Welcome to the fifth Gathering around the Pond, Sunday September 1 by Aisha North
Dear friends!
Tomorrow is the start of another month, and it is also time for our fifth Gathering around the Pond. It is safe to say that August has been another eventful month on so many levels, but to me, as we exit it, it feels like something has shifted during this last week, and the energies although still intense, are ”lighter”. It will be very interesting to see what this new month has to offer us, both on a personal and a on global level. And tomorrow, at 21:00 Oslo time, we get another chance to connect, and to welcome in this new month and some new energies. Here is what the CCs have to say about this:
”For tomorrow is another important day dear ones, as you are once again invited to sit down and connect through that beautiful web of shining strands of light that have been laid down in this intricate pattern of light that you call the Pond. For this gathering space, this Pond, is very much a physical place as it is a digital one, if we may use such a word. For you have connected yourselves not only with the words you share here, but also through your heart strings. Yes, you have opened your spirits by opening your hearts, and like the spider, you have brought forth a gossamer thin, but ever so strong filament of light. And this single strand has in turn been connected by so many other strands, and they have been woven together into an invisible but oh so powerful web that will help to carry you all into eternity.
For what you have made here, has been made to last. This is not some flimsy construction that can be ripped apart by anything, no matter how powerful a gust of wind that may come your way, nor by any piercing slivers of negativity that may be hurled in your direction. For this gossamer thin structure belies its strength by the way it looks to the untrained eye. To them, this is a mere folly, but for us, we see it as a rock solid anchoring place for all these heavenly energies. For you are the ones that have managed to give these beauteous energies a foothold on this planet of yours, and now, you will once again give the heavenly light an opportunity to surge down and into not only you, but through you to this whole planet, and once again deliver some much needed light to this somewhat tumultuous process of rebalancing the sphere you inhabit.
Remember, this rebalancing process in itself involves many steps, and some of them have been accomplished already, but now, the time to refill anyone feeling bereft of energy has once again come. For you will all be filled up, far above the limit you have hitherto experienced, as this time, there ARE no limits as to just how much you will be able to reach up and receive. For remember, you are receiving not only on your own part, but also for this whole web of light and beyond. For this web of light not only encompasses each and every one gathered here, it also encompasses a whole host of beings not visible to the naked eye, but still here, doing exactly the same as you. Namely, working hard to enable the light to penetrate layer after layer of density on this planet. So once again we thank you all for the work you have already accomplished, and we will also thank you beforehand for what you are about to do. For without you, there would be many a tank running on empty now, but because of you, no one will be lacking for light in the time ahead. So stay connected, and know that what you do is deeply appreciated by us all, and as we have been given the task of representing the whole of Creation in this, it behooves us to once again extend our deepest gratitude on behalf of us all.”
I would also like to add my gratitude to each and every one of you for adding your shining, golden strand to this beautiful web of light we have created here! Tomorrow we will once again ”fire up the web” by opening ourselves up to these loving energies, and I am very much looking forward to this opportunity to connect even deeper with you all.
With much love and gratitude from me, Aisha
Here are some examples of local time that corresponds with 21:00 Oslo time:
London: 20:00
Helsinki: 22:00
Sao Paulo: 04:00 PM
New York: 03:00 PM
El Paso: 01:00 PM
Los Angeles: 12:00 PM
Singapore: 03:00 AM Monday
Tokyo: 04:00 AM Monday
Sydney: 05:00 AM Monday
You can find your local time here: http://www.thetimezoneconverter.com/
Channel: Aisha North