I am feeling awsome today! This morning I woke upp when someone was singing with a gordeous voice! I knew this voice all right! I have heard this gordeous mans voice sing happy birthday to me on my birthday! I woke upp with a huge smile on my lipps and my heart filled of hapiness...Cause I knew my beloved Xzai-On was singing this when I was in his thoughts and he was thinking of me! He seem to bee in excelent mood and it feels that something is upp, that something awsome is going to happen very soon! Something that I and Xzai-On have looked forward to in meny months alredy! To finaly reunite and forever bee together, bee in eachothers arms, start a family, get married and live a happy life together witch has been taken away from uss in the past, so meny times...GOD, I Love my twinflame! I can´t WAIT till I can finaly bee in my beloveds arms! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH Xzai-On!!! <3 <3 <3
Nice :-)