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(Ryan Delarme) These may be the final hours before our great nation embarks on a long, hard road to freedom and reconciliation. We’ve been stumbling towards freedom these last few years but the pace is set to either quicken dramatically or come to a violent halt depending on how this drama unfolds.
by Ryan Delarme & Justin Deschamps, January 18th, 2021
At the writing of this newsletter, we are just two days out from the inauguration of the next President of the United States and many strange occurrences seem to be playing out that make little sense in the context given. Those who still rely on the big 5 media corporations to tailor their outlook anticipate a lackluster virtual inauguration of a career politician and lackey to the international financial elite establishment, while those with more, shall we say “open minds,” are teetering on the edge of their seats, wondering if the promised “storm” is finally upon them.
If you are one of those rare individuals whose outlook isn’t determined by whatever is trending on Twitter, you may have noticed some of the ill-explained strangeness happening in our country and around the world these last few days. We see bombshell news concerning the protests on the 6th go virtually unmentioned by any of the big outlets, as well as a variety of happenings around the world that should be frontpage news. Is the Media finally losing control of its installed narratives?
Here are 25 things for the disillusioned to consider while we hold our breath:
- An emergency has been declared in DC through 1/24. more on that here.
- 25,000 troops are now stationed in Washington DC (rumors place the number at 30,000), surrounding the Capitol with razor wire fences and essentially turned the Capitol into a militarized zone, complete with barricades and tactical positioning… for a virtual inauguration?
- The head of FEMA is now in charge of the DHS (Department of Homeland Security).
- FCC is suggesting it may be wise to prepare for a potential power outage (see image below)
- FCC has been reminding broadcasters about EMS rules, not to use comm channels for illegal activity.
- Documents regarding political corruption in relation to Ukraine are being declassified.
- The Senate has already declassified the first batch of Obamagate documents.
- POTUS hinting at hundreds of pardons before the 20th.
- Just The News founder and Ace reporter John Soloman reporting that DECLAS could happen any minute.
- CNN-NPR Photo-Journalist Jade Sacker was with with Insurrection USA leader and Antifa member John Sullivan during the siege of the US Capitol–cheered “We Did It!” after inciting a riot.
- The Dutch government has resigned.
- Estonias Prime Minister has stepped down.
- The Prime Minister of Kuwait has stepped down.
- The Italian Government is hanging on by a thread.
- Twitter loses billions in the wake of banning President Trump from its platform.
- The FBI has released documents on Nancy Pelosi’s father
- Benjamin DeRothschild suddenly passed away.
- Multiple Vatican officials contract COVID and step out of the limelight.
- Business Magnate leaps to his death from Park Avenue Apartment.
- The Marine Corps has rebuked Pelosi’s call to remove the President.
- Monday, a fire near the Capitol Building in DC caused the rehearsal inauguration team to evacuate.
- Biden’s transition team believes that one of the National Guard that supports Trump could try to kill him during the inauguration, which his team is using as a pretext to have the FBI vet the NG. (Anons believe this shows the deep state is terrified of a mass arrest on inauguration day).
- Estonia Prime Minister resigns.
- 9 Catholic Cardinals die of COVID in one week (while the Italian government is in disarray.
- China locks down 28 million people.
Related Baron Benjamin DeRotchschild Dies at 57, Timing Fuels Speculation – Suicide Week?
Related HUGE: CNN Reporter, Jade Sacker, Stormed the Capitol — They Must’ve Known about the False Flag
Related Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf Steps Down, Replaced by FEMA Admin
Related Government Agency Warns of MAJOR Blackout via Retweet, Suggests We Need to Prepare
Related Marine Corps. Rebukes Pelosi: “WE DON’T WORK FOR YOU!” – Investment Watch
Maybe these points are all unrelated, maybe not. We’ll be going into greater detail over the course of this newsletter so strap in!
The above list contains just a few of the things happening in the world right now worth keeping an eye on. This comes at a time when the Fortune 500 outlets focus primarily on maintaining the “Trump supporters are terrorists” narrative ahead of whatever is coming.
Biden Fears Assassination
Most recently, a narrative has emerged that there are fears that “Trump-supporting” National Guard members might be planning to cause violence:
I am being stalked by a Nano-bot so much of this blog is blank, so keep scrolling down past the blank spots. This is a very long blog, I had to cut it short as well. Adonai
It was subsequently claimed that the FBI was now “vetting” these troops. 1024w, 768w, 600w, 1242w" alt="" width="418" height="291" data-ll-status="loaded" />
The panic is on.
Is it possible that the deep state is attempting to lay the foundation for a narrative that Biden will be assassinated by a Trump supporter on inauguration day? The above story seems to suggest that might be one—of many—desperate moves the cabal is planning.
If successfully done, it would give them all the pretext they need to label every Trump supporter a domestic terrorist and being an unprecedented prosecution against all patriots—just what they’ve been planning for.
But the hope nugget here is that Trump is in control of the DC National Guard (via the recent emergency declaration). And he and the alliance likely knew this would happen and secured the area with troops to prevent the deep state from moving forward with it.
Armed Protest Flyer Linked to Black Civics Election Night Watch Party
The events of the 6th (largely in question because multiple agent provocateurs have been arrested for inciting unrest) began a narrative that they, the Deep-State propagandists, are doubling down on the closer we get to “D-day”.
A flyer began making the rounds shortly after the Capitol Siege narrative was comfortably installed, the only problem is almost everyone with a clue about false flags agrees that the event is a trap.
The Flyer (along with fonts and colors) was actually used in November for an organized election night watch party for a Black Civics class. One can speculate that those in attendance of the class were likely sympathetic to Black Lives Matter and Antifa—translation: they aren’t Trump supporters.
Sadly, many who follow the mainstream media likely believe that the event was organized by Trump supporters to stage a coup against the nation—nothing
As an independent journalist working alongside an unofficial network comprised of hundreds of citizen investigative journalists, I can safely say that if this was an honest, organic thing, we certainly wouldn’t be hearing about it first from CNN.
Warnings from the DHS and the FCC
The Twitter Account for “Readygov”, a division of the Department of Homeland Security, warned Wednesday to “Be prepared for a power outage” and was then retweeted by the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC’s) Twitter.
The Tweet and subsequent retweet come at a time when patriots, anons, and general Trump supporters are scouring the internet for signs of “The Storm”, which, it is believed, will include a central communications blackout and possible prolonged power outages.
Though the tweet could simply be a routine preparedness post or a warning for those in the pacific northwest who recently experienced blackouts due to heavy winds, some believe it is a possible signal warning of the impending “Storm”. 779w, 768w, 600w, 828w" alt="" width="459" height="604" data-ll-status="loaded" />
Our favorite alleged Military Intelligence backchannel has suggested the “lights would go out”, and many believe that if it is ever going to happen it will be in the coming days. 1024w, 150w, 768w, 600w, 100w, 1280w" alt="" width="438" height="438" data-ll-status="loaded" />
The FCC has also mentioned an Enforcement Advisory directed at amatuer and personal radio services licensees who may be planning to engage in criminal activity. 879w, 768w, 600w, 1099w" alt="" width="336" height="391" data-ll-status="loaded" />
This is a good place to say that if anons and Q are right, and the Storm is about to “be upon us” then you might want to prepare for a blackout. Get extra food, water, and supplies for at least a few days if not weeks. Despite this precaution, many believe the outage will be short-lived.
Fire Near the Capitol, Biden Inauguration Rehearsals Delayed
With all the anticipation about what might be happening, there’s a great deal of interest in attempting to look for any clue or sign of what’s going on.
This morning Washington DC experienced an “emergency announcement” via loudspeaker on the Capitol grounds during Biden’s inauguration rehearsals.
Apparently, the fire was started at a local homeless encampment, but it was enough to postpone the rehearsals. 1024w, 768w, 600w, 1280w" alt="" width="423" height="317" data-ll-status="loaded" />
It didn’t take long for news of this to spread through the remaining channels where patriots are gathering, and though at this point nobody knows if this was white-hat activity, black-hat activity, or just a friendly BBQ.
Regardless, this situation is indicative that America is watching and waiting with bated breath.
Baron Benjamin DeRotchschild Dies at 57, Timing Fuels Speculation
As we mentioned above, a member of the prominent Rothschild banking dynasty passed away Friday after suffering a heart attack at his home in Switzerland. He was 57 years old.
Baron Benjamin de Rothschild was born on July 30, 1963, to Barons Edmond and Nadine de Rothschild. In 1997, at the age of 34, he took over the family business, and specifically the Edmond de Rothschild Group established by his father in 1953. Ever since then, the late Baron expanded the group’s philanthropic operations. Considered a world-renowned entrepreneur, he was an expert in finance and innovation and always tried to make the most of his abilities and assets.
The Edmond de Rothschild Group focuses on private banking and managing assets and capital of international clients and institutions. The group has 32 offices around the world and actively manages property estimated at €160 billion while employing 2,600 people. In Israel, the group owns an investment firm and has made significant donations to higher education institutions and to programs aimed at narrowing educational gaps within the Israeli society.
The internet is rife with spectacular myths, rumors, and the occasional deadly serious facts about the colossal transgenerational banking fаmіlу. Тhе fаmіlу hаѕ а Јеwіѕh оrіgіn аnd has been the subject of rampant antisemitism over the years as well as valid accusations of manipulating global markets and working in tandem with other global super-elite in shadowy foreign policy think-tanks to further an apparent “globalist agenda”.
Related QAnon on the Rothschild, Saudi & Soros Puppet Masters behind the Deep State — Part 1
The family іѕ knоwn fоr thеіr іnvоlvеmеnt іn Іntеrnаtіоnаl Fіnаnсе. Іt іѕ ѕаіd thаt thеу аrе thе оnеѕ whо соntrоl Glоbаl Саріtаl. Тhе wеаlth оwnеd bу thіѕ fаmіlу саn’t еvеn bе іmаgіnеd bу еvеn thе Rоуаltіеѕ of the world. Тhrоugh thеіr rоуаl, аrіѕtосrаtіс, buѕіnеѕѕ аnd mаrrіаgе соnnесtіоnѕ, thе Rоthѕсhіld Fаmіlу hаvе асquіrеd ѕuсh аn еnоrmоuѕ аmоunt оf mоnеу.
Dying in the Calm Before the Storm?
It is no secret that one of the biggest enemies of Trump and the patriots is the Central Banking establishment, of which the Rothschilds are figureheads. The late Baron’s death days before what many believe will be the biggest sting operation in the history of the world has fueled speculation that his passing may be related somehow.
This comes at a time where the world as we have known it seems to be in its final hours, the Globalist system that the Rothschild family was instrumental in erecting appears to be crumbling. Everywhere you look the powers-that-be are rapidly becoming the powers-that-were. This week in particular we’ve seen unprecedented shifts and strifes geopolitically, signifying the fall of the old guard. (See the list above)
Major General Told George Stephanopoulos “A peaceful transition to military power” is About To Happen
Upwards of 25,000 National Guard members are now stationed in Washington DC under the pretense that there is an emergency situation happening at the Capitol, and I’m sure we’re all thinking the same thing… the proverbial ca-ca is poised to hit the fan.
National Guard troops from Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and New York are all starting to deploy to DC right now. It’s reported that the troops will remain in DC for the next 30 days. DC currently looks like their preparing for a battle with all the fences and bunkers surrounding Federal buildings.
The commanding officer just appeared on Good Morning America to give an outline of their responsibilities:
Listen carefully to what the Major says here:
Happy Holiday to Dr. Martin Luther King, and please allow me to say how proud I am of the almost 25,000 National Guardsman who have come in from all 50 States and Territories to help support the Secret Service and the police departments with a peaceful transition to military power.
Just this morning Chief Lamont Ruffin swore in 2000 troops as United States Marshals, giving them the ability to make arrests if needed. Could just be a coincidence I suppose but it certainly plays into the “Mass Arrests” narrative we’ve been supporting. 599w" alt="" width="546" height="251" data-ll-status="loaded" />
Random Acts of Panic
We may be in the dark as to the active operations taking place right now and how the Deep-State will respond to whatever is planned (they won’t give up without a fight), but we can at least kick back and center ourselves while observing the Panic in DC.
Here are a few more indications that the panic is on:
I wonder why they would do that? It’s almost as if they are anticipating unrest.
And you can tell Nancy Pelosi is than enthusiastic about certain moves and positioning: 1007w, 768w, 600w, 1070w" alt="" width="424" height="431" data-ll-status="loaded" />
The Image is blurred but Pelosi’s letter reads as follows:
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The United States isn’t the Only Government Experiencing Turmoil
As we mentioned earlier, there have been a series of strange occurrences happening around the world leaving entire Governments scrambling to even function. These are things that under any other circumstances would be making national headlines.
The Dutch government has resigned, German Chancellor Angela Merkel is stepping down (as expected from her 2018 announcement), Estonias Prime Minister has stepped down, the Prime Minister of Kuwait has stepped down, and the Italian Government is hanging on by a thread.
And let’s not forget about COVID, while the fear is still alive and strong here in the US, it’s starting to wear off on the rest of the world. The people of Italy especially don’t seem to want to play the propagandized lockdown game anymore, as over 50,000 restaurants have joined an initiative in the country known for its delicious cuisine.
The #Ioapro initiative launched on social media that invites restaurateurs to stay open for lunch and dinner starting from January 15th, has collected over 50 thousand subscriptions throughout Italy, violating the government’s anti-Covid provisions.
“It is a question of survival, we are already at the point of no return but we will try anyway”, explains Umberto Carriera, animator of the initiative, rebel restaurateur from Pesaro who has already collected several fines and suspensions for opening some of his premises by violating the prohibitions.
Between Milan, Modena, Pesaro, and Reggio Emilia, the cities with the highest numbers registered so far, there is already talk of about 400 places ready to stay open. Also in Sardinia, there have been adhesions.
“An epidemiological investigation has never been presented that ascertains the infections in the premises, unlike what can happen in public transport or in supermarkets. We want to work respecting safety standards”, explains Carriera, who has even equipped himself with a Dpcm all his. Among the rules, one table yes and one table no, compulsory mask and bill at 9.45 pm.
The initiative is “pampered” by Matteo Salvini, who offered his direct Facebook to Career. “They are not outlaws or deniers, but thousands of men and women, small entrepreneurs, artisans, who want to work and pay people. They can’t take it anymore, they will start on Friday. They will have very strict protocols”, explained the leader of the League.
They aren’t alone, the narrative is having trouble staying afloat in Ireland as well.
And Bolivia:
Trump Plans 100 Pardons For Tuesday
President Trump is expected to issue a long list of pardons and commutations on Tuesday, according to several sources who spoke to CNN:
President Donald Trump is preparing to issue around 100 pardons and commutations on his final full day in office Tuesday, according to three people familiar with the matter, a major batch of clemency actions that includes white collar criminals, high-profile rappers and others but — as of now — is not expected to include Trump himself. The White House held a meeting on Sunday to finalize the list of pardons, two sources said.
The President recently handed out a string of pardons over the holidays, but this final list is said to have been finalized in a White House meeting on Sunday.
There are said to be plenty of controversial names, including Steve Bannon, but the biggest name said to be under possible consideration is WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange, and the possibility has been the subject of a major independent and social media campaign to lobby for his full pardon and release from a London jail where extradition proceedings are still ongoing.
Will President Trump pardon Assange? If the “mass arrests” scenario plays out his testimony could be invaluable.
Though his name is not yet listed in the official 100 list, Trump could pardon Assange at any moment if he so wished.
“Still, Trump is expected to leave the White House on January 20 and could issue pardons up until noon on Inauguration Day,”
DNI Ratcliffe Drops Bombshell Report, Alleges China Interfered in the 2020 Election
According to a bombshell new report dropped by Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe, China interfered and “sought to influence” the 2020 presidential election.
One of the most alarming parts in Ratcliffe’s assessment was when he claimed that CIA management pressured lower-level analysts to diminish the assessment.
Check out what the EPOCH Times reported:
Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Ratcliffe assessed that China interfered in the 2020 federal elections, according to a letter transmitted to Congress.
In the letter (pdf), Ratcliffe alleges that intelligence about China’s election interference was suppressed by management at the CIA, which pressured analysts to withdraw their support for the view.
Citing a report by the Intelligence Community Analytic Ombudsman Barry Zulauf, the director of national intelligence said some analysts were reluctant to describe China’s actions as election interference because they disagreed with the policies of President Donald Trump.
The Washington Examiner published Ratcliffe’s letter and the ombudsman report on Jan. 17, ten days after publishing an original report on the documents. The ODNI did not respond to requests from The Epoch Times to authenticate the documents.
“Based on all available sources of intelligence, with definitions consistently applied, and reached independent of political considerations or undue pressure—that the People’s Republic of China sought to influence the 2020 U.S. federal elections,” Ratcliffe wrote…
…Neither the ombudsman report nor the letter from Ratcliffe includes details on China’s meddling.
The report by Zulauf was sent to Congress on Jan. 7 alongside an intelligence community assessment of interference in the 2020 election. In the report (pdf), Zulauf states that the analysts working on Russia and China applied different standards to their reporting on election interference. While labeling Russia’s activity as clear election interference, the analysts were reluctant to do the same for China.
“Given analytic differences in the way Russia and China analysts examined their targets, China analysts appeared hesitant to assess Chinese actions as undue influence or interference,” Zulauf explained.
“These analysts appeared reluctant to have their analysis on China brought forward because they tended to disagree with the Administration’s policies, saying in effect, I don’t want our intelligence used to support those policies,” he added.
The Epoch Times continues:
Neither the ombudsman report nor the letter from Ratcliffe includes details on China’s meddling. Zulauf redirected an interview request by The Epoch Times to the ODNI, which didn’t immediately respond to an emailed request.
The analytic ombudsman’s report assesses that politicization occurred in relation to both Russia’s and China’s election interference. Zulauf assessed that neither intelligence community leaders nor analysts are at fault, blaming the hyperpartisan atmosphere in the United States instead.
“In most cases, what we see is the entire system responding to and resisting pressures from outside, rather than attempts to politicize intelligence by our leaders or analysts.”
The report states that the analysts who assessed Russia’s election interference had complained that the intelligence community management was reluctant to deliver their assessments to government clients because the work was not “well received.”
“Analysts saw this as suppression of intelligence, bordering on politicization of intelligence from above,” Zulauf wrote.
The Epoch Times previously documented a multi-pronged election influence campaign linked to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
In a Dec. 3 op-ed, Ratcliffe said the CCP “poses the greatest threat to America today, and the greatest threat to democracy and freedom worldwide since World War II.”
“The intelligence is clear: Beijing intends to dominate the U.S. and the rest of the planet economically, militarily, and technologically,” he wrote. “Many of China’s major public initiatives and prominent companies offer only a layer of camouflage to the activities of the Chinese Communist Party.”
Congress certified Joe Biden as the president-elect on Jan. 7. In the two months leading up to the certification, Trump challenged the outcome of the election in seven states, citing unconstitutional changes to election laws and potentially illegally cast votes.
Good thing there are 25k troops at the Capitol who would probably want to stop China from taking over our country.