X-Twitter should have some truths revealed on it but so far nothing much. Oh yes lets not forget ''they'' went to great efforts to hide it from us. They sprayed Chem-trails 150 mile wide and over 4000 miles long from here in Belize early morning til 230pm ,all the way up through Mexico, following the X all the way up to Canada. People are so used to seeing Chem-trails cause they have been spraying us sense Oct.98.they don't think anything of it or the connection or cover-up they used here to hide what was really going on with the Eclipse.

My mind has been preoccupied all week long trying to figure this Mystery out, call it what you may, a glitch in the Matrix, a magic trick of sorts. I have told it to a number of people but most did not see anything because of the chem-trails and we have had record breaking heat wave, over 100 % This last wk as well and yesterday the heavy rains have started again so my water tanks will soon be full and they are chem-trailing us again today. Why now I ask myself ? is there still something else going on that they don't want us to see.And now my PC is acting up nothing seems to be working, STRANGE things are going on here with the energy, maybe its the Solar Flares. I had to re-boot and start over again.

One last thing to mention the top scientist at CERN DIED the day they turned it on again as I believe they were trying to bring in backup because they are losing the WAR, so they sent for demonic backup by trying to open another portal to bring in more Demons or devils. Maybe they are trying to reach The evil Anunnaki ? Speaking of which, why did NASA send up 3 rockets to the moon? during the F.F. Eclipse. They say they did it to get a closer view but what if they realized the Black sun Nibiru was behind the Global Empire they are still trying to set up and NASA or the White Hats decided to blow a hole in that plan and maybe thats all the glitter seen floating in the sky plus strange flares coming out from behind the so called moon and they knew the Eclipse was not being made by the super full moon but by the dead Star Nibiru. Let me know what you all think in the comments ! There is more to this story concerning our DNA upgrades from the flares and the New energy behind them, to assist us now that we are in 4D and Ascending towards 5D. that info will be in part 2#. look for it in the coming wks.   Adonai rev. Joshua

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  • Thank you GWR, I too have been taking pics of them sense 99 shortly after they started in Oct, 98. The good news is that maybe they will stop soon, now with the new energies coming down for Ascension but we shall see. Also our real Sun is going through a transformation into 5D now, we have had a artificial SUN OFF AND ON FOR SOME TIME. But now its here to stay until our Sun makes a transformation and becomes a blue Sun. I wrote about this before in my blogs some time ago here on ACC and in my last E-Book. I am researching now and will soon paste up# 2 report. And yes you can post on this site if you are a member. read the agreement above.Also you can continue to comment here, I only delete the nasty ones. Adonai..rev. joshua
  • I agree. I thought it was a nothing berger. Chemtrails (I was taking pictures of them in 2004) were all over the place. Galactics are saying that they are coming soon. Are the chemtrails there so we can't see their ships?? Question. Can I post on his site. If so - how.
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