Weekly Galactic Update From
The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light
"We are here now.
We love you.
We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.
At our recent Galactic Broadcast, we spoke about the difference between "Abundance" and "Divine Abundance."
The spoken word is a powerful thing...
You literally speak things into existence.
Every word you say, generates vibrational frequencies that go out into the Universe.
To everything you say, the Universe answers "So be it!" and will bring it to you in some version.
It is cosmic law.
There is one more piece to this process:
If you say something once and you belief 100% that you will receive it, it will come to you.
Unfortunately, the conditioning of humanity has created quite some resistance to this process.
Therefore, it is important to repeat the same statement over and over on a consistent basis to resolve the resistance and create a new belief.
This belief is the driving force to allow for the Cosmic Law to bring you what you ask for.
In the case of Abundance, Doug and Asara have provide you a statement, a decree that you can say out loud on a consistent basis to create a new belief that will bring to you everything you need to fulfill the Divine Plan.
Also, we have provided you with a powerful Divine Abundance Activation to support your efforts at our recent Galactic Broadcast.
You are loved beyond measure.
We are with you... always. We love you.
We are you. Namaste."
Thank you, Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light!
Find The Activation Under The "Meditations" Tab, The Divine Abundance Decree under the Video of the Galactic Broadcast and the Galactic Broadcast Recordings Under The "Galactic Broadcasts" Tab In Your Member's Area Here: