WASHINGTON D.C. NEW MOON ALERT (Sunday, August 4, 2024): Mercury goes retrograde; expect a lot of confusion and miscues (i.e. open mouth and insert foot) for first half of August 2024 in the D.C. area

A basic conclusion is written at the end for the uninitiated. Mercury Retrogrades can be trying periods; they last about three weeks. The Mercury Retrograde period is a good time to go back and make corrections or audits of previous activities; it is not a good time to begin anything new or sign important papers (unless it concerns previous activities that are not "new"). Electrical issues, local traffic breakdowns, air travel issues, and communication miscues are common with Mercury Retrogrades, so please be aware of this. Below is the D.C. New Moon on August 4, 2024 (with my notes); Mercury is "stoping in forward movement" at it's retrograde station (indicated by "S") at 4 degrees Virgo 4 minutes.


Below is the chart above, but with star aspects (and quite an array of star conjunctions). Mars Conjunction star of Aldebaran may indicate military activity or preferment; I am not sure if such activity includes what is going on in Ukraine at this time. Neptune Conjunction Star of Scheat is still strong, as is Uranus Conjunction Star of Algol. Scheat and Algol are regarded as two of the most unfortunate stars in the sky regarding both death and injury; my December 2023 prediction of this current 2024 summer being a violent summer is starting to look very probable. Chiron Conjunction Star of Acamar (and in Trine with the Ascendant) may represent either political success for espionage areas (or high tech areas) or whistleblowers from espionage areas (or high tech areas) coming forward in the environment (which is sometimes a good thing).

12757094459?profile=RESIZE_710x Below are my notes regarding four of these stars from above that may bear the most importance in what is about to unfold in the D.C. area:


Imprisonment, murder, suicide, drowning, extreme misfortune. Essence of intellect and independent thought; break with traditional or conventional thought or philosophy. Psychic sensitivity and interests. 

29° Pis 22’  

29°Pis 43’

Very Unfortunate

Mars/ Mercury

β (Beta) Pegasi
M2 (red) Mg.2.6

The Gorgon's Head

Primitive female sexuality; strangulation, beheading, danger to head, throat, and neck. Associated with murder, violence, and mass catastrophe. Called the "Evil One"and the "Demon Star;" passionate; intense; hysterical. A pulsating, eclipsing double-star also associated with extreme creativity. Connected with the dark side of politics, law, and art.

26° Tau 10

26° Tau 18

Very Unfortunate

Saturn/ Mars
Ptolemy says Saturn/ Jupiter. Pulsating double-star, like a winking eye

β (Beta) Persei
B8 (blue-white) Mg.2.1 var

Bull's South Eye

A Royal Star. The archangel Michael, the Watcher of the East. Eloquence, high honours, integrity, popularity, courage, war mongering, agitation; danger, loss, violent death.

9° Gem 47

10° Gem 07

Some call it "fortunate", but any honours carry immense risk & responsibility, and honor and dignity is demanded.

Brightest star of the Hyades

α (Alpha) Tauri
K5 (pale rose) Mg.0.85 var.


Currents of Fate, fluctuating emotions, irreversible changes to rhythm of life, sense of oblivion

15° Gem 17

15° Gem 36


Eridanus, "The River", traverses several Signs

β (Beta) Eridani
A3 (white) Mg.2.9


For the first half of August 2024, the Washington D.C. area should experience much in terms of communication miscues, media errors (both reporting and non-reporting), and/or local travel issues (with possible air travel issues). This Mercury Retrograde is taking place as the 2024 Election gets heated up. But here's where it gets interesting in the weeks ahead: the next Aquarius Full Moon takes place on August 19, 2024 (which happens to be the start date for the 2024 Democratic National Covention in Chicago, Illinois). This Full Moon will feature a T-Square with Sun Conjunction Mercury (with Mercury in Retrograde) in Opposition aspect with the Moon during this Full Moon phase, and with Uranus forming a Square aspect to both the Moon and to the Sun Conjunction Mercury (in retrograde) placement. Interpretation: this is indicative of big surprises (and possible sharp conflicts) about to unfold at the 2024 Democratic National Convention (and I will write more on this next week). Thus, things are about to get crazy in Democratic Party controlled D.C. as we approach the August Full Moon (and 2024 Democratic Convention) in the latter part of August 2024.

Thanks for reading

Love to all,


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