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Wider acceptance, coupled with empowered sovereignty amongst people of all race, creed and cultures, is assisting to remove the gender hierarchies. Great importance is being placed upon ‘coming out’ with who we really are and expressing this from the inside out.


Complimentary Enrollment in Morphogenesis
with over 60 podcast eposides


Constantly changing truths are indicative of our progression to the next rung of our evolution and our field of unity is constantly recalibrating. This, of course, affects our relationships at every level; our relationship with creation, our holistic self, our group soul, our friends and family, our co-workers and associations, our relationship to the world. Everything is shifting as we evolve, together, into something greater.

Through the incoming cosmic light frequencies, we are being assisted to reunite with our wholeness. This great morphogenesis will eventually evolve us into the ultimate transfiguration and the new template of the divine-human.

This can be described as the state in which our inner male and female polarities are equalized and balanced. We acknowledge and regard ourselves, first, from this fused template as having both feminine and masculine qualities, not solely operating as either a man or a woman.

The expression of the fused blueprint is to acknowledge and express a high degree of both feminine and masculine traits. There is ‘whole brain functioning’, meaning that the hemispheric halves are united and functioning in balance, one supporting the other. We are living our most authentic self and able to cognize through a unified posture.

Gender Fusion

Gender is inclusive. It is manifested in everything with both the masculine and feminine principles at work on all planes of causation. Spiritually, we can understand that gender manifests as the Father-Mother principle of infinite creation in whose body the universe is conceived and firmly held. On our physical plane, the sexes of species are manifested as either male or female with each having a role in sexual reproduction. Gender also manifests as masculine and feminine qualities that exist within everyone.

In our quickly changing world, the ideas about gender and gender roles are a nebulous, shifting thing. The transforming solar light is encoding the consciousness grids and these pathways of light intelligence are reaching into the mindset of all humanity, modifying our brains and awakening the code of our truth.

We are witnessing immense historical changes concerning gender identity, gender equality, and self-empowerment choices to live a completely authentic expression. We are seeing sweeping changes in the areas of feminine empowerment, same sex marriages, lesbian, gay and transgender movements, to name a few.

Wider acceptance, coupled with empowered sovereignty amongst people of all race, creed and cultures, is assisting to remove the gender hierarchies. Great importance is being placed upon ‘coming out’ with who we really are and expressing this from the inside out.

It is fast becoming the ‘in thing’ to accept and love everyone, unconditionally, based upon their authentic soul expression that is experiencing life in the unique schoolroom called Earth. I am just stunned. This is such a dramatic shift that is here and now reflecting in our world. Alleluia.


This is an excerpt from the MORPHOGENESIS:
Opening the Crystalline Seals into Avatar Consciousness.
Complimentary enrollment with more than 60 podcast episodes.



presented by Tiara Kumara
Spiritual Teacher and Morphogenesis Creatress
Founding Producer, I AM Avatar Education
Founder, Children of the Sun Foundation

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