These are at crystalmagicorchestra.com/books Go to Amazon.com for more. http://www.amazon.com/Spheres-Ascension-Program-Cosmic-Universe/dp/1505787661

Dr. Angela Barnett

We are the creators of our mind. We are the law givers to our reality. Every thought that we create dispenses our reality. Every thought that we make formulates the reality that we create. If we don't like our reality, we must learn to create differently. We are the ones who judge our reality. As long as we are using judgement we are trapped in the loop of the new cortex.

We cannot be free to create a different reality as long as there is any judgement involved. As long as judgement of anything is involved, our reality will be full of people who judge us with the same insensitivity that we created them to be. Those who judge you wouldn't exist unless you held a judgement in your neo cortex. Guess what? That is all the neo cortex does. It is a judgement machine. The only way to stop judging is to get out of the Thinking Brain because it has a judgement loop in it. We must learn to move out of the neo cortex and into the Mid Brain or Psychic Brain which is Frequency Specific. That means it does not gather data through judgement

. It means it is a part of the brain that only uses the pure consciousness of frequencies. These frequencies come from Divine Mind. These frequencies form into the realities that are presented as our activities of our day. The Mid Brain is the movie projector. It is the sender of the realities that are projected on to the movie screen of our daily creation. When we learn to stay focused within the Psychic Brain of Consciousness Frequencies we are creating our DESIRES that we want to Manifest through our Movie Projector which is the mid brain.

Only then do we begin to create a Reality Field that does not contain Judgement. What is Judgement? Anything that we have an opinion about is a judgement. Anything that we compare is a judgement. Anything that we believe is the Correct Belief is a Judgement. Basically, everything that we THINK is a Judgement. And it is the judgement that creates the polarity of the spiritual and the physical. Polarity means separation. The Spiritual Frequencies are trying to Create the perfect Desire while the Neo Cortex sends ideas with Judgement loops into the perfect desire. That is what creates the polarity or separation between the PURE IDEA that you want to manifest and the Distorted Reality fields that loop themselves into the Pure Idea that you are trying to Focus on.

Think about this paradigm in this manner: I am holding this Desire of being wealthy in my head. I am creating this picture of a person who looks like me sitting in a yacht that is full of gold coins. I am seeing the yacht parked in the Caribean Sea and I see Dolphins jumping along side of the yacht. THIS IS THE INCORRECT WAY TO MANIFEST because it contains people, things, events, places, specific locations, tangible elements, and hundreds of tiny little beliefs and judgements within it. In order to manifest a NEW REALITY it must not be SPECIFIC in form. IT must not contain physical circumstances. It must be purely SPIRITUAL.

That means it must be created from the Frequencies of Consciousness that do not contain third dimensional restrictions. The Divine Mind can not create anything when we place those restrictions upon it. The Divine Mind creates through Frequencies. It creates through the INFINITE IDEAS that already exist in the ETERNAL MIND of the Infinite Unknown. The Desire of riding on a yacht with a pile of gold with dolphins swimming along side can only come from the NEO CORTEX because it made of ideas that have a judgement placed upon them.

The idea of the yacht contains the judgement of being a rich person. The pile of gold contains a judgment that there is value in the gold. The dolphins imply that we know the location. The Mid Brain Movie Camera can not produce a movie that is made of the light and sound of the Cosmic Frequencies of the 14th dimension woven into the infra red frequencies that contain the negative of the picture that develop themselves through the frequency of the visible light spectrum if and when it has LIMITATIONS PLACED UPON IT by the Thinking Brain of Judgements. The only way that the Mid Brain can produce the Desire of Wealth is to turn that desire into a symbol that does not contain specific conditions. The symbol must be unconditional. We could use the symbol of a dollar bill sign, however, we don't even place the meaning of money within the symbol. We must create that symbol and hold it in the Third Eye.

See it with the Third Eye. Don't forget that the Third Eye is FREQUENCY SPECIFIC. This is why we use the Candle Technique or the Sun gazing technique to find that FEELING of the Frequency of the FIFTH DIMENSIONAL BLUE HUE. That Blue Hue represents the fact that you have taken your Consciousness through the Veil of the Full Spectrum of Light Consciousness into the Realm of Creation. Your mid brain took a picture and the flash was a blue hue of transformation. It is only in that blue hue of transformation that the electrons that contain polarization can be removed from the picture. We had to move consciousness beyond the polarization of electrons that contain negative and positive signals. The Mid Brain cannot create a new movie as long as those electrons are in the screen. We do not create the Vision of the Desire in the Thinking Brain. We create the Vision of the Desire in the Mid Brain or Third Eye and we create it in the Frequency of the Blue Hue. That means that we are on the other side of the Veil creating a bi-location of our spiritual self and our physical self and all of the realities that exist between.

So, now in the movie projector all of the pure light and sound energy or ideas from the entire Cosmos exist as potential opportunities in the creation of your Wealth. Now, God can create for you the Kingdom of Heaven where anything is possible. This is the rule of creation. We don't just get a yacht and a pile of money. We get the kingdom of heaven. We get it all or nothing. We can now begin creating each and every day filled with the Bliss and Wonder of the magical creations that are a part of this Spectacular Wealth that we have desired. We must live in this state of excitement and wonder just like a child waiting to find out what is in the present under the Christmas Tree. It is that state of excitement that allows the manfestation of the idea that was sent to the Divine Mind within the Focus of the Mid Brain.

This act of Manifestation requires PATIENCE. Patience is a metaphore for a New Paradign of Understanding. Patience does not exist in Time. IT is Timeless. Patience only exists in the mid brain, which is the frequency specific brain. Patience is a Freeze Frame that is held in a place where there is no time. When we create our dream in its perfection and hold that dream in a focus and clarity continuously, we are in the state of patience. Patience only exists outside of times, places, people, things and events. When we hold a thought for manifestation and we dream it into being, that thought can not contain times, places, people, things and events. It must be a dream of unconditionality in the freeze frame of patience, if we want the reality to manifest in its purity. This does not mean that we cannot manifest a lot of realities that are not pure. We do that all of the time. We hold a desire for a few seconds and then we spend the rest of the day coating it with conditionality in the thinking brain and it results in the same old movie that we produced the day before with a tiny speck of the manifest desire underneath the filmy surface.

This creation process is exactly what is needed to allow the NEW EARTH to manifest. As long as all of the old realities are held in the mind, those old realities will continue to manifest as the movie that you see all day. When you create a new movie without any of those Conditional Beliefs from the Neo Cortex, you will be making the movie of the NEW EARTH. When you create God's movie, you are creating a new reality that contains brand new versions of people, brand new versions of the structure of government, brand new versions of how wealth or income is distributed. You become the God of your Creation, the God of your Kingdom, when you use the Formula of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. All reality must be produced in the movie camera of DIVINE LOVE.

You are the movie writer and producer. Your mid brain is your movie projector. That is the Frequency of Consciousness that holds all within the At One Ment of the Consciousness of All that is. Within that Field of Consciousness there is no Condition. Conditions only exist where there is judgement. The only place that creates judgement is the neo cortex. Anything that you can create without judgement becomes unconditional and then it becomes a part of the new reality.

Learn more about the Manifestation of the NEW REALITY by taking the MANIFESTATION WORKSHOP or reading The Quantum Science of Ascension and Manifestation by Dr. Angela Barnett.

These are at crystalmagicorchestra.com/books Go to Amazon.com for more. http://www.amazon.com/Spheres-Ascension-Program-Cosmic-Universe/dp/1505787661

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