What's the Story of Your Awakening?

8109148878?profile=originalI'd appreciate it if the ACC members would share the story of their awakening. When and how did it happen? Were you born already awakened?  How has your life changed since awakening? What, if anything are you doing about it? Do you feel positive or negative about it? Do you need help?

Here's mine... from the very beginning of my life I felt special and wanted to help mankind but this is how my path began...when I was in my early 20's I read an excerpt from the book and the supposedly true story called The Search for Bridey Murphy. It's about a young woman's past life as a young girl in Ireland named Bridey Murphy. This was my first time hearing about reincarnation and I totally believed it. A few months after reading the excerpt my mom made her transition and that book gave me hope that she was not really dead but living another life. I started reading everything I could about reincarnation and life after death. I joined a religion and studied the bible but though interesting did not find the answers I was looking for so my search continued. About this time I began to meditate and this is when my world started to shift. I read another book that helped me called Life After Life by Dr. Raymond Moody. I read many other books...the Ken Carey books, the Kryon books, the P'Taah books, etc. I then came to the realization I was on the earth to do a job but what I did not know? I read several books from the I AM Discourse series, the book Three Magic Words by US Anderson and nearly all of the books by Neville Goddard...the Tao. Actually, all of the books I've read in my search is too long to list. I became a Reiki Master and studied many other forms of natural healing modalities.8109148895?profile=original

Through meditation, dreams and all of this reading and researching I found my answers...I felt in my heart I am from the Stars making me a starseed and that I came here to help facilitate the healing of Mother Earth and her children and to help them ascend into a higher state of consciousness using nothing more than love to accomplish this. Whenever I know someone is in need of healing I do what I can to help them heal themselves. I meditate first thing every morning and every evening under the stars when possible before I retire...sending out love and healing to the Mother and to any who need it and of course, to my star family [hi Tally ;)].

I continue to read, research and study to better myself for the day we see and experience the paradise earth we all long for. I also look forward to the day our star families introduce themselves to our earth families. I have positive feelings for myself and the future of Gaia.

The New Earth Coming

8109149458?profile=originalThank you and Love...


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  • Dear Avatar,

    If some body is in problem and asking for help one can help....

    Thanks for your Love ...and appreciation...

  • Yes Avatar, I get what you’re saying. I did not have the skill set when I was 21 years old and that is why I rejected the work then. I learned the complete lesson only in 2011, after I published my book on healing – that we come here to go through the trials and tribulations that bring alive our remembrances and skills of how to do the things that each of us re-birthed at this specific time to do for Humanity and Gaia.

    Thanks for that video of Chiron! Thanks for those lovely videos Feather Winger <3

    In that ancient lifetime I was Paeon.

  • Dearest Sohini...yes, many of our experiences can be very long and intense but that's all part of the awakening experience.

    Thank you for joining in on this thread and I love the images.

    Love and Blessings filled with Light!


  • Dear Avtar,

    Here all ...most of our friends are working with Love & Light Energies and they ave already got some Ascension also....

    Actually this can be a long story....

    So many experiences ...in Meditations and also with the other light workers...., Masters may have given the proof of their presence and how they are helping us....

    Thanks for this Message....

    With Love, Light, Blessings with gratitude.....!!





  • Nancy I hear you with my heart girl!  I never thought - in my (just turned April 4) 65 years - I could be not only this broke, but this lonely as well.  And all I have to give is love and the one I'd prefer is living with me - but she's going through her own eviction and simply needed a place to stay - she's my dear friend - what am I gonna do?  Move her in, pay her bills and be her friend and don't ask for squat!!  But I humbly admit, it's tuff to sleep in the same bed and never touch her!  But you do what you gotta do!

    I hear you talking about not really knowing your grandkids and I have that same situation - I only have the one son but when I could have spent time with my grandson, I was married to the "wicked witch" of the

    "North-East".  I always have an excuse!  At least you're thinking of them!  Love you girl!!

  • Thank you, Feather...I cannot get it for my country for copyright reasons. I've tried and tried and have not been able to get or share it. Thank you so much, dear friend.

  • Darryl, I'm sure you know by now that when you deny your path things will happen to get you back on it and they are not so pleasant...yes, sometimes it does take a brick to fall on our heads. :) I too have been through the fire with my health and it is a great teacher. There used to be a video on youtube called the Wounded Healer but you cannot get it now. It's about Chiron and explains that through our own pain and empathy we become the wounded healers we are meant to be. This link will explain it better if you haven't heard about it before...Chiron, the Archetype of the Wounded Healer.

    I have been to your website before and though I have not downloaded your book I will do so when I finish here. It's so good to see you are doing what you can to heal others and that you paid attention to your awakening and realized what you are supposed to be doing.

    I have found your weblog to be very interesting...you prove we are all special and I thank you for sharing.

    Our path is not an easy one and many times it's very lonely but it's one we must follow.

    From one healer to another...

    Love, Light, and Healing...may we all find Peace,



  • Thanks for this wonderful blog Avatar. It's great to read the amazing accounts of so many lovely souls here who have gone through awakening.

    I had a spontaneous awakening when I was 21 years old in 1991. It was a gentle but prolonged experience of over a month in which I experienced altered states of consciousness and also phases of joy and bliss. I was not into meditation or any kind of practice, just the usual spirited youth looking up to what life was offering. Unfortunately, I was in study leave for exams in the 3rd year of engineering and all of this disconnect made me flunk the year.

    But during this experience some things happened. Firstly, I had realizations about Existence and God and Religion. I left the Roman Catholic Church, after having some kind of energetic drama fight with beings I could not identify, and it resulted in me pulling out Jesus from all that setup and taking him along with me in my heart.

    Secondly, a lot of knowledge about life, the human body, and ecosystems on earth started streaming in from what I would call 'the voice in my head'. It didn't seem like someone else; cause it felt like me, but from a different time and degree of intellect. I fought with it for over a month and shut it down telling it that it had no relevance with my life at that time. My friends caught me talking to myself... they thought I had gone mad. Luckily I didn't seek psychiatric help - God knows how that would have turned out! Part of these episodes came with visions of the future of what I would be doing at a global scale. I felt that they were ridiculous and too big, so I dismissed them every time.

    Today I am doing those very things and I've seen what I will be doing for the next 10 years as well. I've had to do a lot of self-forgiveness since 2010, for bashing myself wrongly at that earlier time. After 1991, I began falling sick from being careless about many things and there was a downward spiral that lasted 13 years, till 2004 when I was dying of many health complications that modern medicine could not cure. When I was on the verge of suicide (I had not lost it - I was just not able to eat any food without getting skin eruptions and I had bleeding stools, and several other complications, and I had to give up work too because I could not function - so I didn't want to live in that hopeless way) I had another series of experiences where this voice came back with a bang and a name appeared on my body. It was the name of an ancient Greek physician and I later came to know through some more experiences that I was this being over 3000 years back. What followed after this experience was an intense healing journey over a couple of years, which did involve a lot of conscious hard work on my part. This phase got followed up by me teaching about health, nutrition and curing chronic illnesses without medicines since 2007. To know this work that is now being followed by people in over 50 countries, please visit my weblink www.becomehealthyorextinct.com

    My second awakening happened in 2010 when I received a baptism from The Essene Cross of Salvation. Till that time I did know that the ‘Holy Spirit of God’ is in many forms that have distinct identities, energies and work. This cross looked like an Ankh. It was alternating deep blue and deep red colors and had the texture of velvet and it was telepathic. It transmitted energies to me. This experience happened in an awake state. After this experience there were some more that showed me that I was with Jesus at that time. Don’t know who I was, but many spiritual teachings started streaming since then and the work I now do in spirituality comes from these teachings. They are on my blog www.fromthealphatotheomega.com

    Just sharing all of this pulls me outta 3D. So enough for now cause I’ve got to get back to work :)

    Light, Love & Peace be with you All.

  • Nancy - I must make a comment on one of your closing statements "as the current Mission Impossible is nearly complete".  Anytime I would be explaining to someone, my opinions / reasons for life in this vessel or embodiment,  I would say "I think this is a school - I think, people keep coming back till they "Get it Right", and when they "get it right" - they move on to their NEXT ASSIGNMENT!"  Because of the unexplainable things that have happened to me, to keep me alive - I'm just figuring I probably chose to be right here, right now.  And it actually would be my choice to be in a helping / teaching situation, always sharing whatever I could to make things better for everybody - that's they way I am and the way I've always been.  I can survive without notariety - I just do what I can do!

  • You're very welcome, Ariel...some day I hope to hear even more of your experiences. <3

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