Good day my fellow lightworkers! Wishing you all a glorious day full of sunshine and laughter. It goes without saying that the energy here has been very polarized… there have been many accusations, negative emotions and fear fighting for attention. I just wanted to share a little bit about who I am and help you to gain an understanding of my personal journey. If it resonates with you then that is wonderful but if not then that is alright too. I don’t usually do private blogs, I would rather share information and encouragement but this is one of those times when a human loving touch is needed.
Like many of you, I am a starseed. I had the typical starseed life, I didn’t fit in, I was an empath in a low energy society… I detested rules from the cradle… I still have a problem with authority and control, lol. One thing that may separate many of you from me is my endless love affair with learning. Some Lightworkers are natural healers, some are empaths and grid workers, still others bring balance to the energy coming through from Source. Myself, I had abilities as a psychic when I was younger, but I had to push all that stuff away as I aged. You older Lightworkers know what I am talking about- I am sure many of us hid from the world in those days when it was so very dark and scary to be a Lighted person, as we attract some strange people and experiences.
Pushing away my abilities didn’t stop my brain from questing knowledge… as soon as I could formulate the questions… I wondered from the beginning… what is the meaning of life? Why are we here? Who is God?
I began researching at eight years old when I decided to see if witches really had “magic” lol. I learned about Wicca and the Goddess. From there I went to mythology from around the world, ancient legends, myths and texts. I did look into the black arts but it was a forewarned type of thing- Like all Starseeds I cringe away from Darkness, always have and always will. The great part of self directed learning is that as soon as I would get some answers I would think up some more and go searching again, ha ha- in the old days I’d have like four or five books on the go and would cross reference them. Sigh, I wish I still had the time, lol.
I looked at it all. If I was a different type of person I probably would have gone into Wicca or some form of nature worship as I resonate to the earth strongly. It’s probably in my blood, I am aboriginal and we have strong ties to the Great Mother.
Hmmm I bet you are wondering why I am bragging about all the books, right? Lol, well once you accumulate enough knowledge, it magically begins to link up into a workable form for you. All of those who say that you cannot find wisdom in a book may be right to a point, you cannot find it in ONE book but with a multitude, you can find the truth shining through as your mind sorts and reasons through the information you have fed it.
What I’ve found in my research more and more often, is the affirmation of something I had thought through previously… in other words, the learning itself has reached some kind of tipping point… I am connecting the dots and making my own conclusions based on sound research and this is gaining speed to the point where I am making leaps in understanding without any input at all, just based on my own inner knowledge.
Where does Theosophy fit in this? Well, I discovered Master DK when I was about sixteen or seventeen. I loved him, but I always thought that what he talked about was too big for me… I was just a kid playing around…I was not a disciple or a chela or an initiate. So I took a nice long break from him as I lived my often chaotic life… no time for contemplation for a while, lol. I still read but it’s feast or famine… often I am at others mercy when it comes to my own time. Believe me, I’m still dealing with it.
Theosophy is one of those things that you can go back to over and over and find a new understanding, so I don’t know if I’ll ever have full comprehension… it’s called the ageless wisdom for a reason, lol. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have a structure of logic and loving support. What occurred to me was that I didn’t think of myself as a theosophist until I revisited it and discovered that in my wanderings my brain and spirit had compiled a belief structure pretty much exactly like Theosophy. That is what I meant when I said I was a born Theosophist, lol- I became one without trying.
You can disdain Alice Bailey or HPB and talk about CW Leadbeater being a homosexual and the issues Annie Besant had (I am not a fan of hers)… but you cannot judge the information itself. The information within stands alone and does not need glitz or dazzle. Truth is one of those things that resonates and sounds a bell within and logic is the most important tool you will have other than your heart.
There are soooo many channels nowadays. Are you all aware that the genuine ones are ALL from the Hierarchy of Light? LOL, it’s kind of funny if you think about it. I just prefer to think that all paths lead to Source/God whatever you’d like to call him. We are ONE, I understand what that means now- completely and entirely.
So when some ignorant people want to throw mud on the Hierarchy, they are throwing it on you too. Who do you think is the Hierarchy of the Future? WE ARE. Theosophy will give you a foundation to grow from, but it is an interactive and dynamic learning… it’s not about remembering passages and moral lessons. It’s tough stuff to deal with the mechanics of the universe, it takes a strong minded individual to pursue it. Much of what is taught has gaps of knowledge as the student is expected to make certain conclusions themselves. It is not an easy route but most satisfying to someone like me.
I should mention Commander Drekx Omega too, since that particular relationship has received some fire as well. Some of you seem to think he deserves to be hurt for who he is. Do you think that is right? Can you insult someone without it causing damage? What do you think your soul and God thinks of that? I won’t go into details here and feed that energy but I do want to state for the record my own point of view, just so we are all on the same page.
Drekx and I are not the same person but we are closely bonded and he is my staunchest ally and soul mate. I was here ages before him with many blogs about Theosophy, feel free to check them out. I don’t know what energy is at play here but let it be said that Theosophy is not the threat, in fact it was not perceived as a problem until Drekx came to this site. Now it’s a problem? LOL. I’ll let you all draw your own conclusions as to the truth of the matter.
Thank you for taking the time to read my story. I just wanted to show the true face of Theosophy. LOL, no we aren’t Freemasons, or Satan worshippers, ha ha that’s so funny. I’m just an ordinary girl having an extraordinary experience, just like you are all having now. Let that bond bring us closer together in harmony.
Yes, you are correct Ivy, the wording is very heavy for most of the theosophical works. Shoot, I cannot remember where I found it, but there is a great web site that breaks down the work into more a readable and understandable format. If I come across it again will definately share the link :)
LOL, it could just be me, but Alice and Helena are typical lightworkers, teehee people think we're all hearts and flowers but we are stern individualists and barrier busters... we're a tough lot :) I'm grateful to the early ones (ladies especially) who tore down the walls.
So glad you did write it, dear one....And since this subject is a clarfication, I would like to reiterate for my detractors, who though small in number, are highly active, persistent and vocal....I would like to say that I AM A THEOSOPHIST, BUT NOT A FREEMASON.....and certainly no reptoid, as was so rudely suggested by April.
Everybody with a heart, brain, eyes and a soul knows that I'm one of the dark cabal's biggest for me to be secretly working for the dark elites, is totally ridiculous...
Surely I would be on another site speaking about the virtues of fractional banking, or something...what aid am I to the dark cabal here....saying the revealing things I say...??
So thanks again dearest heart for your wonderful work....I treasure your dedication to the cause of Light...
Nice to clear this up on AC....Theosophy has been maligned as much as the GFL...But the record will be set straight......thanks for your dilligence, my sweet...Drekx x
Thanks Hedoknight. You may like this little tidbit I turned up. I've tried to use it in a sentence but no one gets it, lol.
Grok-in the sci-fi sense of to encounter an idea, surround it with your beingness of attention, “consume it’sperspective”, and understand it all at once “of a piece”.. this is the “long wave” way of knowing, as opposed to atomized, piecemeal, fractionated dissections of knowing.. short waves.