What Are Ethereal Cords?


What Are Ethereal Cords?

Cords are made of astral and etheric energy and connect two people’s subtle bodies. They stretch between two people very much like an umbilical cord and transfer emotional energy and chi between the two.

It does not matter how far away the other person is, as the cord is not a physical substance and distance is irrelevant, so it is still effective from the other side of the planet.

All babies have a cord going from their belly to their mother after the physical umbilical cord is cut. Some may have extra cords going from the heart, solar plexus or even the head to various parts of the mother’s energy body.

The cord or cords that exist during infancy last for a few years and gradually drop off as the child becomes more independent from the mother and does not need the connection any more. Well ideally this would be the case but here on earth so many people have emotional issues that very often the cords can last well into adulthood. The cord is supposed to be there to support the baby but in actuality many mothers are emotionally needy and actually use the cord to nourish themselves from the baby’s fresh and abundant energy. Of course this is subconscious and the mother is not really meaning to do this. The baby is usually quite aware of what is happening and will even give the mother extra energy and emotional support through the cord at will. The baby is a very pure and loving being at this stage with only a small amount of astral incarnation and very little ego structure so they want to do all they can for the mother.

What Are Ethereal Cords?


Unfortunately as the baby grows up it gradually loses its perception of such metaphysical things and so forgets about the cord.

The transfer of emotional energy becomes subconscious for the child as well as the mother and continues to operate for possibly a very long time.

Cords between mother and child that last for prolonged periods often cause serious friction between the two parties leading to dysfunctional feelings toward each other. The relationship will suffer as there is bound to be resentment and negative feelings.

Imagine you have been drained of energy by your mother for 30 years through a cord that has become thick and gross with negative emotions and emotional neediness. You do not know exactly what is happening but you sense that somehow you are being drained by her.

You move to another country to get away but wherever you go it almost feels like she is there with you, she is draining you from afar. This situation is just an example; there are many ways to interact through a cord.

Another common cord is between two lovers. Each wants to share their energy with the other and during sex this is amplified greatly. The feelings of love and sharing are often enough to build a cord. Often these cords are between the bellies but can be in other areas like the heart or solar plexus, etc. So when two people have been in an emotional relationship for a time there is a good chance that the two people have a cord. Depending on the emotional issues of the two the cord can become gross or can stay fairly clean and be a good thing which helps the two with emotional nurturing. If one partner is needy it is likely that they will drain the other which could eventually lead to resentment by the drained partner. Some cords that become too gross can cause serious problems for a couple and could certainly lead to a break up. Clearing a cord can help alleviate the emotional intensity so the couple can progress to a more balanced relationship. If a breakup does occur the cord may stay for a long time and continue to operate, making it hard to let go and to move on with another partner. In this case clearing the cord can do wonders.

Cords can be created between any two people or even groups of people that have emotional relationships. Friends, workmates, enemies can all have cords. They can be used by entities and other dimensional beings to connect with us and drain our energy. It is possible to send a cord to someone you don’t know if you really want to get to know them. For example say you fall in love with someone but have not yet talked to them. It is possible that your desire to have them may send a cord into their energy. It is also possible to consciously create a cord to another person but this is in the domain of black magic. You should never use psychic means to purposely control or affect another’s energy without their permission. There are no exemptions from this rule and the karmic repercussions are enormous!

There are many types but whatever the case a cord is basically a connection between the astral and etheric bodies of two or more beings which allows for an exchange of emotional and/or etheric energy.

Fortunately all cords can be cleared fairly easily. It only takes one of the people to clear the cord and it will be cleared from the other. Through the practices learned in Past Life-Regression you can become aware of all your cords and learn to clear them. Interestingly while exploring a cord you can remember when and how it was created, how you felt about it and how it has been operating while it was there. Often cords can be seen and felt very tangibly and their effects become very apparent. As you enter the subconscious through the third eye you can actually remember what was happening in your subconscious during any part of your life. These can be excellent lessons in self exploration.


Cutting the Cords That Bind You

by Ayal Hurst


We all know when someone is gazing at us – we get a sense that some energy emanations have been directed our way. We feel the energetic vibrations and we know when something or someone has connected with us in some way. We are all telepathic, although some have become more conscious of and developed this innate ability more than others.

INTERCONNECTED – Our bodies are electrical in make-up. Within and without our beings operate like telephone circuits sending impulses through the nerves to connect with and communicate to other energy impulses.

We are all interconnected on the Great Energy Grid of Life, and thoughts travel with the speed of lightning around the grid, connecting one to another.

ENERGETIC CORDS – When we consistently direct our thoughts and energy to a particular person, place or thing, we begin to establish an energetic cord connecting us to that object. The more we send our energy there, the more we think of that object the thicker and bigger the cord becomes.

In this way, our energy gets attached to that object and as it flows away from our own being where it is needed we lose energy. Not only do we lose energy which many call “giving our power away” but we also allow our energy to become entangled in the energy of the other.

LOVING DETACHMENT – Any time we are attached to something we have lessened our ability to move freely without encumbrance. One of the definitions in Buddhist terms of suffering is “attachment”. This does not mean that we disconnect from life or others. It means that when we connect it is important to do so from a heartfelt, truly loving place.

To connect from the heart is appropriate if we are able to connect from a place of loving detachment. This means that we give our love freely, without any strings attached. We love not from neediness, insecurity, ego enhancement to prove anything or to gain anything.

We just Love as we would love and feel deep appreciation toward a beautiful sunset. That is Loving Detachment. Connecting from loving detachment does not encumber us nor does it try to pull energy from another. It simply Loves.

A wonderful healer from London once told the story of how a young 21 year old woman, who was much beloved by her parents, was in a coma, dying of cancer. The parents went on the radio and desperately asked that people to please pray for her to live. People from all around responded to their plea, and the young woman lingered on.

Finally, one day, this healer was visited by the young woman’s spirit, which seemed to be in deep turmoil and distress. He therefore went to visit her and as he sat by her bedside, he saw that she was totally wrapped up from head to toe in energetic cords, keeping her bound on the earth plane.

She had come to him to ask him to help her get free. As he sat by her, he helped her to cut the cords from all the prayers people had sent her way, people who had meant well, but had not understood the impact or consequences of what they were doing. Then he returned home. A day later, she appeared to him again, smiling and refreshed, appearing fully well once more. He later heard that she died that day.

UNCONDITIONAL LOVE – When we come from a place of need, when we “need” something from another we attach a cord to them not from the heart but from other, less clear places. This pulls and sucks at the energy of another and can cause consequences which do not work for the Highest Good, for any concerned. That is why true Love is called unconditional. We do not place conditions or expectations on it. It is freely given.

TUNING IN AND ALLOWING – In order to live healthfully, we need to have all of our own energy in our own space in our own bodies. We do not try to direct or influence the lives of others or put out cords toward them. We do not need the energy of others to survive.

We are all our own power generators with our own life plans, with infinite resources of energy at our disposal. All that we need to do is to tune into that Divine Source of energy and allow it to flow into us. All we need to do is be willing to receive it.

There are many techniques and methods which show us the way to open and receive this Divine energy, which is the energy we breathe with each breath and which fills every cell of our beings, giving us life.

CUTTING THE CORDS – When we feel unclear, tired, irritated, upset or drained an important healing tool to use is to sit in meditation and using inner vision, scan one’s body, both the front and the back.

Energetic cords can be sensed and some people even have the ability to see them. If you see or sense a cord attached to you from another, or a cord going out from you to something or someone else, you can imagine yourself cutting the cords and allowing the energy to return where it belongs.

You can also state this as you cut the cords: “Mother-Father God and Holy Spirit: Assist me by disconnecting all energy connections from me to others and from others to me.”

When the cords have been cut, surround yourself with a beautiful cocoon of glowing, white light and state: “I now am willing to connect with my Divine Source of energy and I allow only the Highest Vibration of Love to connect me to others and others to me.”

FREEDOM – By establishing their rightful connection to their own true Source of Power a person lives in freedom and allows others to live in freedom, sharing only that which is of true benefit for all!

source: http://in5d.com/what-are-ethereal-cords/

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