Please go here for the full post,
After meeting Cobra last week on the Portal 2012 conference here in the Caribbean I have found a new sparkle in life.
Enter Dr Janine Vogt from Germany
What work do you do ? I asked her on the beach
"I have a four year history of curing cancer patients in Germany in my clinic"she told me.
We lightworkers here use MSM DMSO and MMS to cure cancer and HIV and Arthritis and many more cures here too in the Caribbean I told her,
I asked her Do you agree with our methods ?
"Totally" she said but cancer is an attitude thing,
We have to re write totally how we think of cancer.
Read the article above,
This is very interesting.
Her perception is totally against all that we have be taught ( conned) and light worker like you all here in ashtar command should not be surprised by this content.