What Could This bin Laden Charade be All About? (Begins with a “D”)
2011 May 2
What might be behind this charade around bin Laden? People dancing in the street. TV stations offering analyses of how the “operation” at Abbotabad was carried out. Retrospectives of all the “terrorist” operations that the CIA … excuse me, little slip there … Al-Qaeda has carried out.
Why now? Coming just months after Hillary Clinton was saying bin Laden was alive and well in Pakistan. We all know bin Laden was not alive and well anywhere on Earth. What is it about?
Seems like an elaborate psy-op. Why kill off the already-dead bin Laden a second time?
My own belief is that, if there is anything legitimate about the whole thing, it is to lower the temperature of the American people, and perhaps people in other countries like Britain, Canada and Australia, over the threat of “terrorism,” to reduce the ability of the cabal to raise the specter of terrorism, and to close the book on the whole “war against terror,” in preparation for disclosure of the existence of galactic civilizations in the universe and around the Earth in cloaked spaceships.
That is the story of the millennium. That is what will change the course of human civilization. That is what the Illuminati have been trying to prevent since before you were born.
Remember Dr. Carol Rosin’s statement that the “war on terror” was being planned by the military-industrial complex back in the 1970s, as she saw from her vantage point at Fairchild Industries and as Werner von Braun confirmed to her? (See video below)
Now the “war on terror” is being put back in the box from where it came. And that lowers the social temperature.
You can see that there are indications that the cabal may have ramped up Project Blue Beam over the Ivory Coast, flashing the picture of Mother Mary in the skies. We heard in an earlier article that the galactics are able to close down Project Blue Beam so there is no need to worry about that particularly. (1)
We heard that a new military doctrine has been introduced that emphasizes “sustainment” instead of “containment,” cooperation instead of full-spectrum military dominance. (2) I think this is the work of the Earth allies of the galactics and spiritual hierarchy.
America and its allies have shown themselves ready to oust dictators in Egypt and Libya. Despite the allegations of some neoconservatives and even some lightworkers, I believe that all of these moves are designed to lower the global temperature in preparation for disclosure.
I would not be surprised to see major decloakings of spaceships this month now that the “war on terror” has been laid to rest. I would expect that the neoconservatives will try to revive the war on terror, seeing threats under every palm tree, but I don’t think they’ll be successful.
The American people, I think, are weary of war and I believe that one of the Earth allies’ aims in “killing” off bin Laden a second time (what an indignity for a good prop and ally) is to have the American people let out a sigh of relief and refuse to respond to “terror alerts” and other manipulations any more.
I’d imagine that the Earth allies are carefully planning these moves to close off a state of high anxiety that the Illuminati and their henchman have carefully fanned for years, the false-flag attacks of 9/11 and 7/7 (the London bombings) being the worst contributors to it.
I’m willing to bet that the reason President Obama is so up about needing to participate in such a whopping big lie is that he knows that this ritual we are all passing through is necessary to provide the conditions for disclosure to happen. I think he is playing his part in a counter-drama to the “war on terror” – call it a “war on error,” if you like.
If I’m wrong, hey, call me a fool. But I think we’re watching a carefully-crafted plan that is boxing the cabal in and releasing us from our decade-long angst. Anyways, Osama is “dead.” Obama rocks. One bogeyman down. One lightworker’s hands freed.
One less prop for the cabal. One more major issue, one piece of social unfinished business complete. On to some other props and then on to the revelation that will open a new era in human civilization – the announcement that we’re not alone in the universe and that a sizeable galactic presence is here to assist us with accountability, abundance, terraforming, and Ascension.
(2) See http://stevebeckow.com/world-disclosure-day/world-peace/a-new-direction-in-americas-military-policy/
It is not likely our Obama will be making an emergency announcement YET, but the opportunity will be provided for that when the first major catastrophe in the United States occurs. Those of you near that New Madrid area, and around the gulf of Mexico, again, need to have preparations. We thought California might have a major event recently but it settled a bit for now, but still may occur.
We are Allowing the Full Collapse Now
not sure about these links hmm
You will know when that whirlpool begins, it will be very obvious. This is enough for the time being, there is little we can or should release. It will appear we are doing little however, and that would be true on the surface, but we work very quietly, so please do not expect regular updating. Simply prepare yourselves. Namaste, Christ Michael/Aton
Ashtar SherAN and Ashtar Command in Galactic Federation added 14 new photos to the album ♥ ♥ Lord Sananda - Gyorgeos Ceres Hatonn - Barack Obama ♥ ♥.
maybe that is why the GFL terms him as there obama
let me see if I still have it
Now, is he perfect, of course not. I've seen him at times become impatient, and frustrated. But you know, the impatience and frustration that comes out of Barack Obama, is no where near the level that would come from anyone I know, at least. Even when he's frustrated, he is still calm and centered lol And being President is such a tough job, it always boggles my mind just how demanding it is, and how much responsibility is put on your shoulders, and any one who takes that on, whether of the light or the dark, has my respect.
And there is a stark difference between the Bush Administration, and the Obama Administration. With Bush, it was clear he was in over his head, and was simply following dictates given to him, and with all due respect, he didn't even do that very well. There is a clear energetic difference with Obama, it's clear he takes his responsibilities seriously, and I mean..it's so clear he is a real person, and isn't putting on some act, like Bush was. When Barack says he wants to help families who are struggling, he really means it. That is obvious enough.
People have said he's done things to push the ''Illuminati agenda'' which, I mean, first of all, they don't call themselves the Illuminati, second of all, it is clear that there are what we call ''Illuminati'' members around him, like Kissinger, Brzezinski, etc, and they are there, no doubt about it. But, keep in mind that being in such a position, like US President, is bound to draw these dark ones around you, trying to keep you contained. Better yet, trying to trick you into going along with their agenda. And I think Barack is smart enough to understand the games, and is wise enough to know the line between keeping these people happy and doing what needs to be done to fix the country. Saying he is simply ''a puppet'' is far too simplistic and unrealistic.
I think I'm going to write a blog about this, just because, people need to get clear about all this. There are just too many misconceptions out there, people don't have a great clarity because by and large they simply take images instead of actually really studying, and somebody needs to set things straight, and who better than me, I study this stuff, independently, day in and day out. So I will do that, I ask all of you to come to my next blog post and we will continue the Barack Obama discussion there. Thank you, and God bless us everyone.
''I think Obama is the Anti-Christ''. This is a joke, right? Do people still believe the Anti-Christ is some single person? And of all people, Barack Obama? Goodness gracious sakes alive...
I will state this unequivocally, with firm resolve, and full spiritual authority....BARACK OBAMA IS NOT THE ANTI-CHRIST. The Anti-Christ is not a single person, the Anti-Christ is the adversarial energy to life, God, and Creation. The Anti-Christ is the dark force operating in the universe which seeks to destroy life, God, and Creation. If the Anti-Christ could be attributed to one entity, that entity would be what we here call Lucifer, the king of the dark hierarchy. Any manifestation of darkness is the work of the Anti-Christ. Any manifestation from your altered ego, aka lower self, is the work of the Anti-Christ within you. I repeat, the Anti-Christ is not a single entity, and if it were, that entity surely wouldn't be Barack Obama.
It's time to drop these illusions. The Christians have done a good job convincing the world that the Battle of Armageddon is here, and there will be a WW3, where the Anti-Christ will rise up and do battle with Jesus, then Jesus would kill the Anti-Christ and initiate a Final Judgment on all souls, and if they don't accept Jesus as their lord and savior, they will be vanquished into eternal hell fire and brimstone. I know, I grew up in christian schools, I regularly talk with Jehovah Witness friends who say this has to happen because the Bible says so, even though it doesn't actually say it, and it's all just ludicrous. I say it again, it's TIME TO DROP THESE ILLUSIONS.
I will also say that, since day 1, I have been following the presidency of Barack Obama very closely, to see if he really was of the dark side or not. I've watched literally all his speeches, followed his every move as President, I've read his body language and felt his energy, I've read his books Dreams From My Father, and The Audacity of Hope, and I will say this with firm conviction because I have become convinced, that Barack Obama is one of the most advanced lighted souls on the planet! He is a good man, no doubt about it, in fact he's a great man. The level of wisdom, maturity, patience, calmness and persistence that I see from him, day in and day out, doing probably the toughest job in the world, is truly admirable. I admire the man so much, and it's clear he is not the Anti-Christ lol I mean, come on. Anyone who studies the man for 1 day would glean that
I believe that Obama is the Antichrist. He is pure evil.
(Quote " I’m willing to bet that the reason President Obama is so up about needing to participate in such a whopping big lie" End Quote)
Are you kidding me? A light worker doesn't go along with any deception or lie. I have a suspicion that Ben Laden has been dead for a long time and I really don't care. Far as Obama WhoSana and Ben Sana or who ever will be recycled like they never existed. We shouldn't be waisting our energy on anything like this.