White Fire from the Great Central Sun

Beloved Rose of Light:

Precious Ones of My Heart's Flame, as We enter into the enjoyment of the evening in releasing of that Power of My Rose of White Fire from the Great Central Sun, try to feel that you are entering into the great Love that holds Eternal Happiness for all Life forever in Its Eternal, Conscious Perfection and consciously directed Victory. In the Great Powers of Life which it is Our Privilege to use, in the release of Our Knowledge of the “Mighty I AM Presence,” please feel that as you call forth those Activities of the White Fire of My Love to Life, you may compel Its Victory everywhere. And I want you to know that every Call you have ever sent in the Name of the “Mighty I AM Presence, “ or that of any Ascended Master or Cosmic Being, has gone to the Heart Center of Creation, and has drawn back the Answer instantly.

The Secret of Life which I wish to give you tonight – because It is the Magic Wand of Power – is that of your Love to your “Presence” first. As you form the habit of sending the Flame of Love from your Heart to your “Presence” in just one flash quickly before you make your Call, you will find your way opened everywhere for the Fulfillment of your Calls to come into outer physical manifestation very much more quickly than you have ever experienced in the past. The Flame of Love from your Heart, with that intense feeling of Gratitude and Love to your “Mighty I AM Presence,” Precious Ones, is that Activity of the Sacred Fire that opens the Door into Our Great Realm of Life, and draws forth the response instantly from Us, of a Love that is infinitely greater than that which you can send forth. Because as you pour your Love to Life, your own Heart's Flame expands and reaches up into our Octave; and the Flame of Love which is your own Life is the Pathway of Flame that enters into Our Octave, and on which We send back the Fulfillment of your Call.

Now since you are unascended, you have never yet experienced the fullness of what that Great Love is that is the Supreme Perfection of Our Octave, and is Our Cosmic Power of Victory. Therefore, since your Love, even the most intense Love that you can comprehend in your feeling world and send to Us, even though it is the greatest you can experience now in the outer, it is only a fragment of that which We can return to you, because We have learned to love very much more powerfully than you have. You still are struggling to pour that love to the outer world that masters human limitation, but We do not struggle in the release of Our Love. We know the Power and We feel the Power of the Sacred Fire of Our Life, and Its Cosmic Amplification which We draw forth from the Great Central Sun, through consciously directed Power. That is the momentum of Love which We have drawn forth from the Great Central Sun since Our Ascension, and that is infinitely greater Power than anything you can understand at the present time in the physical world.

Therefore, since Our Power to send Love back to you is so much greater than yours to Us, We become like a great Magnet; and through the outrushing of Our Flame of Love from Our Great Temples of Life, We unite that Flame with your Heart's Flame. Then, My Dear Ones, you can become the manifestation in the physical world of all Love you send to Us. Therefore, you may have limitless Powers of the Sacred Fire to call forth into outer Command, and to direct consciously to any person, place, condition or thing, and to hold It sustained and expanding Its Power there until the human is gone forever.

I tell you, you have not touched the fringe of Happiness until you feel the surge of that Flame of Our Love enter into a destructive condition and compel it to cease to be. That's Power – Power that mankind do not understand until they use It. They cannot know the full Happiness until they use the Supreme Power of the Love from the Great Central Sun.

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