Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Goswami Maharaja in Auckland New Zealand 2008...word for word. ..
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu gives to others not ragatmika but raganuga, what is raganuga-
following of or practicing to have that siddha bhava, raganuga is sadhan marg, in this world and when it will be matured( siddha)they will go there to Goloka Vrndavana and with rag they will serve there, so raganuga- and ragatmika there is so much difference, one is sadhan and other one is siddha, so also you should know, there is anuga mood, that is Rupa marga, all Rupa nuga are raga marga all top to bottom but all raganugas are not Rupa nugas , only those who will follow, Srila Rupa Goswami internal mood outwardly as Rupa Goswami and inwardly like Rupa Manjari, they are only Rupa nuga, without Rupa nuga, radha dasya can't be achieved so Chaitanya Mahaprabhu with this gave special mood to special jivas in this world, otherwise it was never heard and never seen in this world. ...gourpremanande haribol. .joy nitay kripa koro ke
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