What does being a Disciple mean to you?

I had a conversation with my lovely sister the other day that has been on my mind for a while now… it was in regards to being a chela of an Ascended Master.   I’ve made no secret that I am a theosophist, what it means to me is that I have the answers to the questions I’ve always wondered… theosophy isn’t a choice, it’s something I feel I was born to.  I sincerely don’t understand why we ALL aren’t theosophists, lol, but I see it is a personal journey and we don’t all travel the same way.  None of us is better than the other and I am just lucky to have found a unifying theory that works for me. 

One thing that kind of boggles me, is that so many channels talk to Ascended Masters (so they say, lol) but not so many seem to know the structure of the Hierarchy, or even that there IS a Hierarchy.  This is very important- every human is part of the Hierarchy of Light, it is our evolutionary path- to follow the steps of the Masters like Jesus and Buddha.  It sounds complicated but basically we are stepped down versions of Source… gradients of Light spread throughout all creation… it’s beautiful really, finally I understand the structure of mathematics and sacred geometry and how it applies to all creation.  We’re all part of the equation, even the worst of us… who serve their roles as well.   I’m still learning, I don’t want to portray I have all the answers, but I am happy with my progress thus far.

But that is just what I have been learning in my studies.  I have been working really hard to be a part of my ascension process.  Anything I could do to understand it or hurry it along… or even distract myself when it got too intense- everything I have focused on in the last couple of years has centered around this experience of 2012, theosophy, the GFL and my work online sharing and caring.  I’ve been really lucky to find some wonderful people to experience this journey with; though some have gone on to find their own way (miss you Custos!!!oxoxo) … still more have become wonderful friends and mentors .  My sister has been a key player with our talks about the GFL, though she isn’t so much into theosophy as I am, she is very much a scholar and prefers to find the answers through books and meditation…someday she’ll come online, lol, though you will find we have the same sense of humour we are not very much alike.  Personally, I think she separates herself from my beliefs because she doesn’t want to be what she perceives as a follower… and people don’t like agreeing with me in general.  LOL, seriously, do I come across as pompous or is it a sister thing? 

My apologies, I digress… what started the conversation was a comment I made in regards to “obedience”… the concept that a chela must be completely obedient to the will of her/his Master.  She took real exception to that word… and then- lol- I made it worse and said that we need to ‘sacrifice our ego” to the Master. 

We had a real back and forth debate- I have a hard time convincing her that the will of the Master is in fact the will of the student.  I tried to explain that as a chela of a certain Master- I AM THAT MASTER- He operates through me to do the will of the Hierarchy.  His wishes are my wishes- and it doesn’t mean that I lose my identity…. It does mean that I am expected to be attentive to the needs of the Hierarchy and allow them to function through myself in whichever manner they feel appropriate.  I cannot be selfish and expect special treatment, the path of Service to Source is satisfying in and of itself.  What more could I ask for than to be a cog in the Great Plan? 

But, alas, even my scholarly sister has a problem with this concept of obedience to higher authority… sigh, I tried to explain that it’s not about giving up control and power (that’s just illusion anyway)but really connecting to the Hierarchy and being part of the Lighted Path.  Why are you a Lightworker if you do not intend to cast aside your egoic  expectations?  If you believe in the Masters, do you not believe that one of them is your Master- with whom you share a resonant bond? 

My question to you, fellow Lighted Beings is…  do you follow the Path of the Disciple?  Are you a chela of a Master?  What does that mean to you?  Would you lay down your life if you thought it was part of the divine plan?  At what point do you give yourself to the future? 

My thought is that as long as I have breath in this body I will do my best to be a Lightbringer, to uphold the laws of creation, and be the closest I can to the Hierarchy and God- this means  allowing my Master to operate through me to achieve the Divine Plan.  This is what it means to be a theosophist, to understand that I am not so important that my ego is going to rule over me… but the synthesis of my heart and soul combined with the energies of the Divine and Cosmic Christed Beings WILL move mountains, that our strength and Light combined will make lasting change in this world and make it the kind of place I would want to be… ‘cause right now… the world is a really lousy place for a Lightworker. 




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  • this is addressed to Kap11     : )

    so now its June 4th, wow, um, you won't probably believe this but here goes

    I wrote the following at the time you actually posted this bit of yours here (Kap11), for some reason I did not post it, as if perhaps I felt it was too off, or weird mood or something and felt embarrassed by it? I'm not sure, maybe I just wasn't up to it, anyways, I feel I should post this for you as I was meaning to as a response to this here from you, and am sorry, hehehe, this must sound very strange, anyhow, strange things happen. . . so without any further a-do

    (the following is copy/pasted from a saved version of what I was going to post on May 28)

    I don't like dualism very much, it lacks of colour.
    oh no, here I go again,   : )  (simple summery-brain-laps following) (and coffee is taking to long to wake me up this morning)

    perhaps "colour"/us/persons, is the fusion "mechanism" or "device", or "alchemical process" to our ascension, ahh, through "dualism", and any and all other "discoverys"/documented and categorized knowledge, and forms, ,hehehe, cheers, to much coffee this morning, hehehe

    I always believe humans could at one point be able to "grow" without the need for handed down knowledge, self knowledge ongoingly/infinitely so, but perhaps we need a form/method to do this, in/of etc, (beyond the current or what I call "old forms", of method for us to do so currently)

    to continue with my morning coffee brain:
    on dualism (and maybe "structures" or compartmentalization-methods to learning/universe-deciphering), why put this and that together, their is no reason, everyone wants "life", that is why dualism is just apart of something I think we must learn, but it is not our base, our "base" has always been, ALWAYS. I think what I am saying in lots of words is, I agree.  : ), (also this little bit is not clear, and is more like a gargling off my brain, cheers)

    but this base, I think from time to time it has been threatened, (actually alot of the time by our own works), and if this "base" as I refer, (or "thread" if you like), was ever truly destroyed within us, we would truly die and end completely, BUT, if this base to us was able to finally transform, into a new or higher form, or ascension as everyone says, than we could then, truly all move into this new "form", perhaps this base is a kind of anchor here in this world, this anchor may ALSO actually be a person from time to time? yes along with the earth, I believe, or a few persons, who act kind of like say, the centre of the brain, and they are the last to change or transform/ascend, and then become the first, or the leading of the base/bases of the new way, for our new form to come, by their actual living exsistance themselves, (not examples at least not in the traditional way that we "see"), this is kind of like the tool actually, they use their exsistance to be this tool of service, in a purely direct connected way with "knowledge" or form/new-form/new-method for our ability to grow/ascend or some such, as we all do with our own bodys-work, perhaps spiritually so as well, as the ongoing and eternal holders of this "centre" to what I keep calling the "base" or whatnot.

    but also their are others beyond these which upkeep the current "world", and current base/bases cause they are very strong, like the worlds pillars, yet these ones also contain what I guess what I'd call the "worlds story" in them, flowing up through their veins like the veins of a tree as it needs to grow, to become mighty and large, to hold the protection and giving of air to all the others, Kelly was mentioning this, I agree.

    I actually don't study much of the great philosophers, this may sound really really really strange but, I do this when I ether "must" or am ready, usually someone in some strange way opens them for me to enter or I am told by them, as they point their finger specifically at something, so as to all the above stuff, I am saying this all in my own words, so I guess it may require unintentional deciphering, sorry, though we are all like this at some level, I actually know very little about what all people here at this site study and learn, I generally "learn" or "study" things that seem like a kind of alien parallel to most, not so much traditional study based though, but I keep up with it, though can be very tiring to be so "strange", I think thats a large part of the reason why I am here now

    : )

    also, if ever their are any of these "anchors", I believe these ones are "under fire" just as much as the rest of us are.

    also you said this, not sure if this was directed at me, but
    I find it very good how you summed all that up, above. Bravo!
    my summery I wrote below/above? was actually interestingly enough because, well, as to my name, am kind of lost or perhaps now, am re-healing, as in a weird way I feel as though I have been overcome or defeated, in the last short little while, though it feels like a "form" that is my whole being within my centre has been "lost"

    perhaps I tried to hard, perhaps I am not "defeated", though I have never experienced this till now at this current time, so weirdly enough, just because is so new of an experience, it still has a tingle of interest/curiosity to me, this does not bother me to much as I have done everything I can to. . .um. . .  do something particular with it, a kind of real world project/tool etc, all my life, and I know I have gone out of my way in a most "hell-will" kind of way to "come through", so have some sort of peace, no matter what happens

    this happened before I came here, and I believe had something to do with coming here, though I "found" this place actually, wich reminds me, I should tell that person thankyou, as I haven't told him yet, hopefully he's still ok
  • Discipleship.

    Summary: A collection of statements by the Tibetan.

    "A disciple is one who above all else, is pledged to do three things:

    i. To serve humanity.

    ii. To co-operate with the Plan of the Great Ones as he sees it, and as best he may.

    iii. To develop the powers of the Ego [Soul], to expand his consciousness until he can function on the three planes in the three worlds, and in the causal body, and to follow the guidance of the higher self and not dictates of his threefold lower manifestation.

    A disciple is one who is beginning to comprehend group work, and to change his centre of activity from himself (as the pivot around which everything revolves) to the group centre.
    A disciple is one who realises simultaneously the relative significance of each unit of consciousness, and also its vast importance. His sense of proportion is adjusted, and he sees things as they are; he sees people as they are; he sees himself as he inherently is, and seeks then to become that which he is.
    A disciple realises the life or force side of nature, and to him the form makes no appeal. He works with force and through force; he recognises himself as a force centre within a greater centre, and his is the responsibility of directing the energy which may pour through him into channels through which the group may be benefited.
    The disciple knows himself to be -- to a greater or less degree -- an outpost of the Master's consciousness, viewing the Master in a twofold sense:

    i. As his own egoic consciousness.

    ii. As the centre of his group; the force animating the units of the group and binding them into a homogeneous whole.

    A disciple is one who is transferring his consciousness out of the personal into the impersonal, and during the transition stage much of difficulty and of suffering is necessarily endured. These difficulties arise from various causes:

    i. The disciple's lower self, which rebels at being transmuted.

    ii. A man's immediate group, friends, or family, who rebel at his growing impersonality. They do not like to be acknowledged as one with him on the life side, and yet separate from him where desires and interests lie. Yet the law holds good, and only in the essential life of the soul can true unity be cognised. In the discovery as to what is form, lies much of sorrow for the disciple, but the road leads to perfect union eventually.

    The disciple is one who realises his responsibility to all units who come under his influence -- a responsibility of co-operating with the plan of evolution as it exists for them, and thus to expand their consciousness and teach them the difference between the real and the unreal, between life and form. This he does most easily by a demonstration in his own life as to his goal, his object, and his centre of consciousness." (Esoteric Healing, p. 71/2)

    "Each and all has his place in the Plan, would he but qualify by doing the necessary work. That work should be:

    An endeavour to recognise the Divine within each one. In this manner the true occult obedience, which is an essential in all occult training, will be fostered and developed, being not based, as is so often seen, on personality, but on that instinctive realisation of a Master, and the willing following that comes from the recogniton of His powers, the purity of His life and aims, and the profundity of His knowledge.
    An endeavour to think in group terms and clearly for oneself, not depending upon the word of others for clarification.
    An endeavour to purify and refine all the bodies and make them more reliable servants.
    An endeavour to equip throughtout the mental vehicle, and to restore within it the facts upon which extended knowledge may be based.

    If these things are done, great will be the day of opportunity." (Letters on Occult Meditation, p. 309/10)

    "In the rigid disciplining of yourself comes eventual perfection. To the disciple naught is too small to undertake, for in the rigid adjustment of the details of the lower world life comes, at the end, attainment of the goal. The life of the disciple becomes not easier as the Gate is neared, but ever the watch must be more thorough, ever right action must be taken with no regard to result, and ever each body in all its aggregate of detail must be wrestled with and subjugated. Only in the thorough comprehension of the axiom "Know thyself" will come that understanding that enables man to wield the law and know the inner working of the system from the centre to the periphery. Struggle, strive, discipline, and rejoicingly serve, with no reward save the misunderstanding and the abuse of those who follow after -- this is the role of the disciple." (Letters on Occult Meditation, p. 310)

    "It is not the part of a coward, in these matters concerning the subjective life, to move with caution and with care; it is the part of discretion. The aspirant, therefore, has three things to do:

    i. Purify, discipline and transmute his threefold lower nature.

    ii. Develop knowledge of himself, and equip his mental body by good deeds and thoughts.

    iii. Serve his race in utter self-abnegation.

    In doing this he fulfils the law, he puts himself in the right conditon for training, fits himself for the ultimate application of the Rod of Initiation, and thus minimises the danger that attends awakening of the fire." (A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 162)

    "As the aspirant progresses, he not only balances the pairs of opposites, but the secret of his brother's heart becomes revealed to him. He becomes an acknowledged force in the world, and is recognised as one who can be depended upon to serve. Men turn to him for assistance and help along his recognised line, and he begins to sound forth his note so as to be heard not only in human but in deva ranks as well. This he does, at this stage, through the pen in literature, through the spoken word in lecturing and teaching, through music, painting and art. He reaches the hearts of men in some way or another, and becomes a helper and server of his race.
    . . . At this stage also the aspirant's life becomes an "instrument of destruction" in the occult sense of the term. Wherever he goes, the force which flows through him from the higher planes, and from his own inner God, produces at times peculiar results upon his environment. It acts as as stimulator both the good and the evil. The lunar Pitris who form the bodies of his brothers and his own body are likewise stimulated, their activity is increased, and their power greatly aggravated. This fact is used by Those Who work on the inner side to bring about certain desired ends. This it is also which oft times temporarily causes the downfall of advanced souls. They cannot stand the force pouring down into them, or upon them, and through the temporary over-stimulation of their centres and vehicles they go astray. This can be seen working out in groups as well as in individuals. But, inversely, if the lunar Lords of the lower self have been earlier subjugated and brought under control, then the effect of the force and energy contacted is to stimulate the response of the physical brain consciousness and the head centres to egoic contact. Then the otherwise destructive force becomes a factor for good and helpful stimulation, and can be used by Those Who know how, to lead men on to further illumination.
    All these stages have to work out on all the three lower planes and in the three bodies; this they do according to the particular Ray and subray. In this fashion the work of the disicple is carried forward, and his testing and training carried out until the two circles of petals are unfolded, and the third is organised. Thus he is brought, through right direction of energy and wise manipulation of force currents, to the Portal of Initiation, and graduates out of the Hall of Learning into the great Hall of Wisdom -- that Hall wherein he gradually becomes "aware" of forces, and powers, latent in his own Ego and egoic group. It is the Hall wherein he gains the right to use the force of the egoic group, for he can now be trusted to wield it only for the helping of humanity. After the fourth Initiation, he becomes a sharer in, and can be trusted with some part of the energy of the planetary Logos and thus be enabled to carry forward the Plans of that Logos for evolution." (A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 865/7)
  • Hello Kap11, I adore Madame B.  I found out some bad rumours about her, and almost lost faith.  But I was reminded that we all go through the dark stages of soul on our way to the light and she had many enemies.  But she was a rebel after my own heart.  Thanks for posting, I love the art :)
  • Form-lost, you seem to have a good grasp on things.  The sun is actually called the Solar Logos in theosophy.  The theory being that the Logos was created by an even bigger cosmic entity and in turn created this entire solar system... the sun is changing right now and helping to activate our DNA... we feel the solar flares and the magnetic fluxes awakening us and pulling out the lower energies to be replaced with higher frequency ones.  That's a real simple breakdown, it gets complicated but that's it in a nutshell. 

    I feel the sun and moon very strongly, they have been intensifying over the last few months... something is happening soon... you can feel it building pressure. 

    And you aren't nuts, the universe DOES listen to you, you kind of feed it your thoughts... that's why I feel it's important to feed the universe "good" (I know good and evil are relative-this is just perspective) energies.  Thanks for making me think this morning, it's a good workout, lol :)  Have a great day.

  • Did you feel that crazy sun action yesterday?  I felt just awful all day and when I checked SOHO sure enough the photons have spiked.
    I don't know all these things, but, I'll just say, strangely enough, their is a subtle change that has happened for, and in, me, and I am aware this is colossal change for me, like something came unstuck or something was . . . "melted", very small, but I think and feel it is significant, and the signals around are kind of letting me know this or some such, as people say. I am not sure of all this I am writing or perhaps I completely am, I'm just not used to commenting/writing about such things.

    also, I do not understand all this, but I'd assume when the sun does certain things, people have "changes"? as if you almost feel connected to it, almost as if directly, it feels like this and to me that sounds crazy, what I mean by the real crazy part is, um, like we or people have some level of control or similar, over what the sun does, maybe a two way connection?, I think its just the universe and how everything is synchronized, and sometimes it almost makes me feel as if I am communicating to it (universe/sun?), and hehehe, even though I am an insignificant flea, I get a feeling, as if it "hears"/"listens" to me, sometimes perhaps, NO I am not going COMPLETLY nuts, rather I really believe I don't understand something, or rather I do not know how it works, and am explaining just how it feels, I do not understand in an understandable way, sorry for my babble
  • Thanks, form-lost, for contributing. I'm happy that I made you think about things, you don't have to agree but I'm glad to be taken seriously. Service is an important term for me as well, because it's who I am inside... deep down I'm a people pleaser and want everyone to be happy and I'm willing to make sacrifices to make it so. I'm a cog in the machine and working towards enlightenment. 

    I think some but not all larger people are subconsciously protecting themselves from the ascension energies they are feeling.  As we continue clearing we'll see all kinds of purging illness, like liver trouble. 

    As for Captin S, LOL, he has a wonderful sense of humour and him and his diaper are always welcome to comment.  I couldn't find a decent copy of Ren & Stimpy's Space Madness episode, so I settled for crazy Ren rambling.  I'm sure the Captin gets it, this place wouldn't be the same without him to lighten things up, lol.

    PS.  Did you feel that crazy sun action yesterday?  I felt just awful all day and when I checked SOHO sure enough the photons have spiked. 

  • I've heard it said more than once that the larger people of our society are actually in place to ground essential energies.
    perhaps in some strange ways they could be, maybe without their intention, or even knowing, smothering these energys. . .  and us, though I do not believe this of say the "highest" ones, rather, second, third down the chain etc, though I think perhaps this has passed, or at least we are past the eye of this storm? in some places yes, some places nought

    I think I am commenting on something else entirely though, or rather a different notion/awareness, etc

    perhaps I am speaking of false groundings, or groundings of "older" methods and structures that now in this time must undergo transition to give way to new structure and all that

    I don't mean to start another war here.
  • on a minor note, kelly you, got me thinking last night now, and  the word service, not "serving", or "serve", this word, service, means much,very much to me, sorry, this must sound stupid and weird to most, but felt I wanted to conclude out-loud what I re-found, yet perhaps I much more fully see, now

    "service", this to me is sooooo very powerful, wording you say, no, to me I find its important, weird I guess yes. also when this kind of solidified in my furnace, I also seemed to become aware of something that I . . . . well maybe I choose, or choose to "service", in a kind of complete kind of way. . .hehehe   : )

    perhaps I still need to clarify or rather find a way to word it correctly to people, (and to myself), so I won't say much, just some strange bit of thing, about the universe, or rather its energy vibrations

    also, I'd assume you and the captain have some long drawn out "relationship" but, um, damn, kelly, now I see why some take shots at you, though I feel I understand where its coming from on your end, sorry to get in the way, perhaps I do not know what I am commenting on


    also this has caused me to open up the universe of Captin Sayzarzillion, very interesting fellow. . .  yes don't worry, just. . . curious

    I'm not a cat, also, Captain, sorry if I sound as if I am speaking "over" you, my apologys, I'm. . . .     . . . learning  : )
  • Just for you, Captain S  :) 

  • Thanks for contributing form-lost, I think I understand what you saying... have been having some breakthroughs understanding sacred geometry...it all ties in together.  Does it sound crazy that I am mildly obsessed with finding all the answers to reality while I still have time?  And my sis and I usually agree on the same values, but she has her own path... we're all so highly individual. 

    And RNC, it's so wonderful to have you here.  I know you are just words on a screen but they are attached to quite an incisive character, I appreciate your views.  As for your brother, it would seem interesting that you are shown polarities so close to home, as it were.  I would say that it doesn't matter how ill your body is, the spirit can heal all... but the fact that he fills his head with the mental equivalent of a big mac and cheese means he is still in the illusion of 3D... people reach for comfort at these times... addictions, sex, drugs, manic behaviours... maybe creating the TV reality is what gives him support.  He must be so bewildered, lol, we really need compassion for those who so oblivious to what's happening but cannot help feeling the symptoms we are all feeling.  I've heard it said more than once that the larger people of our society are actually in place to ground essential energies... their bodies hold more frequencies without stress, I believe... but anything that harms your health is never good for the earth or your inner deva.  Hope you have a great night, been feeling like garbage all day... argh- I am sure it's the solar eclipse... did it happen today?

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