My friends, we are truly on the brink... I do not say this lightly. I have been honest and forthcoming about my eidetic memory and recent empathic "abilities", if you will... I still don't understand any of it; but your insights have helped immensely. I deal with it day to day, and it's all good :)

My concern is what is going on at the moment, and I speak from experience. What I have not told you, is that I am a retired military professional. US Air Force, 21 years. I didn't join the military to kill people, I joined so I could have hands on experience with the most cutting edge technology... and I love aviation. I absolutely love to fly... I have been up in an F-16 pulling 7.5 Gs over the Grand Canyon... AMAZING. I have worked on technology that is still 5 to 10 years away from any civilian application. That is what I used to do... and I was really damned good at it... Later in my career I worked security, safety, and anti-terrorism... and was damned good at that as well. That experience is why I am terrified for what is coming...

I know that the prevalent thought is that Obama is the "people's president", the "compassionate president"... it isn't so. I am not saying this as a partisan Republican, I am saying this as a patriot. It isn't just Mr. Obama, it is ALL of them, Democrat and Republican... and it is all about money and power. The Bush's, the Clintons, the Obamas, the Rockefellers, it isn't about us anymore... and hasn't been for a very long time.

The recent embassy closures? This is NOT a measure of prevention, it is a pretext for war. Do the research for yourself, I won't try to convince you... the historical precedence is already there.

The revelations from the State Dept. on embassy closures are normally classified. Why? It has to do with what we call "derivative classification"... protect the source. I guess we let our sources swing from the gallows now... we betray our own for the sake of political gain.

You see, there is NO left wing, NO right wing anymore... it is all about absolute power. Who can con who the best. They thrive on division, and divide us they do... black vs. white, conservative vs. liberal, young vs. old... and we fall for it every time. They have us where they want us.

My true analysis, as someone that knows how they think... we are playing into their hands. We fear what they WANT us to fear. We respond as they WANT us to respond. We play their political games on their terms. They say BOO and we jump.

I think it is time that we say "no more"... no more indiscriminate killing, no more genocide, we are done and it is time for a new outlook...

If not... praise Obama and his new society, but get ready for the rule of old... history does repeat my friends...

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  • Hello,

    I understand what you mean by they all stand for 'Power', however, I am not sue it is a new phenomena. Politics has always been about the individual's interest in becoming more powerful. Whateve side they align themselves in, ultimately, they have always been on the side of money and power.



  • s.

    "One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors"


    What is going on today is nothing new. The same scenario plays out lifetime after lifetime.

  • One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is tha...

    "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)

    "So much of the history of the struggle between good and evil can be explained by Edmund Burke's observation. Time and again those who profess to be good seem to clearly outnumber those who are evil, yet those who are evil seem to prevail far too often. Seldom is it the numbers that determine the outcome, but whether those who claim to be good men are willing to stand up and fight for what they know to be right"

  • 54gQVN1.jpg

  • The last thing we need is Angels drawn on the sky by CHEMTRAILS



  • Hellen the idea of surrendering in the hope of a benevolent government, a spiritual ascension, a rapture, or even a heaven have been around for thousands of years and people find themselves in yet another body back on Earth with no knowledge of their previous aspirations and goals. If people are developing spiritually it will manifest on the physical. If it is not manifesting on the physical then people are kidding themselves as to what they are accomplishing in the spiritual. It is the foundation of the physical. What you manifest in the spiritual ends up manifesting in the physical.

  • Doug,

          There are no more pure ideologies. Even China has embraced capitalism because of the incentives to produce and create products. Capitalism is not the problem. The problem is government forming a partnership with corporations to centralize power. Marxism seeks to gain power by owning corporations under the guise of help and redistributing wealth. In that since President Obama is more in line with economic Fascism which is control of corporations and private property by excessive regulations - control but not own. Lobbyist help to decide what those regulations are. Ultimately this interferes with free markets and ends up centralizing power in the corporations who are in a covert alliance with government. Pure Marxism and Communism have failed as models because it takes away peoples incentive to work so ideologies have been combined where east and west can come together in a new world order. You not do not create wealth by dividing up the money. You create wealth by giving people the education and incentive to be more productive.

  • Hi, It is true President Obama has progressively been embracing Marxist ideology since elected president and that means a big and more powerful federal government over the people under the guise of help. It has been his intent from the start as he has trained his whole life in subversive politics influenced by his parents and Frank Marshall Davis from his youth and it carried on into college. George Bush was also left of center creating a bigger and more powerful government with control over the people. In that sense he was a progressive Republican. There are some good people fighting for you though like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul for a constitutional limited government and their are more. The Tea Party and the Libertarian Party is the last stand for limited federal power in America. If you feel that strongly you should get involved and help. You should not say "all of them" as it diminishes those who are trying to help and you become part of the problem. Politicians can only help in relation to the support they are getting from the people so you should support them in any way you can. Ultimately if people cannot take responsibility for their own life they will seek out politicians who will dominate them. All solutions have to start will individuals taking personal responsibility for their own actions and stop being a victim who would choose to give up their power to others.

  • 8114871261?profile=original

    December 21st, 2012 was only the END of deception, and was foretold by the Mayans, Egyptians, Hopi Indians, and many other ancient cultures to be the BEGINNING of the Golden Age of Truth.  

    ....And the Truth Shall Set Us Free!

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