

Wes Annac: SanJAsKa - Your Physical Realities Reflect Your Inner-Feelings (Part 2/2)
Don’t forget Wes is one of our 12 key speakers at the 2012 Scenario Conference Sedona - Preparing for Ascension. Very limited number of tickets still available here: https://the2012scenario.com/conferences/2012-10/the-2012-scenario-c...

Channelled through Wes Annac - October 10, 2012
Continued from Part 1 here: http://the2012scenario.com/2012/10/wes-annac-sanjaska-your-physical...

All that has happened on your world has acted in accordance with the time periods and cycles that flow and intersect on your world, and your conscious experience of time is simply a linear experiencing of a plethora of lessons that are meant for your higher dimensional growth.

The lower realities are lower facets of an ultimately grand, multifaceted diamond of pure consciousness, and you have entered your lower realities quite specifically to host you within specific frames of mind and heart, so that you could learn specific lessons and gain a plethora of insight and experience, which you have done with your entrance and successful exit from the lower dimensions of the Earth.

Your goals have not just been to find yourselves existing on the Earth and to enjoy the various lower dimensional labels and suits that you would wear during such a trip, but for you to literally uplift the lower vibrations of the Earth as you lifted yourselves up out of them.

Numerous souls have individually ascended from your world and this includes an onslaught of Masters who incarnated for a few specific Lives on your world before then making their exit and returning to the higher realms, but the souls who have ascended individually have not literally taken the lower vibrations of the Earth with them back to the higher realms; though many have tried and have helped to open up a line of connection with the ascended energies to your world that many in the [Earth]collective did not and have not yet fed.

You dear souls who are existing along the final moments of Earth’s lower dimensional experience are now meant to ascend in a grand, collective fashion and take the lower vibrations of the Earth with you as you transmute them, and this is one fundamental reason that a great many Lightworkers have taken to experiencing lower acts and acts of density throughout their various Lives.

You dear Lightworkers who are knowingly incarnate on a world that does not resonate with your natural energy have chosen to undergo some of the darkest of lower dimensional densities at times, all so that you could transmute the vibrations of the aspects of yourselves that would be prominent within you at this time and in doing so, take the vibrations related to such lower mindsets and ways of Living that have been prevalent on your world for so very long, and transmute them on a massive level.

The rate of negative energy you are transmuting even by going through frustrating events is staggering and such a process is aided exponentially and tremendously if you dear souls are able to realize the lower nature of that which you had been experiencing, and transmute such lower nature.

Your conscious efforts of working with the Light and transmuting the dark are Creating such a profound impact, that we in the higher realms quite mean it when we say that the ascension of the Earth is being caused by your actions.

Yes, dear souls, this ascension has always been decreed and it was known that the incarnation and mass migration of the Light forces unto your world was needed to attain such an ascension because of the lower acts that the souls incarnate upon your beautiful world have been unknowingly feeding, and it has been the incarnation of all of you dear souls unto this beautiful world as well as your conscious and real efforts in increasing the strong Light of the Creator unto the lowest vibrations and aspects of this world, that is seeing Her able now to exit the rungs of the lower dimensions and take all on Her surface who are ready with Her.

You are all going to be given an equal opportunity to learn about ascension and to ascend yourselves, as [the discussion of] ascension will be one fundamental aspect of the disclosure announcements that you will be given. You will be given insight into the various time cycles and cycles of growth on your world and you are seeing much from a plethora of physical truthseekers about such cycles now, and we will be able to explain such cycles because of the ‘gloom and doom’ predictions that have been unfairly based from the Calendar of your Mayans.

The Mayan Calendar has been purposefully misinterpreted and distorted and, like many actions of the dark, the propaganda that they have fed you about the Mayan Calendar will be utilized as a reason to discuss the Mayan Calendar during the disclosure announcements, which will naturally segway into a discussion of ascension and how we have visited various civilizations in accordance with the strides they were to reach along their growth of such a Calendar.

A very old cycle is coming to an end with the end of your month of December and we do indeed ask you dear souls to aim your vibrations toward the highest intents of manifestations for the delivering of higher dimensional energies to your world at the end of your month December.

You can all prepare vastly for the delivering of the higher dimensional energies as your world reaches various alignments that are needed to see a much purer energy being delivered to you. We ask you to aim your meditative efforts toward these energies making themselves known and toward the opening of innumerable stargates and gates of energy that will bring the pure energies of the higher dimensions to you. (1)

You dear souls are working through the very vibrations that you have set out to undergo and transmute, and we are doing all that we can to assist you with your processes while acting in accordance with your freewill and this, dear souls, is something that we do not utilize our technology to assist us with.

Our Divine technology is a very big and important aspect of the healing work we are able to perform on your world and due to the utilization of our technology and the pairing of it with similar technology aboard our star and Motherships, we are quite literally able to visit our home planets at any time that we wish to as we pair our consciousness with aspects of our technology aboard our Motherships that are connected with and bringing through energies of our various home worlds, and as many souls within any given Council exist within the same world, we are able to visit our planets and any aspect of this beautiful Creation that we wish to.

We are able to visit and exist within your ascended world and we are working with the higher aspects of many of you to help bring about the personal changes in your Lives that are bringing you toward these [ascended] lands.
We and you all as well are quite literally working within these fifth dimensional lands of your Ascended Eden to shape and form them and to help deliver them to the lower realms of your world as well, as such lower realms are molded and transmuted to feed the realms of your fifth dimensional Eden.

We will exist with you, within your fifth dimensional New Earth and we will indeed be visiting you before your initiation into the fifth dimension, as we have much healing to share with you so that you can collectively repair and cleanse the state that your world has been in.

The dearest Hathors were quite correct in their assessment that you dear souls are to be utilizing collective sound-based healing methods of cleansing much of the pollution that has been maintained upon the surface of your dear world, and something they did not mention was that our technology is going to aid you marvelously in attaining the perfect resonation with the specific sound frequencies and tones that you are to utilize as a collective to cleanse pollution in your skies.

The energy that is funneled-out of our technology to cleanse the pollution prevalent within the skies of your world is funneled-out of such technology in [the form of] a pure harmonic frequency, and as this frequency is very pure and potent in the amount of cleansing it can perform as it transforms the vibrations causing and feeding the pollution and changes the polluted substances into substances that are higher dimensional, pure and helpful for your skies and atmosphere; as this technology and the energy brought through this technology in the specific form of sound frequencies performs this action, you dear souls will be feeding and funneling your collective and individual energy through the technology as it performs this specific healing action.

You are to utilize your collective [energy] to help you begin to resonate with the pure frequency that this healing energy is manifested upon and as you begin to collectively understand how to match your energies with this frequency, you will find less of a need to utilize our technology but many of you may still do so happily, until you find yourselves ready to no longer utilize it and to utilize your own inner-abilities.

Indeed, dear souls, our technology is not meant to do the work for you and is rather only meant as a stepping-stone to your understanding of the higher dimensions.
You have been given physical tools to help you to see the Light throughout your various societies and you have always been meant to eventually outgrow the need and want for such tools whenever you dear souls were ready, in your own Divine time, as you began to find your own inherent evolution and to gain internally what you have gained from the physical things that have helped you.

Some of you are keen on clinging to specific frames of mind or a specific way of expressing your emotions, because it helps you to feel better or more sustained energetically and we say that even your wish to act in a certain manner or perform a certain action to attain and validate an unfolding higher dimensional experience, will be replaced with a pure knowing and feeling of the higher realms and of the perspectives garnered by the higher realms.

You will know and feel that these wonderful realms are all around you and you will quite literally be existing as such realms, while some of you choose to take a fifth dimensional body structure that will be Crystalline-based in nature.
Even those of you who will choose to discarnate and experience the fifth dimension as pure Source energy are still experiencing the upgrades within your bodies, as you have the choice as to if you will wish to keep such upgrades or discarnate from having them within a special body temple and instead experience them as pure Source energy.

This will be your choice and every path is honored, and you dear souls will find that those of you in the fifth dimension who choose to take a body structure will take all kinds of different structures.
You have heard from Pleiadian Human collectives, Pleiadian Dolphin collectives and within your minds and hearts, some of you have even began to become open to our Pleiadian Lion collectives and various other facets of our higher dimensional Life that choose a specific form while still understanding and feeling a strong and pure Unity consciousness.

You are able to meld your energies with any souls in the higher realms who you find a close resonation with, even if only for a moment. You dearest souls are able to do so much more than you realize and it simply takes opening up to your inherent higher dimensional abilities and letting yourselves realize the true and full reality of them, and you will find yourselves quite on the right path.

You are connecting with our energies as we give this communication with Love in our hearts, and we match and send back down to you the energies that you give us in a much purer manner than they had been sent to us.
We say this in this manner because the energies of appreciation and the sheer Lighted perspective that you dear souls have garnered from every [genuine] higher dimensional communication and then radiated back out to the rest of Creation, have been quite strong and pure. We have utilized these energies and again, sent them back down to you so that you could begin to absorb the higher dimensional encodements of your own manifested energy.

As you have been told, your collectively and individually-manifested energy is utilized with our healing technology that you will very soon be introduced to, and we are gaining quite an abundance of such energy with each collective and individual meditation that you dear souls perform as you are bringing through increasingly-pure Light energies whenever performing these meditations.

You are able to find specific ways to gain a very pure energy through yourselves and Gaia happily utilizes this energy as we do, to help cleanse various spots on Her surface that are and have been ‘stuck’ to consensual realities of density, and the lower energies that are daily and on a moment-to-moment basis anchored upon such places are being transmuted and ‘replaced’ with the Light energies in the same manner that your own personal inner-held darkness is beginning to become exposed to you and transmuted within yourselves.

You dear souls are mirroring the acts occurring on your surface, and your surface is as well mirroring the actions that you are performing and the strides you are or are not reaching along your specific processes. Your physical realities reflect your inner-feelings and actions expressed toward yourselves and others, and your collective actions and the mindsets that are fed the most by the collective at any given time are determining your realities as you have Created them.

This is why a soul who is still closed-off in themselves to the truth of the higher realms simply could not yet believe in themselves that our communications or the coming of your New Age in general is a reality. These souls are simply Creating and experiencing a different reality that has been decided by different preconceived mindsets and all souls should be honored and understood no matter which path they find themselves on.

You dearest souls who have opened up yourselves to the higher realms are experiencing an entirely different reality than those who haven’t yet been opened up in themselves, and many of you Lightworkers are existing in specific places on your world that have not seen a breakthrough of the Light energies in a very long time and as a result, your presence in such areas is quite needed.

You are all needed where you are at this point and while many of you have felt the wish to leave where you specifically are behind and explore other aspects of the Earth, we say that in the time ahead you are to find an infinite travel and not only will you explore and experience every last vestige of your dear Earth; you will branch-out and experience a plethora of other realms of Creation as well in the form of entire planets, star systems and Galaxies.

Your experience is to be truly unlimited and of the higher vibrations as your world continues to climb to higher and purer dimensions, taking you all with Her. You are all meant to be where you are because you are stationed near many gates of energy, and you are stationed at these gates because of the pure will and intent you are bringing through yourselves which is matched with the ongoing and very pure energies being gifted from the souls existing within higher astral realms of your world, to such gates and to you all as a result.

You are all maintaining a conscious connection with the gates of energy that are delivering your reality-Creating energies to you and your world, via your chakras and via the planetary chakras of Gaia which are otherwise known as these very energy gates [spoken of] and while the energies which Create your reality are indeed funneled-down from higher realms of your world who receive such energy from the lower and higher realms of your sun; while this is so it is still you dear souls who are acting in accordance with Gaia’s planetary chakras and energy gates to receive your continually pure, reality-Creating energies through your chakras and funnel such energies out.

Many of you are giving these energies a much-needed added boost with your meditations and with your conscious giving of Light, and with each gift of Light that you give to dear Gaia, you are making bigger changes on your world than you realize.

Parts of yourselves have planned-out certain stages for you to undergo whilst on this world and while finding your lower dimensional experiences, and we ask you all to take everything that happens in your Lives in stride, and to know that all that is occurring is simply acting in accordance with the fading and final vestiges of the Earth experience.
Understand dear souls, that nobody can take the higher dimensions away from you.

Nobody can take from you, your expanding and unfolding perceptions of the pure realms of Creation that you are growing toward increasingly. Nobody can decide [for you] how your Lives must be or what you must and must not believe, nor can you decide the beliefs and the reality of another. You are all free and sovereign beings and the beauty of your wonderful world is that you are all on Gaia’s surface from various realms of Creation, and you are all intermingling with yourselves and with each other as you begin to discover your own inherent higher dimensional existence.

Oh how we revel with Joy as our scribe expresses that he wishes to keep going with this communication, but we can feel even tiredness of the dear souls who are absorbing it!
It is time now to rest, dear scribe, and allow your energies to settle. Each and every one of you dear Lightworkers are experiencing a strong and pure alignment and absorbing of the fifth dimensional energies within you at this point and it is important to allow yourselves the needed resting and integration periods, as allowing yourselves to rest will see you assimilating these energies in much purer ways.

The Love that we feel for you dear souls could never be stronger in your range [of ability] to integrate this Love and feel it for yourselves in the very real ways that so many of you are beginning to access, and it is with this supreme Love in our hearts and in yours that we bid you dearest, beautiful souls adieu.

Thank you to SanJAsKa.



(1)-I want to make sure that this is not misunderstood or misinterpreted as a prediction of stargate openings at the end of December. From what I got from this message, we are being led to aim our meditative and visualization energies toward this happening, as we will assist the alignments occurring at the end of December by doing so.

tags: SanJAsKa http://the2012scenario.com/tag/sanjaska/, wes annac http://the2012scenario.com/tag/wes-annac/
Posted by Alice C

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