Where is your focus?

Some time ago there was a channeling from Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman in which he reminded us to “put the focus on the importance”…and he remarked that he had not said that ‘backwards’, which would have indicated putting the importance on the focus. To discern exactly how that applies to your own life, one has to look at what it is they are putting their day-to-day focus upon.

Where is your focus? Are you in a marriage or long-term relationship, taking care of your spouse, maybe raising children, and focusing on the day-to-day challenges of keeping a roof over your head and food on the table, clothes on the kids, and gas in the car? Many people are in jobs that they hate, and all week they focus on how much they hate that job. In fact, they hate it so much that by the time Wednesday or Thursday rolls around they begin focusing on what they can do over the weekend to ‘get away from it all’, like how many football games, or car races, wrestling matches, etc. they can watch in two days…or how many parties they can attend. Others put their entire focus on their jobs because (1) either they enjoy them so much, or (2) they live in fear of losing it, hence, not having the money to pay for their day-to-day needs. Some have also found that having this total focus on their jobs means the loss of their family. Do you see yourself in any of these scenarios? Is your focus being put on ‘survival’ or other third-dimensional concerns? If so, and if you’re putting the ‘importance’ on where you have your focus, then when are you ever giving focus or, rather, how MUCH focus are you giving to the REAL reason you’re here?

Michael admonished us to put the focus on the ‘importance’. Well, now, aren’t the things that are ‘important’ a matter of individual priority? Yes and no. We have been told over and over again by various Beings of Light that ‘we’, as the Lightworkers we are, have come to Earth at this point in time for one reason and one reason only…to assist in lifting the planet into a higher dimension. That was the Plan for us being here; that is our Primary Objective. Yes, of course, we all have experiences and lessons that we have chosen to have and learn during our lifetimes on Earth, but that is not the Mission for which most of us are here. We have ALL ascended before, so why are we putting so much ‘focus’ on our own elevation and forgetting the real job we came here to do? Yes, some are here merely as ‘observers’ or ‘watchers’ or ‘information gathers’, but the majority of us volunteered to come here to aid the Earth. So I ask you… is that where your ‘focus’ is, because I guarantee you, that’s what the ‘importance’ is.

There have been so many who have asked, “How can I concentrate on my spiritual work for the earth when I have to spend so much time and energy just to survive in this world?” That is where the ‘priorities’ come in. There are many, many ways to ‘focus on the importance’ and still continue in your mundane 3D job, take care of the family, and participate in enjoyable activities. All of those areas can be incorporated into your ‘spiritual’ work. Some say they are here for the ‘planet’, others say they are here for the ‘humans’, and still others say they are here for the ‘Nature Kingdom’, such as the animals. Those are simply ‘sub-categories’ of the overall picture. The point of focus is to be the ‘body’ of the planet herself. Yes, many place their own focus on awakening the people, as it should be. Why? Because, as the people awaken, their vibrational frequency rises, and as THEIR frequency rises so does the frequency of the ‘body’ of Earth. The animals, too, are having a hard time adjusting to the energies upon the planet, so they, too, need to be focused upon in order to keep their energetics in alignment with the planet, which in turn aids the frequency of Earth. All of the work we do…whether it is with the people, the plants and trees, or the animals…it all comes down to the benefit it provides to the Earth herself.

So how does one incorporate the ‘importance’ of what they are here for into their day-to-day jobs or other activities? If you have a job that you dread going to each day, then either change jobs OR change the vibrational frequency of the place you work and the people you work with. In other words, spread your spirituality into the workplace. Work with the ‘humans’ there and help them to raise their consciousness to a higher level. The first way of doing that is by ‘being the example’. Are you in your integrity at work? Do you treat all the other employees as you would treat our Mother/Father God? They are, you know. The other way, of course, is to speak your Truth and to teach. Easier said than done if you’re still in that box of caring what other people think, yes? So perhaps the first place to begin is within your own Being, getting out of that box. And going around the workplace, looking downcast or angry, giving obvious signs that you don’t want to be there, is certainly not doing much for lifting the vibration of others around you, now is it? I guarantee, once you change your attitude, your whole perspective on your job will change.

How else can you incorporate your spiritual work into your mundane 3D life? If you don’t work outside the home, what can you do during the day that will put the ‘focus on the importance’? How about healing work? Each and everyone reading this has healing abilities…healing energies that pass through their hands onto whatever they touch…each of you. Do you like the outdoors? Why not spend a good part of the day outside communing with nature, perhaps sending healing energy to the plants, the trees, and even the dirt itself? Do you like animals? Then perhaps volunteer your services at the Humane Society or other animal adoption center. They, in particular, need their energetic field raised through your healing touch. Hospitals are full of humans that need healing, yes? If there are no volunteer jobs, then just go to the hospitals to talk to the patients and lift their spirits, or even stand in the hallways and send healing energy to all who are there.

What else can you do during the day, whether you work outside the home or not? Do you send healing to the Earth through individual or group meditations? In 1999, Ashtar asked us to begin doing grid meditations as a ‘group’ to help heal and align the body of our planet. These weekly meditation take no more than 15 minutes a day. That was later expanded by Metatron to include the Quartet meditations…also for the Earth, and also for 15 minutes on 3 days each week. That is a grand total of only 2 hours per week that we have been asked to ‘put the focus on the importance’. There have been many excuses people have offered as to ‘why’ they can’t expend a mere 15 minutes a day to do these meditations. Some have said, “Well, I already do the Trinity grid meditations, but I just can’t spare the time to do another 15-minute meditation for the Quartet Project. Then I would ask you…what are you doing in that 15-minute span of time that is more ‘important’? Where is your ‘focus’? Not willing to give up a favorite TV program, not willing to have dinner prepared a little bit earlier or later than usual, not willing to give up that ‘night out’ with the gang? There are SO many ways you can practice your spiritual work during the day that will enable you to stay focused on the importance of what we have come here to do if you will just make the commitment to do so.

What about your children who live at home? Our children are one of, if not THE, most important resource we have, for they are our future. Have you prepared your children for what THEY have come here to do? Are you spending time teaching them what you already know? They do, most probably, know through intuition more about why they are here than we will ever understand…but it behooves all of us to discuss their upcoming world roles with them to help them more easily understand the changes to come. And, speaking of our children, is your focus on the ‘dramas’ going on in their lives, even if they are already making lives for themselves outside your home? ‘Straightening out’ the lives of our grownup children seems to be the prime focus of many Lightworkers, and to see our children happy becomes most important to us. We must remember, however, that we do not ‘own’ our children and we don’t necessarily know what is ‘best’ for them. They have come here with their own agendas…their own contracts with others, their own experiences they wanted to have, and their own lessons to learn. Is that not our ego that feels it must interfere in the Soul’s choices because we feel we can ‘help’ or because we think we know a better way for them? If you spend your days and nights focused on the lives of your children…their dramas, their unhappiness over one thing or another…then that is not focusing on the ‘importance’ of what you’re here to do. It’s not easy to always turn away or otherwise refuse to meddle in their lives, and no one is advocating that you not help when ‘asked’ to do so, but there comes a time when we must say “I’m sorry you’re having such difficulty. Meditate and pray about…you’ll find your direction. This, too, shall pass. As for me, I must be about my Father’s business”.

There is one other group of people that would love nothing more than to ‘put the focus on the importance’ by putting their spirituality to work full time in a way that will financially support them. While this is commendable, it does take a great amount of trust; trust that not only are they doing what they are ‘supposed’ to be doing, but trust that our Creator will support their decision and make sure their financial needs are met. If you fit into this category, please know that, while it’s a very worthwhile goal, it isn’t absolutely ‘necessary’ in order to make the ascension of the Earth your primary focus. All that need be done is for each one of us to examine our thoughts, our actions, and our intentions. There is only one answer that needs be discerned: Where is our focus? If it isn’t on helping the Earth to ascend, then, quite frankly, it’s on something much less important, and something for which you did not come here.

Please, dear Lightworkers, let’s do as Michael said, and ‘focus on the importance’, not on the dramas happening around us, not on ours or others’ egos, not on NESARA, not on mass-landings, not on ‘self’ service…but on true service to Gaiamma and our Mother/Father God. I would ask you, therefore, to spend time looking at your life and seeing where your focus lies. Where are your thoughts most of the time? Do you spend more time focusing on your job, your family, your career, or your hobbies and your ‘fun times’, or do you realize the importance of why you’re here and put your focus on the Earth and her many needs? For wherever you find your thoughts dwelling the most, that is what you are giving the most importance to in your life. Time is growing short…and we must use our time, our thoughts, our intentions, our actions, and our focus wisely.

Until next time…


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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Thanks Ivy. I have that Youtube page saved on my laptops bookmarks now. I'm gonna go check out the vids on there in a little bit. I see that they have quite a bit of UFO and ET vids."
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ET Hugger left a comment on Comment Wall
"Welcome, Peter!

Justin, this is the YouTube channel of the Aetherius Society, it looks interesting: https://youtube.com/@TheGlobalYogi/featured"
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