What is peace in the final analysis but a quiet mind?
What is a quiet mind in the final analysis but the space of the Heavenly Father, Brahman?
Just as I’ve said that love is not the final goal; knowledge of our true identity is, so here: peace is not the final goal; knowledge of our true identity is.
But that having been said, we can only know our true identity in the space of peace, the space of the quiet mind.
Knowledge of the Self arises in the quiet mind. Hindus express that by saying that the flame does not flicker in a windless place; Buddhists by saying that the moon is reflected in the still pond.
Without inner peace, we cannot know the Self. Without outer peace, there’d never be the right conditions for seeking inner peace.
Wars and other forms of violence would keep people in fear and separation. Conflict breeds conflict. The bases of civilized society would quickly erode.
If you’re following the same scenario I am, if you believe the Company of Heaven despite all the seeming postponements and setbacks, and if you’re willing to take a chance on taking a stand for something that’s meaningful and makes a difference, then take a stand for peace.
Archangel Michael said the operative word was “Enough!” We’ve had enough of war, rape, and pillage. We’ve had enough of corruption, torture and murder. That’s taking a stand.
We’ve had enough. We no longer support any activities that lead to conflict. Our support now goes to propagating love, not hatred; truth, not propaganda; and peace, not domination.
This simple alignment of holistic beings itself creates a force field that has many effects, I’m told. It shifts the collective consciousness. It empowers the Company of Heaven to take action on behalf of our expressed will. It emanates a force that overcomes control.
I’d be happy if we all simply expressed our alignment with the goal of Peace on Earth.
And what better day to do it on than Valentine’s Day, 2015?
I believe that all else will flow from peace. Peace first. All else second. And the second is huge. It’s as if peace is the crack in the dam, which once sprung causes the whole structure to collapse and the water to come rushing through.