In the wake of current news and the US Election...
You may be wondering what the heck is going on in the world...
I've been seeing so many posts both yesterday and today from people who are filled with fear, confusion, and sadness about the changes unfolding...
So as spiritual seekers, as healers, lightworkers, and way-showers...
What do we do?
Honestly... That part hasn't changed much, other than perhaps in intensity.
Other than perhaps the commitment required...
For each of us to step into the fullness of our light.
Because what we do now...
Is to be the shining examples of love and kindness in the world.
Examples of compassion, peace, and oneness....
We adapt to the changes around us...
Remaining centered, balanced and present in the moment that is now.
Where we can make the choice to return to love.
Choosing to observe...
Choosing to forgive...
To stand in our power...
To shine our light...
To listen to each of our internal guidance, and to take steps to create positive change in our lives as individuals and in the world.
Being fierce and bold in the face of change...
Standing in love and light...
And refocusing on what's important...
Refocusing on love.
Which is course is not the easy path, now or ever...
But it is the path of making a difference and transforming the current paradigm...
One moment and one step at a time.
Tuning into the energy of love is how we can make a difference now...
Love is what we each, and what the world needs. And as Margaret Mead so beautifully said: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
With love, light, and gratitude,