what if i said we exist on multiple dimensions each one of us does.and each time you activated a strand of dna you sealed that personality in that dimension and once you sealed it, it becomes a archetype for you in that dimension.what if i said the whole point was to exist in all dimensions as your highest expression of self.what if i said we had already done this
what if i said we are the ets fairies ascended masters all of us are and that we are the ones that exist outside of time space and we are the ones making contact with ourself from outside the veil of time space as well as from outside the veil of other dimensional paradigms what if i said we are they... this is how all=one...what if i told you this body i am living in now is to be my perfected 3rd dimension/dna in the 4th dimension i am a being with a body of my chosing(mine is a being with a elongated head it has no sexual parts wheres a shimmering robe of pure matter that is seen as whatever the viewer wishes)who has created its own perfect exsistence a dimension of its own a totally unfettered exsistence and what if i told you once you sealed that archetype in the 4th dimension/dna you experience in the 5th dimension that we get to travel to each others perfect dimensions together all of us at the same time and bask in the perfection of the totality of our expressions of our perfected self inner and outer and what if i said once you sealed the 5th dimension/dna we all go together to make the 6th dimension a dimesion where we all make a exsistence were we all exist together joining our perfected dimensions together and transmute it to a pure group experience of one perfected reality experience and then what if i said after you sealed the 6th dimesional/dna archetype we became a sun a perfect sphere of growth that only needs to grow so large as to implode its self out of existenal needs all together.. what if i told you after you seal the 7th dna/dimensional archetype the last 5 are indescribale in this current langauge