Who are D Ascended Masters?

Introduction to the Ascended Master Teachings

Who are the Ascended Masters?

The Ascended Masters who guide and help with the expansion of Light on this planet are God-Free Beings, not bound by time and space. Having come into embodiment, as you and I through the portals of birth, They walked the earth fulfilling the inner calling of Their God Presence day by day, lifetime after lifetime. They mastered all the lesser things of this world, learning the lessons of Life, balancing karma, fulfilling Their earthly mission and manifesting and becoming God in action. At the completion of Their mission They achieved the ultimate Victory through the Ascension, the permanent integration with the Light of Their own true reality, Their Mighty I AM Presence. They continue to stand ready to assist the mankind of earth to accomplishing this same Goal and will continue to extend the Fires of Their Hearts till all are received into the Great Brotherhood of Light.

An Ascended Master is an individual who by Self Conscious effort has generated enough Love and Power within himself to snap the chains of all human limitation, and so stands free and worthy to be entrusted with the use of forces beyond those of human experience. He realizes himself to be the Oneness of Omnipresent God - “Life.” Hence, all forces and things obey his command because he is a Self-Conscious Being of free will, controlling all by the manipulation of the Light within Himself.

The Ascended Masters have all been where we are today, have faced the same challenges, and have mastered them by mastering themselves, for all Attainment comes from within out. As unascended men and women, they did not seclude themselves from the world, but lived at the very center of the events of their day. However, they did not allow outer circumstances to overtake them. Rather, they made their God Presence the center of their being and, from within the Reality of their I AM Presence, they mastered the forces of nature within themselves and thus were undeterred by forces outside of themselves. Having become their I AM Presence-in-Action upon the Earth, they were able, as did Jesus, to ascend into the fullness of their Presence at the conclusion of their final incarnation.

Now, as Masters of Life, they have vowed to assist our struggling humanity to fulfill its Divine Destiny through imparting their Love, their Light, their Wisdom, their very Life — and are urging us to boldly follow in their footsteps. As Jesus instructed, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all else will be given unto thee." To be wrapped in the Radiance of an Ascended Master is to touch the coattails of Heaven. This is but one of the many Blessings awaiting those determined to pursue their Divine Destiny.

The Host of Ascended Masters are tangible Beings of Great Light! They are real, visible, glorious, living and caring friends of old who have such Love, Wisdom and Power that the human mind gasps at its immensity. They work everywhere in the universe with complete Freedom and limitless Power, to do naturally all that the average individual would consider supernatural.

These Glorious Beings, who guard and help the evolving human race, are called the Ascended Masters of Love, Light, and Perfection. They are all the word Master implies because by bringing forth the Love, Wisdom and Power of the God Self within, They manifest Their Mastery over all that is human. Hence, They have "Ascended" into the next expression above the human - which is Superhuman Divinity, Pure, Eternal, All-Powerful Perfection.

It is through the radiation or outpouring of his own Pure and Luminous Essence of Divine Love that an Ascended Master is able to help those who come under his care and direction. This Luminous Essence has within It the Highest Force in the Universe, for it dissolves all discord and establishes Perfect Balance in all manifestations. The Ascended Master's Body is constantly pouring out Rays of His Light Essence upon the discords of earth, dissolving them like the rays of force which we call light and heat from our Physical sun dissolves a fog. The Radiation which They pour out to humanity on earth is consciously drawn energy to which They give quality, and again send it out to accomplish a definite result. In this way, They give protection thousands and thousands of times to persons, places, conditions, and things of which mankind are totally oblivious.

The Ascended Masters are the wielders of such Power and manipulators of such concentrated force as to stagger the imagination of the person in the outer world. The Ascended Masters are really Great Batteries of tremendous Power and Energy, and whatever touches Their Radiance becomes highly charged with Their Light Essence through the same activity that makes a needle kept in contact with a magnet take on its qualities, and become a magnet also. All Their help and Radiation is forever a free Gift of Love. For this reason They never use any of Their force to compel.

The Ascended Masters are the Guardians of the race of men, and as in the world of physical education, various grades of teachers are provided to guide the development of the individual's growth from childhood to maturity, so do the Ascended Masters of Perfection exist to educate and help the individual that he too may expand his consciousness beyond ordinary, human expression. Thus, he develops his superhuman attributes, until like the student graduating from college, the one under the care and instruction of an Ascended Master graduates out of his humanity into the full, continuous expression of his Divinity.

The Ascended Master has the All-Knowing Mind and the All-Seeing Eye of God. From Him nothing can be hidden. Each Master knows and sees all concerning the student, for He reads clearly the record which the student has made. This reveals the state of the disciple's development - his strengths as well as his weaknesses.

Personal association with one or more Ascended Masters produces an intense feeling of Love and Gratitude that can never be put into words. Following such contact with Their Living Presence, there can be but one overwhelming desire displacing all other desires and that is to BE ALL THAT THEY ARE! Once a student has truly, even for a fraction of a second, experienced the Ecstatic Bliss radiating from an Ascended Being, there is nothing in human experience that one would not endure or sacrifice in order to reach Their Height of Attainment and express the selfsame Dominion and Love.

Since 1880 the Ascended Masters have carefully released to the mankind of earth the understanding of how each individual might cooperate in winning Their final Freedom and attaining the original purposes of incarnation. Precept upon precept, They have built a magnificent, cohesive understanding of True Identity. Further, They have clearly outlined The Path, which has been delineated, but which has yet to be put to the test by men and women who have scarcely ventured into the mildest forms of the Teaching.

What is an Ascended Master Activity?

An Ascended Master Activity provides an Opportunity for the Spiritual Hierarchy to provide that Instruction and Illumination that is deemed most vital for our time. Such an organization allows for the dissemination of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters on a global scale as released through Messengers that have been anointed by the Brotherhood of Light. However, this is actually only one of the Purposes of an Ascended Master Activity.

Another very important function is to anchor Light in the matter planes of the Earth. This is to assist in the raising of the vibratory frequencies of our planet during this transition period into our Earth's new Cosmic Cycle in this System of Worlds. This will finally allow for the establishment of the Permanent Golden Age of Freedom, Enlightenment, and Peace.

Anchoring Light in the matter planes is accomplished in Ascended Master Activities through the individual and group dynamics of The Science of the Spoken Word. Through Decrees, Fiats, Affirmations, Adorations, Prayers, and Songs there can be transmutation of misqualified energies and detrimental human creation. Through the Power of Invocation there can be the expansion of Light, Illumination, and Love and the drawing forth of the individual and group Divine Plan.

When an Ascended Master Activity has an anointed Messenger delivering Dictations from the Spiritual Hierarchy, there can be a tremendous Release of Fohat and Cosmic Currents of God's Light, Love, and Life into the emotional, mental, and etheric planes of our planet, as well as into the actual physical molecular structure of the Earth. In order to accomplish this, the Release from the Ascended Master Octave must be through a physically embodied Messenger.

It has been said by some that there is "no further need for Messengers". Their reasoning is that: "We have been taught more than enough of what we need to know to make our Ascension." Beloved Ascended Master El Morya in 1954 explained some of the rationale behind the creating and maintaining of cooperation between embodied humanity and the Brotherhood of Light:

" . . . How can a Hierarchy direct the progress of a race unless the Masters can reach the consciousness and outer minds of the lifestreams who are in distress - unless there is a bridge, a link, a connection over which Our Design, Counsel, Words and current Endeavors may reach the intellect of the personal self? Current activities require current emergency methods and not the accumulated Wisdom of the past. The Counsel of 100 years ago is not pertinent to the Endeavor which engages the Energies of the Brotherhood in this hour.

"It was to bridge this gap, to cross the chasm between the now and then, that I applied for a Dispensation, an Opportunity by which I might endeavor to convince some old heart friends that We are capable of Speech, capable of God Intelligence, and that We do not rest upon Our Crowns fulfilling a karma of Merit to the Tune of a Celestial Harvest, while your planet stands at the end of its hour. Vain, indeed, would be Our Service to Life if We were not abreast of the Cosmic Endeavor to create of this planet a Light Star. . . . "

The Real You

Each of us is an individual manifestation of that Divine Flame of Life, having come from the Heart of God willingly and purposefully. Yes, the same God who made the whole macrocosm is focused within your own Individual I AM Presence. And within the fullness of that Presence is all that you desire, all that you require to fulfill your life. As you acknowledge this as the Truth of your Being, you begin to draw it forth.

There is so much more to life than the struggles and concerns customarily pre-occupying outer consciousness. It is possible to throw off those shackles of limitation that impose small-mindedness and leave you prey to forces that toss you about like pawns on a chessboard. You can strip away ignorance, blindness, superstition, and carelessness. For your True Reality is that, as a Firstborn Son or Daughter of God, you have the Power of your Mighty I AM Presence trembling on the cusp of your very own Heart.

Since that moment in Eternity known as "the beginning," the Perfect Blueprint of you has existed in the Mind of God. Life has continued for millions of years because the Eye of God and the Mind of God have steadfastly remained upon this Vision of the Divine you. Regardless of your inner struggles or outer appearances, this is the you your Presence recognizes and champions. And through conscious awareness, you can re-align your life and step into the Flame of Freedom that awaits you within the embrace of that Presence.

Won't you grasp the opportunity before you and choose your God Presence as the Truth of your Being, for it is truly the Pearl of inestimable value. It is worth every ounce of effort you are capable of making to don the Garment of your Christhood and begin the upward trek to your Ascension in the Light.

We have never truly been separated from God

In order for us to bring forth the Perfection of the Kingdom of God, we must first remember our Divine Birthright. We must remember our identity with the One God through our I AM Presence, and begin to manifest the Perfection of thought, consciousness and action that was ours when we first stepped forth many eons ago. We cannot get lost in the many layers of Maya and illusion of mortal creation around us. The joy of living in the Perfection of God, regardless of what the appearance world has to offer, is as available to us today as it was a Reality for those in the "Garden of Eden". Mankind needs to realize that this condition can be experienced in the "here and now", not after a transition from this world. We can bring forth unlimited abundance and satisfaction. We have never truly been separated from God. There is no duality. It is only by our own free will that we have moved from that Oneness and created what we think is the reality of the world around us. We can change it all by our free will.

The Power of the Spoken Word

Words have more power than we customarily attribute to them. They go forth with a vibration that can be uplifting, comforting, healing, encouraging or depressing, antagonistic, damaging, discouraging. Whatever the level of vibration, it goes out into space and lingers there, affecting the atmosphere surrounding us. You have probably experienced this. Therefore, if you want to produce goodness in your world, it is important that the words you speak and thoughts you engage reflect that quality.

The Mind of God knows only Perfection. Hence, every Decree sent forth from the Mighty I AM Presence creates only Good. As we more and more make the connection with our Presence and call forth the Light of God, we begin to build a momentum of creating goodness in our own world and for others. As long as we are consistent with our calls, the momentum continues to build, magnifying goodness, promoting healing, producing abundance, forging peace and every Virtue that exists in the Consciousness of God. This is how we manifest change in our life and our world.

When, however, we become lackadaisical in making our calls, our momentum stalls and can diminish if left unattended too long. In one sense, the Light of God is like a fiery furnace that needs to be constantly fueled to keep the fire raging. As the fire diminishes, so does the power of the flame to produce heat. In Truth, the Light of God is a Sacred Fire that can only act in our world if we continue to call it forth, for Divine Law prevents the Light from acting on our behalf unless invited by our free will.

The Ascended Masters have furnished us with Decrees, Affirmations, and Fiats designed to call forth the Light of God into various situations in our life. Decrees of Adoration help us commune more deeply with our I AM Presence, and it is only from within that communion with our Presence that we are able to effectively call protection, illumination, healing, abundance, and all other God Good to ourselves and others.

Of course, our lives need to be in alignment with the Qualities we are invoking. We cannot be decreeing to transmute and balance past negative karma at the same time we are consciously creating more negative karma and expect to be making any progress. There needs to be a certain degree of striving to attain the Qualities we are calling forth and, at the same time, the absolute conviction that the call does compel the answer.



I AM Presence - The God Presence

We have an individualized Presence of God - the Mighty I AM Presence - as part of our very Nature and Being. As embodied individuals, we are the outer expression of that God Self in form. It is our unique and immortal True Identity, yet a sharing of the Allness of the ONE GOD is maintained.

Christ Presence

The Holy Christ Presence — also known as the Higher Mental Body, Holy Christ Self, Higher Self, or the Guardian Angel — is the Divine Mind that is aware of the Perfection of the God Presence, but is also aware of the imperfections and requirements of the outer self. This Christ Mind does not accept any imperfection of the outer human self, but remains Pure and Perfect. The Holy Christ Presence is endowed with the Discriminating Intelligence to act in the outer self - Directing and Governing the amounts of Light, Life, and Love released into the outer body forms. It has been described as a "Step-down Transformer" with the ability to act in the lower human realms. This form is of a lower vibratory rate than the Electronic Body of the God Presence, and is composed of the Light Substance of the Buddhic Octave.

Threefold Flame

The Threefold Flame is the Flame of Life anchored in the secret chamber of the Heart in the Sons and Daughters of God and the children of God. The Sacred Trinity of Power, Wisdom, and Love, that is the Manifestation of the Sacred Fire, is only one-sixteenth of an inch high within the average human heart. It is made up of a Blue Plume, a Yellow Plume and a Pink Plume of Radiant God-Charged Electronic Light. Each Plume is a manifest Focus of God Qualities. The Blue Plume of Spiritual Power relates to Faith, Good Will and the Divine Intent. The Yellow Plume of Divine Wisdom relates to Illumination, to the right use of Knowledge, and to the expansion of the Intelligence of the Godhead into the chalice of the heart and mind. The Pink Plume of Divine Love provides the Qualities of Mercy, Compassion, Justice, and Creativity. The Threefold Flame is the Sun Center and Source of Life to the physical body. The expansion of a person's Threefold Flame brings him closer to his own eternal Freedom in the Ascension. When we speak of the Presence of God "within" each one, we are referring to the Glorious Victorious Threefold Flame of Eternal Truth within.

Electronic Body

The Electronic Body is the Immortal Body which the I AM Presence — a Divine Spirit — uses as one of Its Vehicles of Expression. This Electronic Body has Divine Purity and Structure, and forever remains "Eternally Youthful, Beautiful, Strong, Perfect, and Free from every conceivable limitation. In this Body, Individuals can and do function wherever they choose in the universe, for in It there are no barriers of time, place, space, nor condition." Beloved Jesus referred to this Body when He spoke of the Seamless Robe or the Bridal Garment of the Spirit. No imperfection can ever be recorded in or upon It, for It is composed of Pure Electronic Light. Saint Germain has stated that: "Every human being sometime, somewhere must raise the outer or atomic structure into the Imperishable, Electronic Body, where no imperfection exists." (The Magic Presence, by Godfre Ray King, 1974 - 4th edition, pages 63 - 66, 87)

Name of God: "I AM"

For thousands of years the inner understanding of the Name of God and the Creative Words — "I AM" — had been restricted to the Retreats of the Great Brotherhood of Light and given only after a three year probation. However because of the urgency of the hour and the urgent need for humanity to have greater Assistance, the Dispensation was granted Saint Germain for this Teaching to be given to the outer world. In The "I AM" Discourses, Saint Germain explained that the Words "I AM" release the full Power of God in Action. They are the first expression of every self-conscious Being. "I AM" is the purest and highest Principle of Life, of the Individualized God Presence, of the Universal Intelligence that is ever endeavoring to bring forth the Manifestation of the Original Pristine State of the God Source.

Violet Flame

The Violet Consuming Flame is a raising, transforming, purifying action of Divine Love from the very Heart of God in the Great Central Sun, the Mighty I AM Presence of Infinity. The Violet Fire allows the transmutation and consuming of human creation that is not worthy of becoming Immortal, and all negative karmic causes, effects, records, and memories, without the need to individually balance that karma face-to-face with each individual back to the earliest beginning of our individualized manifestation on this or any other world. Saint Germain has explained that by calling to the Mighty I AM Presence to release this Action of the Sacred Fire, a person can purify the mind and body of unnecessary substances which hinder the Flow of Light and thus clear the consciousness to receive greater Illumination. This Flame of God elevates the unhappy substance of human creation back into its original Pristine Radiance.

Ascended Masters

The Ascended Masters are Individuals who were once embodied on Earth and learned the lessons of Life in Their embodiments. They gained Mastery over the limitations of the matter planes, balanced at least 51% of negative karma, and fulfilled Their Dharma (Divine Plan). An Ascended Being has become God-like and a Source of unconditional Love to all Life, and through the Ascension has united with His or Her Own God Self, the "I AM" Presence. Ascended Masters serve as the Teachers of mankind from the Realms of Spirit. The Divine Plan is for all people to eventually attain the Ascension and move forward in Spiritual Evolution beyond this planet.

Brotherhood of Light

The Great Brotherhood of Light, also known as the Great White Brotherhood, is a Spiritual Organization composed of those Ascended Masters who have Arisen from our Earth into Immortality, and yet have said: "We are not going on into Cosmic Heights and leaving our brothers and sisters on Earth behind. We will stay and assist." At this moment in Cosmic History, the Door is wide open. The Brotherhood of Light is sponsoring the Release of the Spoken Word through conclaves, seminars, writings, books, and through personal discipleship and training. The Brotherhood of Light also includes Members of the Heavenly Host, the Spiritual Hierarchy directly concerned with the evolution of our world, Beneficent Members from other planets that are interested in our welfare, as well as certain unascended chelas.

Anointed Representatives®

The Anointed Representatives of the Great Brotherhood of Light are anointed by the Hierarchy as the Representatives who deliver Discourses and Dictations of the Ascended Masters that provide the Instruction and Illumination that is deemed most vital for our time. Another very important function is to anchor Light in the matter planes of the Earth. This is to assist in the raising of the vibratory frequencies of our planet during this transition period into our Earth's new Cosmic Cycle in this System of Worlds. A Messenger is trained by the Ascended Masters to receive by various methods the words, concepts, teachings, and messages of the Great Brotherhood of Light. Although there are only "Two Messengers" of the Brotherhood, the "Two Messengers" constitute the Office of the "Two Witnesses" spoken of in the Book of Revelation. This is a high and holy calling to which Twin Flames are ordained in every age. As there is only One Christ, so there are many Manifestations of the Office of the Christ; and as there are Offices in Hierarchy, so the Opportunity to Serve in those Offices is given to Ascended and unascended Sons and Daughters of God as they evolve in the Hierarchy of the Great Brotherhood of Light.


The Cosmic Hierarchy is a "Universal Chain" of Individualized God Free Beings fulfilling Attributes and Aspects of God's Infinite Selfhood. Included in this Cosmic Hierarchical scheme are Solar Logoi, Elohim, Sons and Daughters of God, Cosmic Beings, the Twelve Solar Hierarchies, Archangels, Angels, Beings of the Elements, and Twin Flames of the Alpha-Omega Polarity sponsoring Systems of Worlds and entire Galactic Systems. This Universal Order of Divine Self-Expression is the means whereby God in the Great Central Sun steps down the Presence and Essence of His Universal Being / Consciousness in order that all Life in time and space might give and receive Unconditional Divine Love. One's placement on this "Ladder of Life" in the Spirit / Matter Universes is determined by one's level of Spiritual Attainment - measured by Awareness and Manifestation of balanced Love, Wisdom, and Power - as well as the embodying of other Divine Qualities.

The Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth

Violet Flame of Freedom and Mercy Ruby Ray of Divine Love
Freedom, Love, Perfection

Violet Flame of Freedom and Mercy Golden Yellow Ray of Divine Illumination
Freedom, Wisdom, Illumination

Cosmic Christ Illumination Flame (Golden Yellow) Ruby Ray of Divine Love
Wisdom, Illumination, Divine Love, Service, Ministration

The World Teachers

Second Ray - Yellow Ray
Wisdom, Illumination, Divine Love

Cosmic Christ Sixth Ray - Ruby Ray
Wisdom, Illumination, Divine Love


A Chohan is an Ascended Master that focuses the Christ Consciousness of one of the Seven Rays of God's Manifestation, becoming the Law of the Ray and governing Its use in man. A Lord or Master; a high Adept; an Initiate who has taken more Initiations than the five major Initiations which make man a "Master of the Wisdom".

In The Secret Doctrine, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky described the Chohans as "Seven Mighty Beings who, having passed the Sixth Initiation, have the Power to focus within Themselves the Ray-Streams or Attributes of Logoic Consciousness"

The Seven Chohans of the Rays are Ascended Masters representing the Attributes of the Solar Logos and the God Qualities of each Ray to Earth's evolutions. Their Hierarch is the Maha Chohan ("Great Lord") who also is entrusted with the distribution to all of Nature of the Electronic Force of the Outpouring of Life in the Five Secret Rays (also known as the Five Pranas, Breaths, Elements).

The Chohans

Representative of the Holy Spirit Comfort Flame (White tinged with Pink)
Lord of the Seven Rays
Power, Wisdom, Love, Purity, Healing, Service, Freedom
Temple of Cosmic Comfort, an etheric Retreat with a physical focus in Ceylon (Sri Lanka)

Lord of the First Ray - Blue Ray
Faith, Protection, God's Will
Retreat of God's Will in Darjeeling, India.

Lord of the Second Ray - Yellow Ray
Wisdom, Illumination, Constancy
Royal Teton Retreat, Grand Teton Mountains, near Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA.

Lord of the Third Ray - Pink Ray - Ruby Ray
Love, Adoration, Gratitude
Château de Liberté in southern France.

Lord of the Fourth Ray - White Ray - Ascension Flame
Purity, Harmony, Poise
Retreat and Temple of the Ascension in Luxor, Egypt.

Lord of the Fifth Ray - Green Ray
Truth, Healing, Science
Temple of Truth in the Island of Crete.

Lord of the Sixth Ray - Purple and Gold Ray - Ruby Ray
Peace, Ministration, Service
Arabian Retreat in Saudi Arabia.

Lord of the Seventh Ray - Violet Ray
Hierarch of the Aquarian Age
Freedom, Mercy, Transmutation
Cave of Symbols in Table Mountain, Teton Mountain Range, Wyoming; and at the Great Divine Director's Rakoczy Mansion in Transylvania, Romania.


Archangels are Angels that have passed certain Initiations and gained the Attainment of this rank in the Hierarchy of the Angelic Hosts. The Attributes of the Solar Consciousness and God Consciousness of each of the Seven Rays to the Earth's evolutions are represented by an Archangel and His Divine Complement, an Archeia.

The Archangels

First Ray - Blue Ray
Faith, Protection, God's Will

Second Ray - Yellow Ray
Wisdom, Illumination, Constancy

Third Ray - Pink Ray - Ruby Ray
Love, Adoration, Gratitude

Fourth Ray - White Ray - Ascension Flame
Purity, Harmony, Poise

Fifth Ray - Green Ray
Truth, Healing, Science

Sixth Ray - Purple and Gold Ray - Ruby Ray
Peace, Ministration, Service

Seventh Ray - Violet Ray
Freedom, Mercy, Transmutation


The name of God used in the first verse of the Bible. "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." The Mighty Elohim are the builders of form. They are the "seven spirits of God" named in Revelation 4:5 and the "morning stars" that sang together in the beginning, as the Lord revealed them to Job (Job 38:7). Serving directly under the Elohim are the four hierarchs of the elements, who have dominion over the elementals - the gnomes, salamanders, sylphs and undines.

The Mighty Elohim

First Ray - Blue Ray
Faith, Protection, God's Will

Second Ray - Yellow Ray
Wisdom, Illumination, Constancy

Third Ray - Pink Ray - Ruby Ray
Love, Adoration, Gratitude

Fourth Ray - White Ray
Purity, Harmony, Poise

Fifth Ray - Green Ray
Truth, Healing, Science

Sixth Ray - Purple and Gold Ray - Ruby Ray
Peace, Ministration, Service

Seventh Ray - Violet Ray
Freedom, Mercy, Transmutation

The Ascended Master Octave

Also known as the Ascended Masters' Octave, this refers to the Divine Realm of Light that is composed of the Immortal, Eternal Seven Planes of the Spirit Universe. These are the habitation of the Ascended Masters, Angels, Cosmic Beings, and Elohim - as well as the Electronic Bodies of those who have not yet Ascended. In The Magic Presence, Saint Germain explained that in the Octave of the Ascended Masters there is "Perfect Life which is the Divine Light and Eternal Inheritance of every one of God's children. Many have chosen to take a long time to come to This Point, but all must make a beginning sometime, and all must do It eventually."


The Stream of Life that comes forth from the Individualized God Presence — the I AM Presence — in the Planes of Spirit, and descends to the lower planes of creation where it manifests as the Threefold Flame anchored in the Heart Chakra (in the "Secret Chamber of the Heart") for the sustaining of the individual identity and the lower bodies in the matter planes. "Lifestream" denotes the ongoing nature of the individual through its cycles of individualization on this and other worlds. It is used to denote the unfurling of the Identity of Individualized I AM Presence - whose Sacred Destiny is to outpicture Christ Mastery while in embodiment and externalize the God Qualities.


Lightbearer means one who carries or sustains the Light of the Christ and bears the responsibility for Christhood in himself and others by defending the Truth and Honor of God. Beloved Gautama Buddha considers every person with a Threefold Flame to be a "Lightbearer".

Bodies of Men and Women

We have "seven bodies". There are four lower bodies: physical, emotional, mental, and memory. These bodies are four sheaths composed of four distinct vibrations of matter that surround the lifestream and provide the vehicles for the personal identity's journey through time and space. There are three Higher Bodies: the Holy Christ Presence, the Causal Body, and the Electronic Body of the Mighty I AM Presence. These Bodies are three Immortal Bodies composed of three distinct Vibrations of Spirit. There is also the "White Fire Body" of the Individualized God Flame - out of which the I AM Presence of each Twin Flame is emanated. The "Individualized God Flame of Perfection" — which proclaimed "I AM" — continues Active and Immortal - before the embodiment of Twin Flames, during embodiment, and after the Ascension of the Twin Flames.

Human creation

Human creation is that mis-creation which human beings create through a consciousness of being separate from God Perfection - separate from Divine Ideals and Inspiration. It is limited creation that is the result of carnal and mortal motivations, with a tendency toward human equations of desire, egotism, self conceit or self concern. There may be subtle vanity, or pride, or prejudices inherent within the thoughts and discordant feelings. The result can be creation of imperfection which the Ascended Masters have termed "human creation".

The Great Central Sun

The Great Central Sun is the Source and Center of a galaxy and a Cosmos. It is the Nucleus of Integration of the Spirit/Matter Cosmos, and the Origin of all physical and spiritual creation. It is the Heart of the God Life of the Universe. The Great Central Sun is One with every individual's Mighty I AM Presence.

The Goal of Life: The Ascension

The Ascension in the Light into our Immortality - through reunion with our own God Presence - is a goal of life. That is when there is a complete raising and permanent union of the purified outer self with the "I AM" Presence - that True Identity that is the unique Individualization of the Most High Living God for each person.

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