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Jerry from Kennewick, Wa writes: "I was diagnosed with stage IV Lymphoma 11/2/09 I'm 47 yrs old. The dr, cut me open and took my lower organs out in hope to cut out a 6. 5x5.6 mass. I woke up from the surgery and he stood over my bed and told my sorry can't help you, your to full of cancer and I would have to remove your intestines, bowls ECT. So I then started taking Chemo five bags every three weeks. Never again! The cancer shrunk to a 3.5cm x 2. 4cm. THE Dr said the chemo didn't remove the cancer any more then this. So I learned about H202, also high doses of coral calcium and vitamin D.
In May this year they said I still had 10% in my bone. Started this regimen and had blood test weekly my white blood cells went from 1.7 to 2.7 the first week, by week four all of my blood work was normal. August 11th they did a PET scan no signs of cancer in my bone or the body. White blood cells 9-1-2010 6.3. The range is 4-11. Since I have taken the H202, I have not had a cold or any sickness.
20 drops in water 2 times a day."
Meg from Newcastle , Australia writes: "I've used Lugol's on a neck skin tag - it's gone entirely in 4 applications. I'd recommend to anyone who has a tag too large for clipping. Thanks so much Earth Clinic and everyone!"
Chin from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia writes: "Hi everyone. About 2 years ago, I was diagnose with trigger finger (on my left middle finger). My doctor told me there was no treatment for it except if it gets worst, a rather painful injection of steriod would be needed. I decided to do some research into home remedies and came across a website (sorry i can't remember the url now) but it did mention about how garlic can help. So I started taking about a few pips of sliced raw garlic together with my dinner every night. What happen about a week after taking raw garlic with my dinner was that I noticed the pain on my middle finger had gone away and the triggering effect had also gone away."
Ed from Irving Township, Minnesota writes: "I suffered with gout for 9 years. 12 years ago I began taking cranberry capsules. It helped, however, the gout would return, just not as often or severe. I researced more on the internet and learned that Alfalfa tablets cause the uric acid to be removed through the other end and I have not had a gout attack for 11 1/2 years. I drink, eat red meats, seafood, spinach, venison and other foods not recommended. I take cranberry, garlic, alfalfa, milk thistle a multivitamin once a day in the morning for maintenance. I have been able to resume use of my treadmill and I lost 50 lbs, and no more worries about walking, yard work or hunting. I have told many others about this system and every single person said it worked for them. Your doctor won't tell you, there is no profit in this for them. So much for the hippocratic oath."
Bobbie from Sydney, Australia writes: "Raisins helped improve my low blood pressure:
I didn't realise that I had low blood pressure until my partner bought a blood pressure monitor so that he could keep an eye on his high blood pressure.
I was told that low blood pressure shouldn't be too much of a problem but it didn't take long to see a correlation between the times when I felt most tired and low energy, with the times when my pressure was lowest. I found a couple of sites on the internet which suggested soaking 30 raisins in about 1/2 cup of water overnight and then eating the raisins (chewing well) and drinking the water on an empty stomach first thing the morning. I did this three times during the course of one week and three months later my pressure has improved and I feel way more energetic."
Wilma from Venice, Ca writes: "My son was stung by a bee and a friend told me to slice an onion and put it on top of the sting. Immediately, the swelling went down. She theorizes that it pulls the venom out. It also works for mosquito bites.
Raw onion also works for burns. I burned myself once by grabbing the cast iron handle. I immediately put a slice of raw onion on for about 2 minutes and then whipped egg whites until they became stiff. I applied it onto the burn and it dried and created a egg white skin on top of the burn. Wrapped a bandage around it and went to bed. The next morning, there was no pain and no blister.
For fevers, you will need to juice a raw onion and drink about a teaspoon every hour. Also, soak a couple of egg whites around a cloth and wrap around your feet and cover with socks. Reapply as egg white becomes crusty around feet. You can also paint Lugol's iodine solution on the chest and throat. My daughter's 104.7 fever came down within half a day using this method.
Onion works with vomiting from stomach flu symptoms as well, but you will alternate one teaspoon of onion juice with teaspoon of spearmint tea every hour."
Al from Orlando, Fl writes: "Acv cured my upset stomach and diarrhea within 10-15 minutes. I had a couple bouts of borderline explosive diarrhea and felt queasy/weird afterwards. I took about 2 tablespoons of ACV in a cup of cool water and ice. I put a bit of honey in it too to help sweeten (though the water is so cold, it didnt really soak in...). I had a bit of a drinking night last night (whiskey and vodka primarily) and had coffee this morning from freshly roasted beans. Needless to say, that kind of ended badly. Thank god ACV was there to save me.. ! This stuff is great. Be sure to use a straw and make sure you get the straw deep into your mouth so you dont hit your teeth with the vinegar. It's not great for your chompers. The kind of ACV I used was not organic with mother (if you dont know what that means, look it up because it's good to know) and was just taken from the grocery store. I havent tried organic mother ACV yet, but its supposed to have a lot more raw nutrients in it than regular brands. Good luck!"
Grannyguru from Oro Valley, Az, Usa writes: "Flaxseed tea cures those awful coughing spasms that won't stop until you gag. It stops them whether they are from a bad cold, or from other reasons, including the cough that comes from taking medicines for high blood pressure.
I got this from my doctor many years ago when I was pregnant and got a bad cold with a cough that wouldn't go away and would make me cough so hard my doctor was afraid I was going to lose the baby.
He was emphatic that I should only use whole flaxseed. Why, I have no idea. But he said it was something I could use as much as I wanted, because it had no bad side effects.
I gave this recipe to a friend who was coughing continuously from taking medicine for high blood pressure and then developed bronchitis where the cough just hung on and would not stop until she gagged, then would start again. Before she got the cold she complained about the constant hacking cough from the medicine to both her doctor and her pharmacist and both insisted there was NOTHING that could get rid of it, and she'd just have to learn to live with it.
She tried the flaxseed tea and the cough was almost immediately stopped, so she could get some sleep. She used it to stop the coughing for a day or two, and it COMPLETELY GOT RID OF THE COUGH. Even the cough that she had had from the high blood pressure medicine.
I've discovered that for the cough from the medicine you have to take it for a couple of days or so, and then the cough is gone...for months. If you keep taking the blood pressure medicine, then the cough will gradually come back (people describe an itch or tickle in their throat that starts it).. but once you again take the flax seed tea the cough goes away again... again for months.
With colds it works best with coughs after you have had the cold for a couple of days. That dry hacking cough that makes you cough and cough and cough until finally you gag.
Of course if you take vitamin c and other remedies when the cold starts, you may never need flaxseed tea.
But if you've ever had a cough like that, the tea is amazing.
You put about a tablespoon or so of whole dark brown flaxseeds (for some reason golden seeds do not work anywhere near as well) into 2 cups of water and boil it until it just begins to thicken. It will seem to take forever, then suddenly it thickens quickly, so the minute you notice it thickening, remove it from the heat.
Add lemon juice or vitamin c and sweetener, like grade b maple syrup, or even just sugar. Drink. I found I did not like it when it was thickened, but I could put it in a thermos and keep it by my bed, and it would break down into just a soothing liquid, but would work just as good as the thick syrup I didn't like.
And of course if you add honey and vitamin c it tastes like apple juice.
I put it out here because I realized a lot of people are being told there is NOTHING that can help the cough they get from taking high blood pressure medicine. Seems to me just the constant coughing is going to raise your blood pressure. In any case, it is not true that nothing can help that cough. Cough drops may seem to help but in the end they just make it worse and pretty soon you are always sucking on a cough drop, but coughing more and more. Flaxseed tea works immediately to stop the coughing, and then works to take the cough away...for months. Plus my doctor said back then that there was nothing that could hurt me ...or my unborn child.
So I thought I'd mention it here."
Kellie from Frisco, Tx, Usa writes: "Heart Palpitations, Molasses
Having discovered the site in Jan and using Earth Clinic to cure my chronic sinus infections, I checked opinions for heart palpitations. Ever since going on a lot of medications 1 yr ago for my allergies (which I never had prior to 1 yr ago), about 6 months ago my heart would skip beats. It was very very scary! It usually occurred in the afternoon or evening. I dealt with it for 6 months and then looked up cures on Earth Clinic. I immediately used what I had and tried Ted's solution of baking soda and lemon juice (1/4 tea soda and 5TB lemon juice in a large glass of water). 30 minutes later they seemed better, but I was still having them. The next day I bought some Organic Black Strap Molasses. That night the palpitations started again and I drank another glass of lemon/baking soda and 2 TB Molasses. 15 minutes later they were gone!! I have been so scared for 6 months and such a simple solution solved my problem! I did not have another palpitation for a week! Then I had a few and immediately got out the molasses. 2 TB later and they were gone for a week. I just took another 2 TB tonight, which is my 3rd week. I notice each time they come back they don't occur as frequently or seem as dramatic. Each episode is less severe. The molasses is a simple/easy solution and I can't thank Earth Clinic enough for this great forum and the people who contribute!!! THANK YOU!!!"
Manjeet Singh from Singapore writes: "Oil Pulling - Sunflower Oil
I began my Oil Puling on Dec 12th, just short of three months ago.
The main reason why I started was not because I had any major problem though there were some minor issues which I did not place much importance on and frankly was not looking at to seeing any change. What I really interested to see a change in was in my Belly Spare Tyre, which has seen none thus far.
However, I am very happy to report that I have seen positive changes that have taken place in me. First of all, I used to have cracked heels together with very very dry soles with very poor elasticity; so poor that if I was to step on an uneven surface, I would have tears in my soles which would take quite some time in healing and in the process of which I suffered in pain.
Today I am very happy to say that I have absolutely NO cracked heels; my heels are perfectly smooth and my soles though there are very tine traces of dryness are also clear and with the elasticity back in order. Can they be better - definitely yes as, though smooth, there is still some dryness but I neither have to scrub my heels to make them smooth or suffer from tears in my soles.
Secondly, still on my feet...for the past three decades (since 1980) I have suffered from atheletes feet i.e. rotting between the little fingers of the feet. It was so bad that it had got to be fungal in nature with deep rooted infection. Nothing helped me...Raw Honey was my best assistant but it was only while and as long as I applied it that I was relieved. When I left it, the problem returned again and my feet would stink because the flesh between the fingers was rotting and at times it was pain bad.
For the past three months since I started OP, I have not used Honey or any other antiseptic or antifungal and I am very happy to say that my feet have stopped smelling or rotting. However, I have to say that the problem is not 100% solved for though the total effected area had reduced by almost 60-70%, some whiteness still shows especially when I remove my shoes after a full days work. But my feet definitely DO NOT smell nor hurt any more.
Thirdly, I had a few head sores on my head (I am a practicing Sikh and my religion requires me to maintain unshorn hair which I have had for the past 65 years). The problem was not a serious one but at times when I perspired more than normal, it would get very itchy. Once again, though not absolutely solved, this third problem is also in good state of control at about 50% improvement.
Fourthly, I noticed that my tongue was definitely cleaner with the whiteness getting less and less as the days went by. Just to experiment, I stopped brushing my teeth for two weeks and I was very pleasantly surp[rised to note that my mouth did not have any offensive odour and nor was there any build-up of plaque on my teeth. However, I gave it up and restarted brushing my teeth as i noticed some inflamation at my gums. I plan to give it another try soon as I want to stop using floride filled toothpastes.
This all for now...I can't thank Earth Clinic enough. I hope to return to report further as I see changes.
For now, could someone please tell me where to get Coconut Oil in Singapore/Malaysia and also what do the initials MSM refer to!
Thank You.
Trish from Dusseldorf, Nrw, Germany writes: "I tried organic brocolli and it cured my shoulder-arm pain, severe lower back pain and knee pain in 3 days. Every winter I have been suffering from these pains for years. I read the cure posted by G. Michael and since I had some organic brocilli at home I decided to give it a try. I had it raw, one small brocolli head per day and after 3 days the pain is gone!!!! And i have had these pains for years! They come every winter and get better in the summer... I am frankly quite shocked because I was pretty skeptical.
Thanks G. Michael ...may God bless you!"
Larry C from Bartlett, Il, Usa writes: "Been into holistic health for a few years now and stumbled upon Earth Clinic a few months ago when my 11 YO daughter had a bout with strep and mono. After a bad reaction to her antibiotic with a terrible rash and prescribed an even more terrible antibiotic, I pulled the plug on conventional medical "wisdom" and treated her with organic coconut oil for the mono and ACV for the rash as well as ACV and cayenne for the strep. Her sore throat was gone almost instantly with the gargle although the rash itself took longer she did get some relief. The mono disappeared in two days and she was back to being herself... Amazing!
I broke my left elbow about 22 years ago in a motorcycle accident and the Dr. then told me it would give me trouble later in life. He was completely correct as over the past 1-1/2 years it has gone from a noticeable throb to outright excruciating PAIN! Some mornings I couldn't even extend it fully and certainly not do anything physically stressful. After reading about ACV and arthritis I began using it as directed with about two tablespoons in water, sipping it throughout the day. Within 10 minutes of the first sips the pain subsided. I'm now into the fourth day and I'm a new man. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
BTW Gave it to my 19YO daughter for a headache and it was gone in minutes..."
George from Cherry Hill, Nj writes: "Alright so I really need to tell people this because I can scarcely believe it myself. Over the past few years I've had a few stomach ulcers and I've suffered from leaky gut syndrome, because of this I've developed allergies to all manor of things including cellulose in most supplements in pills and magnesium stearate and by allergies I mean if it came in contact with my skin it would start to become raw and inflamed even if I just put it under my tongue so this severely limited me from even trying most supplements to help my ulcer and leaky gut issue.Also and again this is hard to believe but I have no reason to lie to you I started developing allergies to bottled water and water from fountain soda machines, I could only drink water filtered or non filtered from a home filtering device. If I did consume these things my throat immediately swelled and my stomach ulcers burned. Over the past year or so I've learned to live with these things but I cant say its been easy. Although now my leaky gut has been remedied through a strict diet I adhered to and my ulcers are better my allergies to these things remained.
I started taking cold showers about a month ago now and at first I just stayed with cold, I enjoyed this but sometimes it would cause my stomach to become inflammed, I'm not sure why but it wasn't pleasant. Now I alternate hot and cold a few times then end on cold for 100 seconds. Now to why I'm writing this, my allergies and stomach issues are almost completely remedied!!! I just did a test with a supplement made out of fruit and it had magnesium stearate in it and no burning under the tongue no redness or irritation and after five minutes I swallowed and guess what almost no reaction at all. The same goes with liquids from fountain machines!I drank from one yesterday for the first time in I cant even remember with no reaction. I plan on continuing this and the way things are going I think I will be free of allergies within the next month or so! This site is truly one of the best things that has ever happened to me I'm slowly gaining my old life back and for that I am truly truly thankful. To think all it took was some cold water."
Arlene from Meredosia, Il. writes: "I just realized after two weeks of acv, not only all of my sinus problems are gone, but the muscle aches that accompanied it. I didn't realize that that was what was causing the pain all over my body until someone mentioned it on this site. My husband and I have been miserable with the sinus headaches, congestion etc., but we attributed the aches and pains to arthritis. We are in our 70's so it was logical. It wasn't arthritis at all it was the sinus infection. I feel 100% better."
After reading this, I now use a dash of hydrogen peroxide in my sprout container to clean it properly. After washing it with normal water, it doesn't seem to remove all the mould or film as much as the HP does.