Rules for Mercury Retrogade ("do's and don'ts") are at the end under "Conclusion." Mercury Retrograde AND a red-colored Moon lunar eclipse take place in Washington D.C. on Friday, March 14, 2025. BAD NEWS: this Mercury Retrograde period may be a bad one, as Mercury joins Venus with both in the retrograde phase in the sign of Aries. The Waco siege in 1993 took place with Venus in retrograde phase AND in the sign of Aries. But the big difference with the 1993 Venus retrograde in Aries was that the 1993 Waco siege featured Venus in the "morning star" phase (or the "Quetzalcoatl with the spear up" phase [and yes, I think there was some occult ritual murder going on with Venus rising over the Ascendant at the time of the beginning of the Waco siege]). This is different from the current 2025 Venus retrograde in Aries, as this retrograde in Aries will take place in the "evening star" phase (or the "Quetzalcoatl with the spear down" phase) until March 22, 2025. Law enforcement please be wary: during the "evening star phase" of the Venus Retrograde, mean acts and mass murders are sometimes secretly planned or considered, and potential mean acts and mass murders are then usually executed or take place during the "morning star phase" of the Venus Retrograde (which will be from Mar. 22, 2025 - Apr. 12, 2025). With that out of the way, let's look at my interpretations for the Mar. 14, 2025 Washington D.C. Full Moon (lunar eclipse) below:
The big problem with both phases of the Venus Retrograde is that social violence, misunderstandings, and heated arguments and debates usually take place when Mercury joins Venus in the retrograde phase. Furthermore, the addition of the lunar eclipse on Mar. 14, 2025 (and a partial solar eclipse on Mar. 29, 2025) may enhance any violent tendencies present with this double-retrograde for Mar. 2025 through Apr. 2025. Washington D.C. will be especially vulnerable for conflict, which may include social violence, misunderstandings, and heated arguments/debates as the new administration in D.C. continues to get settled in and go to work.
For the curious who observe Mercury Retrograde, below are the do's and don'ts for consideration during a Mercury Retrograde (from
Thanks for reading.
Love to all,
21st Century Astrology Consulting LLC