What are the numbers telling you ?


0 God is talking to you. When you see a zero, it's a sign of the endless circle of Omega without beginning or end. God is trying to get your attention with a word of reassurance or Divine guidance.
1 Stay positive. Everything you’re thinking about right now is coming true. So be sure that you’re only thinking about what you desire. Give any fears to God and the angels.
2 Everything’s fine and will continue to be so. Keep believing, especially since your feelings of hope lead to more positive outcomes. The angels can buoy your faith if you’ll ask for their help.
3 The ascended masters are helping you – usually this means an ascended master you feel close to – for example, Jesus, Quan Yin, a saint, or some other spiritual/religious figure.
4 The angels are with you. They send you the number 4 to reassure you that they’ve heard your prayers and are helping you.
5 A significant change is occurring, always for the better. It’s a good idea to call upon Heaven for help with life changes.
6 Don’t worry or obsess about material items, including money. Worry lowers the effectiveness of your prayers. Fortunately, the angels can answer your prayers if you ask them to.
7 You’re on the right path, and the outcome will exceed your expectations! The number 7 is a sign that Divine magic is supporting you and opening doors of opportunity.
8 The number 8 signifies abundance and prosperity. The endless loops in this number signify an infinite flow of money, time, ideas, or whatever else you require (especially for your life purpose).
9 Get to work, Lightworker – now! The number 9 means that you’ve completed all of the prerequisites to achieve your life purpose. Stop procrastinating, as it’s time to start taking action steps. Even baby steps are useful.
10 God wants you to hold positive thoughts about this situation, as everything is working out for your highest good. Call upon God to help you stay optimistic, as your thoughts are an influencing factor in the outcome.
11 Stay positive! Your thoughts are materializing rapidly, so you want to ensure positive outcomes by focusing only on the good within yourself, others, and this situation.
12 Keep your thoughts positive about the future, as what you are thinking influences your future. This is a message to keep your faith and hope strong, because these are strong determining factors right now.
13 The ascended masters (such as Jesus, Quan Yin, and so on) are with you, helping you maintain a positive outlook. The number 13 signifies that female ascended masters and goddesses are assisting you in staying positive.
14 Lean upon the angels to help you maintain a positive outlook. This will keep your own demeanor optimistic and bright.
15 As you go through changes in your life, stay positive. Your optimistic thoughts help you manifest the best outcomes with respect to these changes.
16 Your words are magnetic affirmations that draw to you the very things you talk and think about. For this reason, the angels remind you to be aware of your thoughts and words.
17 The angels applaud you for staying positive and optimistic. They say your optimism is warranted, as your affirmative thoughts are coming true. Keep up the good work, as you’re on the right path!
18 Your thoughts are the valve that opens and shuts your financial flow. As you stay positive, all the material resources you need come to you easily. However, worry can stop this flow, so ask your angels to help you stay upbeat, especially where it concerns money.
19 This is a message for you to believe in yourself and your life purpose. The angels want you to know that you are qualified and ready to follow your dreams. Stay positive, and take action without delay.
20 Your connection with the Creator is strong and clear. God asks you to fill your heart and mind with faith (ask Heaven for help in doing so if you desire). Your faith is being rewarded right now.
21 Your optimism is definitely warranted! The angels are working behind the scenes on your behalf right this very minute. You can help support the angels' work by saying positive affirmations and believing that your dream is already manifesting.
22 The angels can see the positive results of your prayers, and they want you to have patience and stay optimistic while the final details are being worked out in Heaven. This is an urgent call from the angels to "keep the faith"!
23 You are working closely with one or more ascended masters such as Jesus, Moses, the saints, or the goddesses. This is a message from your ascended-master guides, who can see that the answer to your prayers is within reach. They encourage you to stay positive to ensure that you attract the best possible outcome.
24 Additional angels are surrounding you right now, helping you stay optimistic no matter what is going on around you. The angels know the magical power of faith, and they're releasing any negative thoughts and emotions to give you a clear path for the manifestation of your desires.
25 As you go through major life changes, expect the best and your optimism will be rewarded.
26 Positive affirmations help your situation improve quickly. The angels urge you to only think and speak about your desires, and not to affirm your fears, as they are just an illusion.
27 Congratulations! Your optimism is attracting wonderful situations and relationships. Stay positive, as this attitude is working in your favour.
28 Money comes to you as you keep the faith that you, your loved ones, and your beautiful life purpose are all fully supported by Heaven.
29 Stay positive about your life purpose, and put all of your focus on being of service, utilizing your natural talents, passions, and interests. Doors are opening for you. Just keep your faith strong.
30 You are fully supported by God and the ascended masters. Step forward confidently in the direction of your dreams.
31 The ascended masters ask you to look past all earthly illusions and see the Divine perfection within you, other people, and your current situation. As you see Divine perfection in your mind, it manifests externally in your relationships, career, health, and other areas.
32 The ascended master Jesus reminds you to apply his affirmation about the power of faith ("With faith, all things are possible") to your own life right now.
33 You have a strong and clear connection with one of more ascended masters, who have answered your call and your prayers. Keep talking to them, as they're helping you with your present situation.
34 Your prayers are heard and answered by the angels and ascended masters, who are with you right now.
35 A positive change is coming about for you, with the assistance and protection of the ascended masters.
36 the ascended masters ask you to keep your thoughts focused on spirit, and release any material worries to them.
37 You are on the right path, and the ascended masters are encouraging and helping you along the way.
38 The ascended masters are helping you with your financial situation.
39 You are being helped by the ascended masters, who are strongly encouraging you to work on your life purpose right now.
40 God and the angels are surrounding you with Heavenly love and protection.
41 The angels ask you to keep very positive thoughts, as everything you say and think is manifesting into form rapidly.
42 The angels are urging you to keep the faith!
43 Both the angels and ascended masters (such as Jesus, Quan Yin, or a saint) are helping you right now. Spend time connecting with them in quiet meditation, and be calmed by their reassuring presence, which tells you that everything is fine.
44 The angels are giving you extra comfort, love, and support right now. Ask them for help with everything, and listen to their guidance through your intuition.
45 The angels are helping you through a positive life change.
46 The angels are saying to you: "Keep your thoughts focused upon your spiritual self and your Divine Source for everything. Give any material worries to us."
47 The angels say that you are on the right path. Keep up the good work!
48 Your answered prayers about money have been heard and answered by the angels.
49 The angels urge you to get to work on your major goals and life purpose without delay. Ask them to help you with ideas, courage, and motivation.
50 God is helping you change your life in healthful new ways.
51 Keep positive thoughts about the changes you're desiring and experiencing.
52 Have faith that the changes you're considering or experiencing are for the best.
53 The ascended masters are helping you change your life in positive ways. Ask for their help with any aspect of these situations, such as additional ideas, opportunities, courage, and so forth.
54 The angels are guiding and supporting you as you make healthy and necessary changes in your life.
55 This is a period of "out with the old, in with the new." Welcome these changes, as they bring about new blessings.
56 As you go through changes with your home life, career, and relationships, stay focused on your inner spirit's growth. Find the blessing within each change you're experiencing.
57 The changes you are experiencing are for the best. Trust these changes to lead you where you want to go.
58 Your finances are improving, and there will be a positive change in your financial flow. This could also signal a job promotion or career change, with an increased salary.
59 The changes you are going through are bringing you closer to your Divine life purpose. You can calm anxieties by spending time on activities related to your spiritual interests.
60 You are vacillating between focusing upon Spirit and the material world. This number is a call for you to balance your focus, and always remember that Spirit is your source and the force behind everything in your life.
61 Keep your thoughts about your material life (such as home, work, body, and possessions) very positively focused. Your thoughts are affecting your life, so only think about your desires and not about any fears.
62 Keep believing that the details of your life are working out in miraculous ways. Your faith opens the door for miracles!
63 The ascended masters are helping you with the daily aspects of your life. Ask them for help, and then be open to receiving the assistance that they bring to you in the form of ideas, guidance, and unexpected gifts.
64 You are fully supported by the angels in every area of your life. Give any fears or worries to the angels, and ask them for any assistance that you need right now.
65 Congratulations on the positive changes you're making in your life right now. This is an excellent time to make changes at home, work, or within relationships. Follow your inner truth.
66 When you're burdened by worries, stress, or fear, it's more difficult to hear your angels' loving help. This is a message for you to spend time in prayer and meditation. Ask for spiritual intervention, and open your arms to receive the help that always follows prayers.
67 Well done! You're on the right path at home and at work.
68 Remember that Spirit is the source of your income. Worry doesn't assist you with your finances, but prayer always helps every part of your life.
69 As you spend time working on activities related to your spiritual passions and interests, every part of your life automatically improves.
70 This is a message from God that you're on the right path. Keep up the good work!
71 You are on track with your desires and manifestations. Just stay positive and optimistic, and all of your dreams will be right there for you.
72 Have faith that you're taking the right steps toward the manifestation of your desires… because you are!
73 The ascended masters are guiding you, and you are listening to them accurately. Stay on your present path, as it is illuminated with blessings and gifts.
74 The angels surround you and walk beside you every step of the way. You're on the fast track to the manifestation of your dreams, so stick to the ideas and activities you're involved with now.
75 The changes you're making or considering are exactly right for you.
76 You're on the right path, and your material needs are fully supported by your choices and actions.
77 Keep up the great work! Everything you're doing right now has the Midas touch!
78 Your present focus and actions have tapped into the Universal financial flow of abundance. Stick with your current plans, as they're right on the money.
79 You're on the right path for your Divine life purpose.
80 God is supporting you in all areas, including your financial life. Let go and let God help you.
81 The more you stay positive about money, the greater your financial flow will be.
82 Keep the faith that your financial situation is taken care of. Give any worries to God and the angels.
83 The ascended masters have heard and answered your prayers about your financial needs.
84 The angels are helping you increase your financial flow so that you attain a state of security and abundance.
85 Hooray! You're experiencing positive changes in your financial situation.
86 Keep your thoughts about money spiritually based, and let go of earthly concerns about finances. The higher your thoughts, the better your financial flow.
87 You're on the right track with respect to your career and finances. Keep going!
88 This is a very auspicious and favourable sign about your finances. Your actions, prayers, visualizations, and manifestation work have resulted in a large inflow of abundance. Open your arms and receive!
89 Your Divine life purpose is key to opening the door to abundance. Take steps daily (beginning now) to work in areas related to your spiritual passions and interests. These areas are the foundation of your Divine life purpose.
90 God is calling upon you to work on your Divine life mission without delay. You are ready! Take action today, doing something related to your spiritual interests.
91 Stay positive and optimistic about your Divine life purpose. You and your mission are needed in this world.
92 As you keep the faith that everything is unfolding perfectly with your Divine life purpose, you more clearly see and understand the steps that are best for you to take.
93 The ascended masters are guiding, protecting, and supporting you. Because you've listened to their guidance (even unconsciously), you're now on the right path for the fruition of your dreams and life purpose.
94 Your actions are guided and supported by the angels, who say that you're doing great - keep up the good work!
95 The changes that you're currently considering are taking you in the right direction for the manifestation of your Divine life purpose.
96 With respect to your Divine life purpose, put all of your focus onto the spiritual aspects (such as helping others, asking for Heaven to support you, and coming from a place of love). Give any earthly concerns about your purpose to God and the angels.
97 Keep trusting and following your intuition, as it's right on the mark.
98 The more that you focus, and take action upon, your Divine life purpose, the more that the gateways of abundance open up for you. Focus on your purpose, and let your finances take care of themselves.
99 The spirit world has an urgent message for you: "Get to work on your Divine life purpose now!" Ask the spirit world to help you with motivation, clarity, direction, and anything else you need.
100 This is a strong message from God, telling you that your positive thoughts are necessary to co create the outcome you desire.
101 This number signifies fundamental spiritual teachings: As you "let go and let God," your thoughts automatically become more positive, and this elevated vibration attracts all good things into your life.
102 All of your prayers and positive thoughts are sprouting into your desired form! Give any worries to God, and stay filled with faith, as you'll soon see a positive outcome.
103 The more that you stay optimistic, the more easily God and the ascended masters (such as the saints, Jesus, and so on) can help you.
104 You are surrounded by the love of God and the angels, who are lifting you up to a happier level. You can speed up this effect by maintaining a positive outlook.
105 As you change your life for the better, you're supported by God's powerful and loving energy. Give any worries to God, because your positive thoughts act like angels along the way.
106 The more you focus on God's love and wisdom, the more you tap into this source of strength and support. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all will be added unto you."
107 You've been listening to God's loving guidance, and as a result, you're exactly where you're supposed to be.
108 Your positive thoughts and prayerful connection with god's infinite love have yielded an unending flow of abundance for you.
109 This is a strong message to stay optimistic about your Divine life mission, as well as to take steady action in the direction of your dreams.
110 You and God are co-creating the answers to your prayers, and God needs your cooperation in this endeavor. Help Him by staying positive and following Divine guidance.
111 This number brings you the urgent message that your thoughts are manifesting instantly, so keep your mind-set focused upon your desires. Give any fearful thoughts to Heaven for transmutation.
112 Faith and optimism are the two factors that unlock the doors to all of your desires.
113 The ascended masters are buoying your thoughts so that you will expect the miracles that are coming to you.
114 Ask the angels to help you stay optimistic, as they're urging you to keep your thoughts at the highest vibrational levels.
115 The more that you hold positive thoughts about the changes you're currently making or considering, the better the outcome will be for you and everyone involved.
116 Hold the highest vision for your material life (such as career, home, and lifestyle), because your thoughts are manifesting into form in these life areas.
117 Congratulations! Your positive thoughts have steered you and your life in a wonderful direction. Keep up the positive mental work.
118 Your positive thoughts about money have opened the doors to increased financial flow. Stay optimistic, because it's working!
119 Keep your thoughts and feelings concerning your Divine life purpose as high-vibrating and positive as possible. Your thoughts are steering your experiences with respect to your purpose.
120 Beautiful! You've centered your entire mind and heart upon the positive energy of God's love.
121 Now is the time for your unwavering faith and optimism, which always yield the highest possible out come for you.
122 Stay filled with faith, because Heaven is working behind the scenes to help your manifestations appear. The more positive your thoughts and feelings, the faster and better this manifestation occurs.
123 Simplify your life by letting go of anything extraneous or unnecessary. Ask others (including Heaven) to help you, and delegate more often.
124 The angels are helping you stay positive by lifting your thoughts to the energy of Divine love.
125 All of the changes that you've been making or considering will go much more smoothly if you keep a positive mind-set.
126 The more you stay positive and filled with faith, the better the outcome of your current situation. You're steering the ship with your thoughts, so keep them uplifted.
127 You're on the right path, so your optimism is warranted. Stay positive and keep doing what you're doing!
128 The more you keep your mind and body filled with positive energies, the more the gateways of abundance open widely for you.
129 Your Divine life mission is important and very needed in the world. Stay positive and take daily action steps related to your spiritual passions and interests.
130 God and the ascended masters are working with you to lift your thoughts and energies so that they're centered and loving.
131 Ask the ascended masters for help with whatever you're experiencing or desiring right now. They will boost your confidence and courage.
132 Most stories of ascended masters (such as Jesus, Moses, and Buddha) talk about their incredible faith, which caused miracles to occur. Well, this number is a message from the masters who are helping you boost your faith Heavenward.
133 You have nothing to fear or worry about, as the ascended masters are completely supporting and surrounding you in all ways.
134 You have a great deal of spiritual support right now. Give any cares or concerns to the angels and ascended masters, who are lovingly surrounding you right now.
135 Your positive thoughts and the support of the ascended masters have spurred the healthy changes that you're experiencing. Trust these changes to lead you to the answers to your prayers.
136 Your prayers and requests for help with your material needs have been heard and answered. All you need to do is keep your thoughts focused on your dreams, and release any fears to the ascended masters.
137 You've done it! Your prayers and visualizations have put you on the right path. Just keep following your guidance and keep affirming a positive outcome.
138 Stick with your positive affirmations and prayers regarding your career and finances, and continue to give away any worries or concerns to the ascended masters, who surround you with love.
139 Keep visualizing yourself happily on the path of your Divine life mission, and continue praying and conversing with the ascended masters. They are here to support you with your mission.
140 God and the angels are boosting your thoughts to a very positive level so that you can continue attracting all good things into your life.
141 This is a strong message from the angels, urging you to turn your thoughts away from worries. Instead, user prayer and positive affirmations to focus your thoughts on optimistic visions of your desired income.
142 The angels are helping you stay stroing, positive, and filled with faith. They know that this situation is working out beautifully, and they want you to know that everything's okay.
143 There's no need to worry; the ascended masters and angels are right by your side, assuring you of a positive outcome.
144 The angels are urging you to keep your thoughts positive, as your optimism attracts the highest good. Ask the angels for help with releasing fears, and it is done.
145 Yes, the changes you're considering making are Divinely guided. You can deal with these issues confidently, knowing that the angels are helping you all along the way.
146 Your positive affirmations are ensuring that all of your physical needs are met. The angels urge you to continue your prayers, visualizations, and other manifestation processes.
147 You're thinking clearly about this situation, and you're on the right path in your decisions and actions. The angels are protecting you.
148 The angels are helping you with your career and finances. You can feel this help, and are beginning to relax and feel better about your financial needs.
149 Rest easy about your Divinely guided career, as the angels are giving you a wealth of information and ideas. Just trust and follow these ideas and everything else will take care of itself.
150 As you go through this period of change, know that you are lovingly supported by God and also by your positive intentions.
151 It's very important that you approach any changes you're considering with a very positive mind-set. Your thoughts determine the outcome of these changes.
152 Approach new ideas, situations, and relationships with an open mind, and allow yourself to try novel methods.
153 It's safe for you to make the changes that you're considering. As long as you stay focused upon service and Divine love - which the ascended masters can help you do - these changes will be fortuitous.
154 The angels are here to help you make necessary changes, which will increase your level of happiness and satisfaction. Ask for Heaven's help, especially with respect to maintaining a positive mind-set.
155 It's essential that you make some positive changes in your life. You've had enough of the present situation, and now it's time to take charge and do things your way.
156 Your determination to positively change your career, finances, home, or other earthly matters is a Divinely guided idea.
157 You're on the right path with your new ideas and activities. Keep them up!
158 Your new focus on attracting and manifesting an increased income is working. As you continue your positive affirmations and visualizations, you experience increased abundance.
159 This is a perfect time to begin work on an aspect of your Divine life purpose. Choose the first action step that comes to mind, related to your spiritual interests.
160 God has heard and answered your prayers, and you can co-create the answers faster by monitoring your speech and thoughts so that you're always describing yourself and your situation in positive terms.
161 This is a strong message urging you to keep positive thoughts with respect to your finances, career, home, and other earthly issues. These positive thoughts will carry you far.
162 Stay strong and centered in faith, as your prayers regarding your material needs manifest into form.
163 The ascended masters have heard and answered your prayers for help. All you need to do to receive your answered prayer is use positive words in your thoughts and speech.
164 The angels are lifting away old worries and concerns so that your life can improve in miraculous ways.
165 You are fully supported as you change your career, home, relationships, and other life areas. These changes are for the best.
166 It's vital that you use only positive words to think and speak about your career, home, and relationships. The words that you use determine your future, so choose well.
167 You're on the right path to improving your life, as long as you keep a positive vision of your desired outcome.
168 The key to increasing your financial flow is to use only positive words to describe and think about money.
169 The intuitive push to work on your Divine life mission is real. Visualize and affirm often: "I am happily fulfilling my Dive life mission now," and to make it a reality.
170 Congratulations on using affirmations, prayers, and other manifestation tools, as they're working for you!
171 You deserve the happiness and success you're experiencing. It's safe for you to be happy and successful, so relax and enjoy it.
172 Trust that your choices are Divinely guided, because they are.
173 You're walking along the right path, with the ascended masters (such as the saints, Jesus, Quan Yin, and so forth) as your companions, protectors and guides.
174 You've listened accurately to your guardian angels' Divine guidance, and as a result, you're on the right track for your purpose and the manifestation of your dreams into reality.
175 You are correctly making changes that will enhance your life greatly.
176 You're on the right path to improving your life so that your material needs are more easily met.
177 You're in an auspicious period of your life, where your intentions are manifesting in very positive ways. Choose what you think and speak about carefully, as your words are like orders you place with the Universe… and that's what will be delivered to you.
178 All of your positive thoughts and affirmations have resulted in an increased flow of financial abundance. Keep it up!
179 You're on the right path for your Divine life purpose. Continue with your visualizations and expect a happy outcome, as your expectations are determining your future.
180 Your positive thoughts and prayers are bringing forth an increased flow of financial abundance.
181 To heal your financial situation, use positive affirmations and visualize your abundance.
182 Your career and finances are completely dependent upon your mental outlook. If you're happy and filled with trust and faith with respect to your success, then that's what you'll easily experience.
183 The ascended masters are guiding you through your meditations and intuition, especially in the areas of career and finance.
184 Your guardian angels are watching over you, and they're encouraging you to give them any worries or cares about your career and financial situation.
185 The changes that you're considering making bring positive effects to your financial situation.
186 It's more important than ever for you to use your manifestation tools such as positive affirmations, visualization, and prayers to consciously heal your finances and other areas where you desire abundance.
187 Follow your inner guidance in your career choices, as you're tapped into accurate information that will fully support you.
188 Well done! All of your meditating and visualizing have opened the floodgates to increased financial flow.
189 Trust that you will be fully financially supported as you devote your time and energy to your Divine life purpose (which consists of spiritual topics that you feel passionate about).
190 You're being called upon to devote yourself to working on your Divine mission. Visualize yourself happily working in a meaningful career, and know that this will come about as you steadily follow your inner guidance.
191 Your positive thoughts are opening doors to the fruition of your dream career and Divine life purpose. Step through these doors without delay.
192 Trust that you are ready for your Divine life purpose, and that it is much needed in this world. You are ready and qualified to fulfill this mission.
193 The ascended masters (such as the saints, Jesus, Buddha, and so forth) are supporting you and your Divine life mission. Give them any cares you may have concerning your career.
194 The angels have heard your prayers concerning your career and finding your Divine mission in life. They are helping you by giving you guidance through your intuition and dreams. Listen to and follow this guidance.
195 The changes that you are making are well timed. You are clear about what you will and won't accept in your life. These changes put you on the path of your Divine mission... and will result in you helping others to do the same.
196 Give any cares or worries concerning your career or purpose to Spirit, as your positive thoughts are a determining factor in these situations.
197 You're on the right path with respect to your career and purpose. Keep up the positive affirmations, as they're working.
198 Your life purpose is the answer to your prayers about money. Devote yourself to service that involves your natural talents and interests, and you will be fully supported in return.
199 It's essential that you hold positive thoughts about your career and Divine life mission, as your thoughts are determining the outcome.
200 God's powerful and unconditional love is filling your heart and mind with faith so that you can rise above any seeming troubles. Trust that all is well, because it is.
201 You are co-creating the answers to your prayers with the words that you say, think, and write. This is a message for you to choose loving and positive words so that your outcome is both loving and positive.
202 God is helping to boost your faith, because with faith everything is possible.
203 All of your prayers are heard and answered. The more you believe this, the better and faster the outcome. Trust.
204 Angels surround you with God's healing love. Open your heart and mind to receive this Divine gift, which is bringing blessings to you.
205 Your faith and prayerful devotion has resulted in positive life changes. Trust that these changes are answers to your prayers.
206 Your prayers and faith are supporting you and your material needs completely. Turn any worries into prayers, and be open to receiving the answers to those prayers.
207 The Universe is patting you on the back, applauding the way you've lived on a foundation of prayer and spiritual devotion. Keep up the good work!
208 Your positive outlook, prayers, and other manifestation activities have created financial security for you. Expect an increase in funds, such as a raise, promotion, or windfall.
209 You've been praying about your Divine life purpose and the answer is: "Walk confidently in faith, in the direction of your intuition and spiritual passions. Trust that you are fully supported upon this path.
210 You are co-creating the answers to your prayers, and their outcome is determined by your faith that everything is already healed in spiritual truth. Trust that all is well, and it is.
211 Now is the time for you to rise above any seeming problems; and ensure that every word you speak, write, or think is as positive as possible. You are manifesting very quickly, so you want to ensure that you focus solely upon your desired outcomes and do not dwell upon any fears.
212 The more you believe, the better everything turns out. Believe and trust!
213 The ascended masters, especially the goddesses, are helping you see this situation from a perspective of Divine love. The more you can see this situation through the eyes of love, the better the outcome.
214 You are supported by the archangels and angels. Give them any cares or worries, because as your mind is illuminated with joy and faith, you attract more favorable outcomes.
215 You've been focusing upon changing your life, and that positive change is now upon you. Trust that this change is for the best, because it its.
216 Your material needs are more easily met when you hold a positive mind-set. Like attracts like.
217 You've done a lot of great spiritual, emotional, and mental work on yourself with positive and effective results. Well done!
218 The angels say that your thoughts are steering the direction of your finances. Positive thoughts steer you in positive directions.
219 Your thoughts are focused on career and your purpose right now. Optimism brings the rewards you seek, so stay positive.
220 This is a strong Divine message urging you to hold on to hope, trust, and faith, as these qualities determine the outcome of your current situation.
221 The more you can stay positive (in your thoughts, speech, actions, and written words), the better this experience will be for you and your loved ones.
222 Trust that everything is working out exactly as it's supposed to, with Divine blessings for everyone involved. Let go and have faith.
223 A healing miracle is imminent, engendered by your faith and your clear connection to one or more ascended masters who have heard and answered your prayers.
224 The angels are boosting your confidence, faith, and trust, as these qualities help them answer your prayers.
225 You are becoming more positive in the way that you think, act, speak, and write. This new positive energy is boosting your life.
226 Your faith determines your flow of material supply (such as money, home, and other earthly needs). The more positive you are, the greater your flow of good.
227 Your awesome faith and positive outlook are being rewarded by the infallible Law of Attraction.
228 Trust that new opportunities are answers to your prayers. Walk through the doors that are opening for you, and accept offers of help.
229 Know that your Divine life purpose is unique and much needed. Trust that you're fulfilling this purpose right this very minute. No one can do this but you.
230 You have a clear connection with Heaven, especially during moments of peace when you feel the certainty that God and the ascended masters are watching over you (because they are!).
231 "With faith all things are possible," the ascended masters are reminding you. Ask them to increase your faith if you feel that it's wavering.
232 Don't focus on problems or lack, but instead stay centered in prayer and faith that you are protected, loved, and watched over by powerful ascended masters.
233 You've asked for the help of many ascended masters, and they are with you right now, just as you've requested.
234 You have powerful allies in the angels, archangels, and ascended masters. They are with you right now, helping and guiding you.
235 Your prayers to change your life have been heard and answered by the ascended masters, who are helping you rearrange your life in healthy ways.
236 Your earthly needs for home, shelter, and so forth are being provided for by the ascended masters in response to your prayers and unwavering faith.
237 Your prayers, meditations, and other spiritual practices have aligned you with the loving energy of the ascended masters.
238 The ascended masters have heard and answered your prayers for increased abundance. They know that we humans have material needs, which they are helping you with right now.
239 You and your Divine life purpose are being helped by powerful ascended masters. Ask them for guidance with respect to the next step on your career path, and they will directly guide you.
240 God and the angels are boosting your self-esteem, confidence, and faith. Be open to their help.
241 Your connection to the angels is opening your heart to the powerfully healing energy of love. Keep talking to the angels, as they are blessing you and your life.
242 This is a strong message from the angels, asking you to trust that everything is okay and working out in Divine and perfect order. With faith, all things are possible.
243 Your prayers have been heard and answered by the angels and ascended masters. Trust, and give any cares or worries to them.
244 You are surrounded by powerful angels who love you unconditionally. There is nothing to fear.
245 The angels have helped you orchestrate positive changes, which are bringing great blessings into your life.
246 Your prayers for help with your material needs (such as money, home, transportation, and so forth) have been heard and answered by the angels.
247 The angels say that all of your prayers are being rewarded. Keep the faith!
248 Your connection with the angels is very deep and clear. They are intimately connected to every area of your life, including your career and finances.
249 You've been receiving angelic messages about your Divine life purpose. This guidance may appear as intuitive feelings, or a deep desire to serve in ways connected to your passionate interests. Trust this guidance and act upon it without delay.
250 Your prayers to positively change your life have been heard and answered. The more you stay filled with faith about these changes, the better the outcome.
251 You are steering the wheel of your life right now. It's essential that you stay positive about the changes you're making or considering, as that determines your destination.
252 Rest assured that your recent decisions are good ones. Move forward with your plans with full faith that they are right.
253 Your heartfelt prayers are the reason for the changes that you're making or considering. These changes are truly answers to your prayers, so welcome them!
254 The angels are watching over you as you change your life for the better. Ask them for help with all aspects of this change... and it is given.
255 Trust that the change you are experiencing is for the best, because it is.
256 You are making positive changes that will help you better provide for yourself and your loved ones.
257 Stay your course, as you are moving in the right direction.
258 Your financial life is changing for the better, manifested as receiving a raise, increased financial flow with your business, or an unexpected windfall.
259 You're changing your life so that you can fulfill your Divine life mission. Have faith that these changes have a spiritual purpose, because they do.
260 God has heard and answered your prayers to meet your material needs for food, shelter, and other supplies. Trust.
261 Your material supplies are intimately connected to your thoughts. The more positive you are, the easier it is for your needs to be met.
262 Have faith that your bills are being paid, and that you have enough for you and your family. Your faith will be promptly rewarded!
263 The ascended masters have heard and answered your prayers for help in meeting your needs for food, shelter, and other earthly needs.
264 Trust that you and your loved ones are watched over, protected, and supplied for by the angels, because you are.
265 The positive and healthy changes you're in the midst of make it easier for you to support yourself and your family. Relax... the worst is now behind you.
266 It's essential that you focus on the spiritual Source for all of your earthly needs. If you concentrate on illusions of scarcity or lack, that is what you'll attract. This is a time that calls for you to have faith, which will be promptly rewarded.
267 You're on the right path with respect to your thoughts on how to better manage or increase your finances to meet your material needs. Stay elevated in your thoughts and feelings about money and you'll experience a much easier time of it.
268 It's essential that you approach money from a spiritual perspective. Always remember that your Source is within and around you. Give thanks for an increased supply and it is done.
269 You are fully supported, and all of your material needs are met, as you devote yourself to working on your Divine life purpose.
270 The Universe is congratulating you on "keeping the faith," which has caused your light and love to shine radiantly.
271 Your faith and positive thinking are pushing you forward toward the realization of your dreams.
272 Trust that you're making the right move, because you are.
273 You're going in the right direction, thanks to your prayers and the help of beloved ascended masters.
274 The angels ask you to have faith in yourself and what you're doing because it's the right thing for you.
275 The changes you're making will affect your life in very positive ways. Move forward confidently with your plans.
276 Congratulations! Your faith and decisive actions have put you squarely on the right path to improving conditions in your life.
277 You've prayed with devotion and have listened attentively to your Divine guidance. As you follow this guidance, you're protected, and everything you do turns to gold.
278 You've tapped into the secrets of abundance by visualizing prosperity and following your intuitive guidance accordingly.
279 Trust that you're on the right path for your Divine life purpose.
280 Have faith that all of your financial needs are being taken care of by God's loving attention.
281 The more positive you keep your thoughts and feelings concerning finances, the better everything works out.
282 Listen to your own inner guidance about work and finances, as your positive mind-set is giving you accurate information.
283 Lean upon the ascended masters with whom you feel spiritually or religiously connected to, as they will support your physical needs.
284 The angels are boosting your faith and your financial flow.
285 A positive change in your finances is imminent.
286 Don't worry! You will be supplied with enough money to pay all of your bills and meet all of your needs.
287 Everything you're doing is helping to increase your financial flow. Keep going.
288 Your confidence, faith, trust, and hope have opened the floodgates of abundance for you.
289 Trust that you'll be completely financially supported as you focus on your Divine life purpose.
290 Your Divine life purpose is God's will, and it is right for you to focus your time and energy upon this purpose.
291 Trust that you're being guided about your Divine life purpose. You don't need to know everything about your purpose now - just keeping the faith and following your intuitive guidance is all that's required.
292 On a daily basis, spend time visualizing yourself having a meaningful career that makes your heart sing with joy. Your visualizations help your Divine life purpose manifest into reality.
293 The ascended masters are urging you to focus on your mission in life, which consists of your spiritual passions and interests.
294 The angels are fully supporting you as you devote time and energy toward fulfilling your Divine mission.
295 Trust that the changes you're making or considering are adjusting your life so that you can better focus on your Divine purpose.
296 Have faith that all of your material needs for your Divine life purpose are supplied to you as you ask, and as you open your arms to receive.
297 Trust that you are on the right path of your Divine life purpose. All is well.
298 Your prayers about finding a meaningful career that yields a meaningful income have been heard and answered. As you work on your Divine life mission, everything improves, including your finances.
299 Have faith about your Divine life mission, because it is real, much needed, and you are ready to work on it now.
300 The ascended masters and God support, surround, protect, and love you unconditionally... now and always!
301 You are co-creating the answers to your prayers with god and the ascended masters. The more you keep your thoughts Heavenward and positive, the faster your prayers will be answered.
302 Your heart is filled with faith, which has opened the doors for all of Heaven to fully help you.
303 God and the ascended masters have heard and answered your prayers.
304 Your prayers have been heard by Heaven, and they are working on your behalf right now. Give them any worries or fears, and stay positive, because everything is moving in the right direction.
305 God and the ascended masters walk right beside you through every step of the changes you're experiencing.
306 Give any concerns or worries to God and the ascended masters who are with you right now.
307 Good for you! You've been listening to Divine guidance, and have adjusted your course of action so that you're now operating from a place of loving wisdom.
308 God and the ascended masters are supporting you in every area of you life, including your career and finances.
309 Because you've been listening to Heaven's loving wisdom, you're now embarking on your Divine life purpose of service to the world.
310 This is a strong message from the spirit world asking you to keep your thoughts high, bright, and positive. God and the ascended masters will help you lift your thoughts Heavenward, if you'll ask for their help with this.
311 Because you're surrounded by so many wise and loving ascended masters, your energy and thoughts have been lifted to a level of instant manifestation. Keep your thoughts centered upon positive and loving topics.
312 Heaven is helping you stay positive and filled with faith, which are two key qualities that allow the ascended masters to fully answer your prayers.
313 Lean upon the positive and loving energies of the ascended masters who surround you right now, as they're lifting your thoughts to higher levels of happy living.
314 Your success is guaranteed, as you're surrounded by angels and ascended masters. All you need to do is keep your thoughts focused on your desired outcomes.
315 The ascended masters are helping you to be brave, strong, optimistic as you change your life for the better.
316 You are working with powerful ascended masters, who are supporting your material needs. Trust and be open to receiving their support, which is always available to you.
317 The ascended masters congratulate you on your recent decisions and actions. They ask you to stay positive as you continue along your golden new pathway.
318 You've prayed for help about finances, and the ascended masters have heard and answered these prayers. All that's needed from you is an optimistic mind-set, as you follow the intuitive guidance that Heaven is sending to you.
319 The ascended masters are giving you ideas and thoughts about your Divine life guidance. Pay attention to, and follow through with, these ideas because they're answers to your prayers about your mission in life.
320 God and the ascended masters are surrounding you with supportive and healing love, helping you to have confidence that everything is in Divine and perfect order.
321 Give any concerns to the ascended masters (such as the saints, Jesus, Buddha, and so forth), and they will replace your fears with faith.
322 This is a strong message from the ascended masters, urging you to "keep the faith," and thus experience faith's magical magnetic power, which draws to you everything good that you desire.
323 Your pure, almost childlike, faith has drawn the help of powerful and loving ascended masters who are by your side at this moment. They are ready to help you with your prayers.
324 You stand shoulder to shoulder with benevolent guardian angels, archangels, and ascended masters. Surrounded by such powerful Divine love, you can feel certain of a positive outcome to this situation.
325 The changes that you're making or considering have been guided by the wise and loving ascended masters. You can walk along the path of healthy change that you're doing the right thing.
326 Give any fears or concerns regarding your material needs to the ascended masters, and they'll increase your faith to help supply your needs.
327 The ascended masters are applauding the path you're on. The more you trust the validity of your intuitive guidance upon this path, the better everything goes.
328 Your faith, and prayers to the ascended masters, have helped you experience an increase in abundance (such as time, money, and other areas of your life).
329 Trust that the ascended masters are helping you with your Divine life purpose, because they are.
330 You and your life are filled with the love of God and the ascended masters. Open your heart to receive this love, and be nourished now.
331 The ascended masters remind you that their lives are testaments to the power of positive thinking. Keep your word

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