We are living in the shadow of time.
The stars that shine so brightly are but
an illusion of years gone by.
They burned out eons ago and yet we
see them ever present in the sky.
What trick hast thou bestowed upon us oh Lord,
that we are forever suspended in a world that
does not exist?
What we see, is no more and yet the shadow of
what was still lingers in the heavens above.
We have tracked the days, nights, and seasons
according to the stars, the sun and the moon,
So if they are --but are no more--then what pray tell
is up there? Is there any light at all or is it merely a void;
An empty canvas with which to create our hearts desire?
If the heavens are an illusion, then what is real?
We can continue to look towards the skies for answers
or we can look beyond time and space and delve within
our souls to find what we are truly looking for.
written by Theresa Humphrey March 2, 2010
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