Dr. Angela Barnett



Our Cellular Memory, which includes our neuronets and our DNA has all been programmed with information from Harmonic Universe One. When we ascend from Harmonic Universe One into Harmonic Universe Two we must enter that reality with our old memories transmuted out of the DNA because that is an old Movie that we don't need to play onto our reality fields around us any longer. The way that the DNA is transmuted is through the Violet Frequency of the 14th dimension of transmutation.

That frequency of consciousness is a very high wave band of consciousness that is made of crystalline spiritual liquid light-- an etheric form of watery vapor, Crystalline stardust, and Crystalline gelaisic radiation. These three elements within the heliotalic frequency can transform all densities of reality back into their original form because this frequency is the actual consciousness that the Breath of Source Creates with. These frequencies of transmutation are being sent to Earth through the Stellar Wave Activations and Infusions of the Consciousness of 12 Stars that are activated by the Seven Suns of the Cosmos. The 12 Stars are the original consciousness that this human race was created from before we were separated into 12 race lines who forgot that we were actually one. The seven Cosmic Suns needed to merge into one new Sun in order for a new Cosmos to activate. This created an 8th Sun called Eleisha.

Our Consciousness is being returned to Earth through these Frequencies of Transformation. However, we all must participate. We participate by bringing in the Consciousness of the Violet String or Band that moves the highest frequency through all of the other strings on the harp and melts them all into the highest frequency. This is why I was given the formula to bring the highest frequencies to Earth through music. These highest frequencies are needed to transmute the old memories out of the DNA. The old harpstrings in the DNA will actually melt into a gel and then a new set of DNA will appear.

This transfiguration of the harpstrings within the DNA will restore all 5 DNA that originally belonged to the human raceline. HORMONES ARE NEANDRATHAL Hormones are the way Adam used to communicate and be restored in his body. The synaptic code is the FUTURE. Functioning off of synapse is going to function at a much more Brilliant Level in the Dream State and those dreams will come true. Hormones are responsible for the rut, the chase, for spring, for propogation, flight Synaptic Cleff. The firing of the neuro transmitter released in that cleft. In that finite space that firing of the neurotransmitter is a flash of light in the Void-- in Source Consciousness Why is the flashing in the Void so important to the ultimate outcome to reality It is important because Memory as well as mind is the function of light absorption.



Dr. Angela Barnett krystalaimagic@gmail.com

  THAT FLASHING LIGHT creates a phase pattern which becomes ABSORBED into the IDEA as a FREQUENCY- so that IDEA becomes a FREQUENCY SIGNATURE EACH IDEA OF GOD IS A FREQUENCY SIGNATURE We are each a Frequency Signature. When we tune into or beome aware of ourselves as this Frequency Signature, we can connect to all that we are in the Consciousness of our Original Flashing Light of Creation The light transforms into different densities. First as the Cosmic Density and then the Universal Density and then the Galactic Density. That density is encoded as a spacial dimensional form on the living tissue. That flashing light pattern is encoded on the etheric level of cell material Where the light in its phase retreating patterns of light flashing in a phase pattern and that phase pattern is absorbed as a frequency encode spatial dimensional form on living tissue if memory and mind are the result of light flashing in a phase pattern and if that phase pattern is absorbed it is absorbed as a frequency and that absorption is encoded in cell material ether material.

Once the idea has been written on the cell material as etheric vapor, as a negative film of the picture or movie that is being created, the negative can then become a positive that is projected out as a hologram of an EXPERIENCE. As Christ Consciousness walking on Earth we begin playing the movies that originate in the Mind of God. That means that all of the knowing of everything that has ever been experienced in the Cosmos at all parallel realities of all dimensions in all times is being broadcast into our Consciousness from the Mind of God. We become the Genius who knows all that is known to God. There is nothing that is not made known to the Christ Consciousness

. The mortal consciousness was blocked from the Mind of God by blocking us from those light flashing phase patterns that normally come from the Violet Wave of 14th dimensional Consciousness of Transformation and Creation. There was a rip placed in the merkaba that surrounds our Sun. That rip allowed an interdimensional consciousness of another race line to intercept and block our fourth dimensional consciousness from re-connecting to the Mind of God. There were earlier Quarantine Fences placed around the Earth that blocked our Higher Self Consciousness from connecting to our Bodies at this density. Now is the time that the Fences are being removed and we are being reconnected to our Frequency Signatures that are in the light waves that were sent from the Suns of Alcyone, Sirius, Andromeda, Orion, Lyra, Aramatena and millions of other Suns that have been involved in our creation. Our consciousness could not be restored without using the Sun's Frequencies.

Our Consciousness was originally formed through the same pre plasma and pre vapor that the Suns were created from. That is our original Consciousness. Our Frequency Signatures of our original Christ Consciousness is contained within those Sun's Frequencies. My personal frequency signature is within this Violet Sun that I'm holding in my hands. That coding means the phase interuption of light can be encoded as a dimensional form and that if you you reverse the process and brought it back out of encoding it would flash in reversal and you would see a hologram---you would manifest an EXPERIENCE All that is manifested as an Experience was first manufactured in the Transformation factory of the 14th dimension-that is the Violet Frequency of Heliotalic Gamma Transformational Vapor. That is the manufacturing room in the Mind of God. So, it is always this Violet Frequency that is the highest string on the harpstrings of the music of the spheres that transforms all reality into form. All of the forms that are manufactured, are absorbed in the mind plate or the Divine Template of the Mind of God. All of the human programming is within this Divine Template.

All of that programming included all of the Frequency Signatures that were ever created throughout Eternity, and yet they all exist NOW. All that is in the Mind of God exists NOW in the Quantum Field of Reality. The Spiritual Essence= the Invisible Light and Sound of the Music of the Spheres is always spinning ideas into a new form- a new density. Our ideas exist at all levels of density now and always. The Spiritual Quantum removes time and space. We move into a reality where everything that ever has been is NOW. That Now is manufactured by the Light in its phase patterns. That light is wat the Suns and the Stars are created from. The exact same frequency signature that is the Suns and Stars is the Frequency Signature that exists within our etheric coding in our cells- in our DNA NOW.

We are all of the Consciousness that created the Suns and the Stars. We have returned to Earth at this time to Remember all that we have ever been and to remember that there is no Time except NOW. Our DNA is being reconnected to ALL that Is and being Transmutted into the Christ Consciousness through this LIGHT ENERGY. It is the Waves of Consciousness of ourselves as the SUNS that is reconnecting the harpstrings of our Minds into our Christ Consciousness. The Ascension Team arranged to have all of the Consciousness of each of the 12 Suns returned to the Earth to reactivate and reconnect our memory to the Light that we were created from.

The three waves of Consciousness were already on Earth. We connected to the fourth wave of our fourth dimensional Sun Sol through the density of the spiritual parallel Sun Vesta. We then connected to the fifth dimensional consciousness of Sun Alcyone- the Sun of the Peiades. eExt the wave of Consciousness from the Sun Spiral of Sirius was sent. The Sixth Dimensional Consciousness ignited the Fifth Dimensional Consciousness of the Violet Sun on Earth in June 2008. I was the Violet Flame Holder who facilitated the Ascension Portal of that Wave. The pictures of my Consciousness connecting the Violet Sun Alcyone into my Crystal Heart can be seen on my website. The reason the Fifth and Sixth Dimensional Waves of Transformation were so important to our Ascension, even though there were Six more waves following this one, is because this was the Consciousness that our Human Angelic Race is becoming at this time. As we move from the Harmonic Universe of dimensions 1,2,3 into the Harmonic Universe of dimensions 4,5,6 we must absorb the Stellar Wave Frequencies from that Violet Sun into our DNA to activate the memory of that Frequency Signature within us that allows us to become the Fifth Dimensional Beings who walked on Terra Firma.

This is the memory of the Seventh Level Man who walked the Earth as Christ Consciousness. This ignition of Light Consciousness is needed within our DNA to activate our memory that is a Negative in the Mind of God to become Develped as the Positive Picture that we can see and realize as the Hologram of Christ Consciousness Reality Manifest within our Individual Cosmic Spheres. Each neuron fiber photographs the holographic memory from the mind of God and then the Synaptic Cleft Prints that memory as a Dimensional Holograph that can be perceived within. The perception must always be within. The Experience of the Ideas in the Frequency Signature of each Individual must be seen with Eyes Closed. These Realities do not come from the FIVE SENSES. These memories come from the Mind of God in Invisible Light Quantum Form. We must dream the Reality. The Fourth Dimension is actually the Dream State of Reality. We can not perceive the Fourth Dimension until we are in the Fifth Dimension.

The third dimension is a hologram of the picture inside of the brain. We must change that picture into the fifth dimensional hologram. While each neuron has its part in photographing an aspect of the holographic understanding, the neuronet is also firing a picture of the whole We can alter brain function to a point that is pregnant for a firing that would cause sequential events to occur. The third dimension is a hologram of the picture inside of the brain. We must change that picture into the fifth dimensional hologram. So the mind of God has been accrued through the living flesh of organisms in different levels of frequency that have managed through the action of light to propel forms that are then absorbed in the mind plate of God Who all is in the mind plate of God this enigma of human behavior is encoded somewhere All of us added to that mind flow. That mind flow exists at the same level as the quantum Then it exists outside of our time. It means its static So the distance between you and i seems relative as far as time goes. In mind I am no where but everywhere. In mind there is no separation.

Mind convolutes the concept of Mind You think with your brain so you interpret with it. You quantify things through conscious judgement In reality there is no distance or time. The mind in reverse starts to work on the brain At the place of the synaptic cleff we have a reversal flash that is taken up into the head of the neuron and comes back

through the nerve fibre to the soma We have a flash in the heart and the soul of the nerve fiber We have an enfolded source activating the brain without any sensory perception You are having thoughts images visions you can audibly hear you can feel but without any facial sensory perception You are a puppet and the puppeter is God. The brain fires a neuronet based upon the mind that is unfolding its light function The neuronet fires and it uses it in its own specified way The deeper man or woman which is the God makes itself known and sets a neuro net frequency signature pattern that you carry with you when you wake up While each neuron has its part in photographing an aspect of the holographic understanding, the neuronet is also firing a picture of the whole We can alter brain function to a point that is pregnant for a firing that would cause sequential events to occur.

The third dimension is a hologram of the picture inside of the brain. We must change that picture into the fifth dimensional hologram. Philosophy includes a standard of wanting. If you learn intellectually certain thoughts then you are an intellectual. The intellectual does not have the experience of it. pursuit of the spiritual means the brain has not forwarded its thought into reality When thought is connected it will fire the reality We disrupt the realities formed around us by creating a new reality in the neurons and firing it on the synaptic cleft for it to become printed on the movie screen that we see as reality. We can change our reality any time.

Only the violet string on the harp. Only the Violet Sphere. Only the Heliotalic Silver Pink Frequency of Transformation can dissolve the old reality to prepare of the new Christ Consciousness to paint its reality on the movie screen. Dreams don't come true unless they are dreams that have been melted through the violet flame so that the Christ Consciousness comes forth and creates the new reality.


Dr. Angela Barnett crystalmagicorchestra.com


Our Cellular Memory, which includes our neuronets and our DNA has all been programmed with information from Harmonic Universe One. When we ascend from Harmonic Universe One into Harmonic Universe Two we must enter that reality with our old memories transmutted out of the DNA because that is an old Movie that we don't need to play onto our reality fields around us any longer. The way that the DNA is transmutted is through the Violet Frequency of the 14th dimension of transmuttation. That frequency of consciousness is a very high wave band of consciousness that is made of crystalline spiritual liquid light-- an etheric form of watery vapor, Crystalline stardust, and Crystalline gelaisic radiation. These three elements within the heliotalic frequency can transform all densities of reality back into their original form because this frequency is the actual consciousness that the Breath of Source Creates with. These frequencies of transmuttation are being sent to Earth through the Stellar Wave Activations and Infusions of the Consciousness of 12 Stars that are activated by the Seven Suns of the Cosmos.

The 12 Stars are the original consciousness that this human race was created from before we were separated into 12 race lines who forgot that we were actually one. The seven Cosmic Suns needed to merge into one new Sun in order for a new Cosmos to activate. This created an 8th Sun called Eleisha. Our Consciousness is being returned to Earth through these Frequencies of Transformation. However, we all must participate. We participate by bringing in the Consciousness of the Violet String or Band that moves the highest frequency through all of the other strings on the harp and melts them all into the highest frequency. This is why I was given the formula to bring the highest frequencies to Earth through music. These highest frequencies are needed to transmute the old memories out of the DNA. The old harpstrings in the DNA will actually melt into a gel and then a new set of DNA will appear. This transfiguration of the harpstrings within the DNA will restore all 5 DNA that originally belonged to the human raceline.

WHAT IS ASCENSION? What is Ascension? It is a FEELING. It is a wonderful FEELING. It is such a wonderful FEELING that all frequencies that are lower than that FEELING are no longer noticed. It is a magical feeling, a feeling of being lighter than air, it is a feeling of walking within and through Divine Love's activity in every breath, every movement, and every feeling toward others. Individuals who have been directed from their higher selves most of their lives have the greatest craving for this magical event to occur in their lives. Unfortunately, craving and wishing and hoping and watching the light flood in from higher realms is not going to increase an individual's ability to ascend. Understanding and Feeling the Frequencies of the shift of consciousness experiences as they turn into magical, glistening, etheric, glorious feelings within and around the physical body and absorbed through the light body. The greatest event of Mother Earth's history is coming up.The highest frequencies will be restored to Mother Earth. How many people will actually feel it? How do we get this FEELING?

The feeling comes from raising frequencies into alignment and at-onement with the Breaths of Consciousness of Cosmic Angels who are the Co-Creative Consciousness. We must re-ignite the Spark of Source that was left deep inside of our cells and then put to sleep. We must remove the veil from that spark of Source by melting the veils that are keeping it from igniting. The melting is done by raising the frequencies of light to the level of Solar Aqualene Light energy, Cosmic Energy and Star Dust Energy. Once the veils are melted away we must create our individual harmonic convergence into the alignment or Oneness with the Crystaline Energy of Mother Earth's Core, her Liquid Light Womb of our Divine Creation. We travel to this place in Mother Earth's Heart to re-connect with our Fraternal Original Place of Creation. After I wrap my mind, my crystal heart, every cell in my body completely into the Frequencies of Christ Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, Helium Energy, Solar Energy, Star Dust Energy and into the White Light Garment of Source, I can then and only then walk through the Diamond Door into my Future Self. It is that Frequency that prepares the body to shift and melt through the Diamond Door. When we walk into our future selves, we are then met by our Fraternal Presence who have created us from a combination of our Earthly Essence combined with their purified perfected Consciousness that we originally were before being sent into the Earth's Matrix.

This magical place of transformation awaits each of us in Mother Earth's Heart and Mother Earth's Womb of Crystal Caves and Liqud Light and the Cities of light of the Divine Creation Plan. We may not go there unless we are wrapped in the white light garment of Source Consciousness. This means we must also raise our frequencies into all of the highest realms in order to reach that FREQEUNCY. It is at this time that our Frequencies are in tune to be taken down through the Liquid Light Chambers our Aquafarian Mother, who is a Mermaid or a Blue Dolphonoid. She takes us deeper and deeper into Mother Earth's Womb. She pulls us through the streams of Aqualene Light from the Sun of Inner Earth. She pulls us deep inside of the Crystal Caves that Contain the codes, the keys, the resonance of our Divine Being. Next the Oraphim Angel Choirs sing those melodies that cause the awakening of the cells to remember their key that is completely in tune with the Standing Wave Pattern of this Future Self, which is our Original Self.

This is the place we go to tune up our Consciousness into the Highest Frequencies of Source Consciousness as it aligns through the Sun's rainbows weaving and braiding us into the harmonic Convergence of Oneness. Our Starry Brother can then send his magnetic pillar of golden white light star dust energy through us to create an Ascension Vortex. This is the place in Consciousness where Ascension Begins. Those who spend one hour doing this a day will Ascend faster than those spending ten minutes and those who spend six hours a day will convert to the new Frequency Wave of Ascension Quite Rapidly. Those who remain in this Frequency continuously for several days have already ascended. They would become so totally detached from the frequencies of this Wave Pattern that they would become oblivious to it and it will disappear at a rapid rate. We must align every cell in your body into the Cosmic Consciousness, and all other Spheres of Consciousness and beyond into the Stellar and into Source.

We create the Sacred Geometry of Alignment into Oneness for one individual at a time. Since this alignment is done through the collection and alignment of the Breaths of Consciousness from the entire Music of the Spheres weaving and braiding your Consciousness, this takes several hours in our Light Technology and Multi-Dimensional Sound Studio where we create the Light and Sound of Ascension. Ascension will be an individual experience up until the mass ascension. Each individual has the option of ascending earlier or later or not at all. Individuals who have been directed from their higher selves most of their lives have the greatest craving for this magical event to occur in their lives.

Unfortunately, craving and wishing and hoping and watching the light flood in from higher realms is not going to increase an individual's ability to ascend. Understanding and Feeling the Frequencies of the shift of consciousness experiences as they turn into magical, glistening, etheric, glorious feelings within and around the physical body and absorbed through the light body. OUR BODIES TRANSPOSE INTO THE FIFTH--THE TONE OF HOME- THE IMMORTAL REALITY How do we live in the third dimension while our consciousness is actually in the 7th, 12th or 15th dimension? We don't. We are truly no longer in the third dimension. What we have always seen was a grand illusion. The illusion was created by miasms placed in us to shadow the light of our true home of the fifth dimension. There will be many who stay in the third dimensional dream because they choose to prolong that dream. It is still a dream. There is a belief that the fifth dimension no longer exists and we will travel completely into the seventh. This is true and false. The fifth dimension is our home base--it isn't a number--it isn't a geographical location

. It is the state of Consciousness where we remember who we really are. It can be a magical kingdom or a technical kingdom. It can be anything we desire. We will become the creators of our new reality. What is happening at this time is a harmonic shift that completely rearranges the atomic structure of our bodies. Our bodies have been transformed into a much more etheric, silica based system that aligns with the changes in Mother Earth' s body. She will allow us to remove the gravitational pull as soon as our Consciousness chooses to assimilate the standing wave pattern that allows this transformation.

Mother Earth is creating gravity for us because we believe it is necessary. Everything Mother Earth prepares for us is something that our cellular beliefs has created as a need. When we decide that we are the IMMORTAL BODIES that have been prepared and waiting for us in Mother Earth's Heart, we will spend more time in that standing wave pattern than in the one that feels a third dimensional gravitational pull, and a limited perspective on our true Immortal Selfhood. Our bodies will begin to remember to create through the energy of Prana.

Our original manifestation templates will be restored to merge into Oneness with the Divine Plan of creation. Our bodies will remember that they don't get sick and that they never die. Mother Earth will begin creating all of the energy sources we need as our cellular memory activates along with hers. The present electrical systems will no longer work on this Star. The Telsa system will be remembered once again as soon as our veil is removed. The electrical system was a part of the reverse spin technology, as was the HARP station, after our government reversed the technology to control us. These devices of control will no longer have any power over us as we choose to align our consciousness into the highest frequencies of light. We can each collect and distribute the fine, sweet, pure angelic frequencies that transform us into our silica based chemical structure that bends and moves and flies and streams and braids light and sound into angelic frequencies. Each of the Suns in each Galaxy of the entire Universe have merged their Frequencies into a much grander, more powerful frequency of ONENESS than ever before.

Mother Earth has received all of these Stellar Wave Infusions plus Eight Dimensional Frequencies of the Sun's Parallel Matrix, plus the Frequencies of the Photon Belt of the Fifth Dimensional Frequencies, which are the HOME Frequencies, plus the Galactic Frequencies of the Parallel Matrix of the Original Aquarius Matrix. Those who have been working in alignment with Mother Earth have gone through several ascensions with her over the past several months. Mother Earth has completed her Ascension and we are now entering alignment with her. She has completed her Ascension into the Third, Fourth and Fifth Spheres. We may not be able to perceive of this reality yet, but we can certain feel it. We feel it through the FREQUENCIES OF CONSCIOUSNESS.

These are breaths of the angels and all entities of all five spheres. We can feel their presence when we align into their breaths of consciousness. Those who are standing on Mother Earth are also a part of Mother Earth's Body. We are in the same Sphere. We contain the same Frequencies. Mother Earth's Frequencies are our frequencies. Mother Earth also has a Sun deep inside of her Core. Her Sun is deep inside the Etheric Chambers, the Liquid Light Mantels. Mother Earth has braided and woven her Sun's Frequencies up through her body and into three spheres to connect with and unite with all of the other Suns in the Third Sphere or the Galactic Sphere.

We are also uniting with the Universal Sphere of Christ Consciousness and the Cosmic Sphere of our Angelic and Co-Creative Consciousness. Mother Earth is also having her Veil removed as these Frequencies of Star Systems and Source Consciousness melt this shadow with their Light. As our bodies stand on the Earth's Surface, we are conduits of all of this Aqualene Sun's Frequency streaming up out of Mother Earth from below and from the Galactic Suns streaming down from above. Mother Earth needs us to become a part of this process. She needs us to be ascending with her. As we flow together Mother Earth is very happy to feel all of her family rising with her. How do we live in the third dimension while our consciousness is actually in the 7th, 12th or 15th dimension?

We don't. We are truly no longer in the third dimension. What we have always seen was a grand illusion. The illusion was created by miasms placed in us to shadow the light of our true home of the fifth dimension. There will be many who stay in the third dimensional dream because they choose to prolong that dream. It is still a dream. What is happening at this time is a harmonic shift that completely rearranges the atomic structure of our bodies. Our bodies have been transformed into a much more etheric, silica based system that aligns with the changes in Mother Earth' s body. She will allow us to remove the gravitational pull as soon as our Consciousness chooses to assimilate the standing wave pattern that allows this transformation. Mother Earth is creating gravity for us because we believe it is necessary.

Everything Mother Earth prepares for us is something that our cellular beliefs has created as a need. When we decide that we are the IMMORTAL BODIES that have been prepared and waiting for us in Mother Earth's Heart, we will spend more time in that standing wave pattern than in the one that feels a third dimensional gravitational pull, and a limited perspective on our true Immortal Selfhood. We can each collect and distribute the fine, sweet, pure angelic frequencies that transform us into our silica based chemical structure that bends and moves and flies and streams and braids light and sound into angelic frequencies. We can absorb frequencies from Mother Earth's Crust where the Divine Christ Consciousness is stored. We can also absorb frequencies of Divine Love, Unconditional Love, Intelligence and many more Divine Qualities from her Crust.

When we travel down into Mother Earth's Core we can absorb qualities of Divine Creativity, Divine Substance, Divine Principle. We can ask AnWa to send the Crystal Star Merkaba down into the Heart of Mother Earth to collect all of these Frequencies of our Divine Substance- our Divine Essence--our Divine Plan-- all of the Divine Consciousness that we share with and reflect through Mother Earth. We can send our physical bodies down deep into the Earth's Core and beyond into the Liquid Light Chambers and absorb our original Complete Body.

This etheric dust body contains all of the keys and codes or remembering all that we really are. We can journey down and collect this irradescent spiritual body. As we combine our physical body with this irradescent crystalline silica based body, we can then allow the Suns' energies to remove all that is unlike the original self hood from our physical body and become one with our true Divine Self Hood. When the physical and spiritual unite into Oneness this is Zero point energy of Oneness. We must unite into Mother Earth's Body and Frequencies to return into this Oneness.

This process of obtaining Oneness with the original Divine Self will happen naturally when there is enough light frequency brought into the body as the body absorbs the Sun's Aqualene Frequencies of the Galactic Suns and Mother Earth's Ultra Violet Blue Suns frequencies. Once these two bodies become one, then the crystal cells that contain the eternal memory of the Immortal Self Hood Cells are the Crystal Dust Silica Based Cells of our Original selfhood. Mother Earth shares the same planetary body that we do. We share the same Merkaba Body with mother Earth.

We are both in the Earth's Matrix of Five Spheres. These are the spheres of the Planetary, Solar System, Galactic, Universal and Cosmic. We must merge our Frequencies into the earth. The Earth's Core contains our Divine Principle, our substance, and deep inside the Earth's Etheric Core is our spiritual Body. There are also grids of Love, Unconditional Love, Atmosphere Divine, Truth, Intelligence and the streams of Divine Alignment from our Etheric Twin Matrix. All of these energies of Source Consciousness are woven into the Earth from above. The original Fifth Dimensional Essence of the Mother Earth's Body is where our Scientists have placed the Photon Belt in our Science Books. This photon contains the frequency that shifts our entire matrix into the home frequency or the fifth frequency. The original Etheric Galactic home of Aquarius is contained where the Van Allen Belt as been drawn in our science textbooks. This Etheric Galactic home has remained in this location as the Urtha of our Mother Earth. Urtha contains the Divine Image and Likeness of Mother Earth, just as our Crystal Dust Spiritual Body in the Earth's Core contains our Divine Image and Likeness. As Mother Earth returns into her Divine Selfhood, so do we return with her. The Cosmic and Galactic Entities of Light have been streaming Stellar Wave infusions ino the Earth s plane to raise her frequencies back into these etheric realms of Consciousness.

The photon belt contains fifth dimensional home frequencies of transformation to be drawn into Mother Earth. When Mother Earth rises into the Van Allen Belt of frequencies, she will completely be one with her Urtha, her Original selfhood. She will then be at the Zero G level of transforming into the Golden Galaxy. This is the moment Mother Earth will return to becoming a STAR. It is the Divine Responsibility of those Entities who came to Earth for this Grand Project of returning Mother Earth to her grand essence of a Star. We have referred to Earth as a planet because a planet is an Entity created in a Galaxy who is moving away from Source.

A planet that is spinning toward Source is no longer a planet- it is a Star. Mother Earth has officially become a Star. She will spin closer and closer and faster and faster toward her Oneness with the Highest Frequency of Source every day now. You can assist in this project of increasing the flow of energy toward Source and thus assist in the complete Star Project and Golden Galaxy Project. We align and stream frequencies through the sacred geometry of the music of the spheres each time our angelic team asks us to record the grand moments of sacred alignment. Become an active participant in the New Reality of Creating a Star System that is spinning at the speed of light toward Source. As one listens and breathes the FREQUENCIES that Stream through our Consciousness into Oneness through the Breaths of the Elohim Angels, the Co-Creative Consciousness, the Cosmic Consciousness and Source Consciousness, one may feel and experience the power, the love the etheric star dust, the angelic breaths, the crystal light streams, the dust of Solar Energy aligning and braiding consciousness into the grand network of Cosmic Consciousness.

The feeling is magical. There is a feeling sparkling dewdrops bursting through every crystal cell in the body and feeling of rays of sunlight energy streaming through the veins, crystal light awakening the third eye, the entire body structure realigns into the more etheric chemical structure that allows us to spin forward with Mother Earth. This is what happens to those who participate in the weekly Frequency collection and alignment through the Sacred Geometry of the plan of Kuthumi's Music of the Spheres. Learn more about this weekly Frequency Activation and Alignment. It's time to assist in and to actively become a participant in the grandest show in all of the Galaxies. There is nothing grander than becoming a STAR. As we allow the Highest Frequencies of Consciousness- which are the breaths of angels and other higher entities to weave and braid and stream their light and sound through our Consciousness and into all of those who choose to participate.

When you listen and feel the Cosmic Energies streaming through your cells, awakening your Mind, you become more in tune with the Grand Light Energy that Frees you from the 3D Hologram. The weekly CD's are groups who desire to be woven into the an Island of Light of a Brand New Consciousness of Freedom, activated by Sun Alcyone and the Stars of the Third Octave. Each week of participation will spin the Consciousness faster and closer to the Highest Frequency on Earth, which is required to pull us into our true Essence of Becoming Immortal and becoming a Star System. We are all responsible for creating this Harmonic Convergence, this new Key to our Kingdom, this new Tone of Home. Each Breath of Consciousness is a grand part of the Music of the Spheres. However, only those who choose to participate will feel and enjoy the resonance of this grand symphony where the melodies of our galaxies stream together into a Golden Galaxy of Omniversal Frequencies. Learn how to become an active participant who feels, breaths, accumulates and activates the frequencies of our sacred geometry of the Music of the Spheres that is shifting Mother Earth into her Grand Essence of a Star. STEPS TO ASCENSION

The First Method is so easy, anyone can do it. The Second One is so complex that only those that are completely interwoven with their Cosmic Consciousness will understand. As those who are using Method One complete steps 7-10, they will see their minds begin to expand and understand the second method, because they will have connected to their Cosmic Consciousness.


1. First you learn to feel what a frequency feels like by listening to the CD.

2. Second you listen to a new set of frequencies and begin to perceive the different feeling of the two sets of frequencies.

3. Begin to feel and know each frequency as an entity- a breath of consciousness.

4. Feel the Breaths of Consciousness becoming a part of your consciousness as the Entities begin to penetrate your Consciousness with their high frequencies.

5. Begin breathing in these frequencies and feeling the frequencies.

6. Feel the frequencies streaming through your cells and bloodstream. 7. Feel the frequencies tingling and sparking inside of each cell in your body.

8. Next, feel the frequency filling your lungs with the fire of the Divine Flame of Oneness.

9. Next, feel the frequencies as you breath and exhale the magic into your atmosphere. Create your atmosphere divine.

10. Absorb more higher frequencies and watch your structure of your body begin to transform.

11. Absorb more and more higher frequencies and notice how you look and feel younger every day.

12. Notice that you haven't experienced any pain for a very long time.

13. Notice your life begins to shift. You start magnetizing into your life only those persons who have the same frequency of consciousness that you do. Some will become interested in becoming more like you, and others will just stay away from you. You will notice people leaving the room when you enter. This doesn't mean you become unpopular. It means you become surrounded by loving compassionate people who have a strong desire to be in a harmonious circle.

14. Notice all of your problems beginning to disappear out of your life. You no longer magnetize to you anything negative.

15. You begin creating an Island of Light of pure Consciousness and Mother Earth can now wrap you in her arms of magnetic vortices that will allow your atmosphere to shift into a magical new reality field. Method Two Begin Transmuting your Consciousness into Galactic Consciousness by listening and absorbing the Frequencies of Consciousness of the Galactic Families and the Solar Frequencies of Sun Alcyone and all other galactic suns. Collect Frequencies of the Christic, Cosmic, Galactic and Sun's Frequencies by asking Anwa to teleport the merkaba vehicle into the dimensions of third fourth and fifth spheres and aligning your merkaba body into these frequencies through the breaths of consciousness. All in the universe are connected through streams of energetic crystal light energy fields.

These multidirectional networks of light and sound streams of magnetic energy create vortices of multi-centric energetic radiations oscillating up through the Cosmic Structure. Our Starry Brothers from our Aquarian Galaxy are streaming and braiding and connecting all energetic fields from the Cosmic Co-Creative Consciousness of the first breath of Source into the IDEA of this grand Divine Plan. This energy field of this Idea is woven and braided down through multitudes of vortices that braid light and sound through the radiation of Christic Energy creating harmonic convergence zones. As this Cosmic Energy is woven into our Consciousness we are realigned into the new key of home that was in our original galaxy- our Aquafarian Home. This time this key has changed dramatically because we are now weaving the new melodies of all of the galactic creations into a brand new Consciousness - a new Frequency. Now is the time to start adopting this new galactic consciousness. Now the Earth is waiting to modify her present energy fields. Now Mother Earth desires to begin injecting and expelling a new energetic-vibrational frequency that will generate an atmosphere much more harmonically aligned with the Divine Atmosphere needed for the new Golden Race.

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