(This is a post from one of our Sponsors)
By Devara ThunderBeat
Our human DNA contains far more than scientists know. The mapping of the physical strands has begun, but they are unable to read the spiritual coding at this present time. They have labeled this part "junk DNA" thinking that it serves no purpose. In the future, when the technology is developed to enable them to read this part of the DNA coding, they will be greatly surprised.
The 22 Strand DNA activation is a physically administered activation that opens pathways between the physical, crystalline and etheric bodies, allowing new patterns of light to be replicated into the cells of the physical body.
The 22 DNA Session also activates information about your spiritual family, where you came from and why you are here on Earth.
What are the benefits of the 22 DNA strands?
· Empowers you to maximize your potential to bring forth talents and abilities as yet unrealized.
· Enables you to have more energy and clarity.
· Allows releasing of unconscious knowledge stored within.
· Creates a greater opening for connecting to the Higher Self.
· Allows clearing of family and genetic karmic patterns.
· Strengthens the immune system and quicker rejuvenation.
· It activates dormant brain functions to their original divine function.
· It raises your frequency level by bringing more light into the physical body.
· You will begin to manifest your higher senses like intuition, telepathy, and clairvoyance.
More info: http://www.thundervisionrecords.com/dna_activation.html
To Schedule your 22 DNA Activation Contact: Devara ThunderBeat