Thanks to my favorite multi-dimensional enigmatic personality, Ed. He writes many of us bloggers, puzzling us, picking up on unannounced events as they appear "in the field" as they happen, and challenging us with his "Ed-Speak" to exam "the field" for the data it presents and possibilities it offers all of us should we chose to listen to it. Ed sent me the message below. Thank you Ed for helping me to understand during our conversations of the last couple of nights how to deal with on rushing multi-dimensionality and learning to trust the information that comes flooding in, often lately, much to my surprise and confusion at the non-linearity of it all. Knowing what people will do (because they had already set the intention to do it) even while they deny to me and deny to everyone else they will do it. Also I have been heavily impacted by the on rushing imagery of the demise of the cabal which has yet to hit the mainstream news, if it ever it will as long as they have the media by the financial cahones and so blackmailed and extorted as it is now... A banker once asked me how the legal filings against the PTW would be enforced, not that they were incorrect, but rather a defiant "whatcha you gonna do about it" kind of of question.... well... they were always self-enforcing and we are seeing that everywhere. There is only the One, and you and I are part of that One. I have been the last couple of weeks, it seems, an exit portal for energies coming from a raging, furious, frightened, and at times suicidal PTW cabal. I don't think I am the only one, I have heard from many others experiencing this. The energies at times have been overwhelming, but I knew enough not to attach to them, but they do have to be transmuted and released to leave this planet so they do not linger here. I hope this transmuting is a temporary gig, this is not something I enjoy. I've been kind of been solitary as late, because of the energies I am dealing with. I have not been in a very good humor. My patience for human stupidity is at an all time low - but hey you reap what you sow... even Forest Gump knew "stupid is as stupid does". Ed taught me how to turn off the video of it all that was coming along with those energies. My usual mentors in such matters have not been available to me. These energies and images are not very pleasant, especially of those now choosing to leave embodiment at their own hands. That's not an pretty sight and it does not enhance my human experience. But now I know how to turn off the imagery. I am not exactly sure what it is that I AM. That is still unfolding for me personally. As it is for all of you. This process of rising earth energies is called by some "Ascension" but I think its more accurately described as "REMEMBERING" for we not lower than any other being, for we are made from and in-vivified by Source itself. There is no up or down to this for all is One. We just have to trust it and accept it and know that Source is acting in ABSOLUTE LOVE to bring us all home to Oneness. I am learning to trust it will be all perfectly done, but there are moments in the last month that I felt like a kid's superball bouncing off the walls with the energies and data coming in. I LOVE YOU ALL, I LOVE THE ONE. -AK Below is from Ed.... WE ARE ONE FEEL THIS SENSE THIS KNOW THIS BE THIS AND YOU ARE WE ARE LOVE FEEL THIS SENSE THIS KNOW THIS BE THIS AND YOU ARE WE ARE HERE FEEL THIS SENSE THIS KNOW THIS BE THIS AND YOU ARE WE ARE NOW FEEL THIS SENSE THIS KNOW THIS BE THIS AND YOU ARE THIS IS I AM THIS IS IT RIGHT NOW LOVE SO BE IT IT IS DONE = DNA ~~~ RNA ~~~ LuminoNA = THIS IS OUR COSMOS ~~~~ IN LOVE ~~~ YES !!!!@1 THE CREATIVE COLLECTIVE ' I AM' AGINATION UNITES LOVELOVELOVE HOLD THE VIBE LOVE IS ALIVE3, Ed |
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"Keep charging onward."
"Steve Jablonsky makes some powerful music scores that's for sure."
"Thanks guys-"
"It morphs pretty much instaneously, pretty cool footage AE. 😲"