Who is God.......?

God is not a person. Because man has always taken God as a person, a thousand and one difficulties have arisen. All the problems that theology deals with are simply futile exercises -- and the base is that God is taken as a person.God is not a person and cannot be. Let it go as deep in you as possible, because that will become a door, an opening. And particularly for those who have been raised as Jews, Christians, Mohammedans, it is very difficult to take God as anything else but a person -- that becomes a closing. To think about God as a person is anthropocentric. In The Bible it is said God created man in his own image, but just the contrary seems to be the case -- man has created God in his own image. And men differ, that's why there are so many gods in the world.It happened that when for the first time Christian missionaries reached Africa, they were in trouble -- because they painted God as white and the Devil as black, and the negroes felt very much offended. They wouldn't listen to them, because from the very beginning the image was in conflict. Then one missionary simply got the idea: he changed the colors. He made God black and the Devil white, and the negroes were very happy -- they could accept. A negro is bound to paint his God in his own image, a Chinese in his own, an Indian in his own. We paint God as our own reflection -- of course, perfect -- but your image cannot be God. You are just a part, a very tiny part, one atom in existence. How can the whole be conceived in the image of the part? The whole transcends the part, the whole is infinitely vast. If you cling to the atom, if you cling to the part, you will miss the whole.God is not to be conceived in your image; rather, on the contrary, you have to drop your image, you have to become image less. Then, and only then, you become a mirror and the whole reflects in you.As man has been seeking more and more, this has become clearer and clearer -- that God as a person creates troubles, because then you are always in conflict with other gods. That's why the Jewish god, the Hindu god, the Mohammedan god, the Christian god exist. This is sheer nonsense! How can God be Christian or Hindu or Mohammedan? But there are different gods because Jews have their own idea of god, Hindus have their own idea of god, and the conflict is bound to be there. Hindus think that God speaks the Sanskrit language; the English always think that he is an English gentleman.It is said that one German and one Englishman were talking, and the German said, "We plan in every way, but why, every time, are we defeated?"The Englishman said, "You have to be defeated, because whenever we start fighting, first we pray to God and he looks after us. You are to be defeated; you can never be victorious."The German said, "But that we also do, we also pray."Then the Englishman laughed. He said, "But who understands German?" To an Englishman, God is an Englishman. To Adolf Hitler he must be a Nordic, has to be because we create our own image.I was just reading a memoir of an army priest. This priest was attached to Montgomery's wing, and one day, when they were ready to attack, it was so cloudy and there was so much mist and so much cold that it seemed impossible to move. So the priest has written in the memoir that the general, Montgomery, called him and he said, "You pray to God and tell him immediately that we, his soldiers, are on the march, and what is he doing? Is he in conspiracy with the enemy? Tell him immediately to stop all this!" The priest was surprised: "A man like Montgomery -- and what is he talking about?" He said, "But this won't look good. It doesn't look good to say to God, `What are you doing? Stop this immediately because we are on the move and we are your soldiers.'"The priest felt a little embarrassed, but Montgomery said, "You listen to my order! You are my priest, attached to my army, so whatsoever I say you have to do. Go and pray immediately!" This happens. It looks absurd and foolish, but this is happening all the time, to all the people, to everybody. If you take God as a person this is bound to happen. Then you start communicating with him as a person -- and he is not a person. There are millions of atheists because you have taken God as a person. The atheist is not against God, but he is against your conception of God as a person, because the whole concept is foolish. And think in what anguish you must be putting your God, because Germans are praying for their victory, the English are praying for their victory, and everybody thinks that God is with them, at their side.I have heard: Once Junnaid, a Sufi mystic, dreamt that he saw that he was dead and the greatest sinner of the town was also dead, and both reached God's door and knocked. The sinner was received and the saint was neglected. He felt very, very hurt. He was expecting always that he should be received, welcomed, and what was happening? -- just the opposite. And he knew this man who was being received with such ceremony. When the ceremony was over and the sinner was sent to his abode, the saint said, "Just one question I have to ask God: What are you doing? I have been praying continuously, twenty-four hours, day and night, calling your name, praying. Even in my sleep I have been calling your name and chanting!"God said, "Precisely because of that -- you have pestered me so much that I am really afraid of you now that you have come to heaven. What will you do here? From Earth, so far away, in twenty-four hours you have not left me a single moment of peace! This man is good, that's why we are celebrating. He never bored me, he never pestered me; he never used my name; he never created any trouble for me."God as a person is just foolish, the whole concept is foolish. And he cannot be a person because he has to be all persons -- how can he be a person himself? He cannot be somebody because he is everybody, and he cannot be anywhere because he is everywhere. You cannot define him, and personality is a definition. You cannot limit him, and as a person he becomes limited. Personality is just like a wave that comes and goes, and he is like an ocean. He is immense -- he abides.Personalities come and go, they are forms; they are there and then they are no more there. Forms change; forms change into the opposites continuously, and he is the formless. He cannot be defined, it cannot be said who he is. He is all. But the moment you say, "He is all," the problem arises: how to communicate? There is no need; you cannot communicate with him like a person. You have to communicate with him in a totally different dimension -- that dimension is of energy, that dimension is of consciousness, not of personality.God is energy.God is absolute awareness.God is bliss, ecstasy; indefinable, unlimited; no beginning, no end; always and always; eternal, timeless, beyond space -- because God means the total.The total cannot have a personality -- this is the first thing to be understood, very, very deeply; not only intellectually, but as totally as possible, because if you can conceive, can feel, grope towards God as totality, then your prayer will be different. Then your prayer will not be a foolish prayer, then he cannot be on your side -- he is on every side. He is also with your enemy as much as with you, and he is as much in the saint as in the sinner -- because he is all! He is as much in the dark as in the light. He comprehends all. All opposites meet and mingle and become one in him. Because of the concept of God as a person we have to create a Devil against God, because all the negativities! -- where will you put them? You have to create somebody to throw all the negativities onto. Then your God also becomes false, your Devil also false, because negatives and positives exist together, not separately. And all that you like you put on God's side. It is your division.God cannot be divided -- he is undivided.First thing: God is not a person. And remember, you are also not a person. It is ignorance, it is self-ignorance: that's why you appear like a person. If you move deeper, soon personality becomes blurred; a moment comes when you don't know who you are. Sometimes it happens that if somebody wakes you suddenly, you may have observed many times, you suddenly don't know where you are -- whether it is morning or evening, whether it is your house or somewhere else, what town it is; for a single moment everything is blurred, no time sense, no space sense, and you don't know who you are. Why does it happen? -- because in deep sleep you move towards the center, of course unconsciously, but at the center there is no personality, an impersonal energy exists. And if somebody suddenly wakes you, you have to move from the center to the periphery in such a rush that there is no time to gather personality. In a sudden rush you simply lose identity -- and this is your reality, this is who you are in fact.
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  • Pasiel : I came across some stuff from the freemasons, this xeprts are from the MASTERs book, only available to the top dudes, and since it concerns the topic, I thought I'd post it here for all of you to read....and to make sure no mistakes are made, I am not a mason or anything he he, only sharing what I found (yes I have the book's in my possession) and I thought it could be of interest to look at their "secret" knowledge...which is not so secret anyway...at least not now anymore lol heh he hehe he he

    [Pasiel: this chapter is introduced by talks about the compass, I couldn't be bothered to regurgigate that part as it is not that important, but after the demystifying of the compass this is what comes next]

    Now these [Pasiel: "these" = compasses] combined with the Square form a lozenge, which is itself a symbol for the Vesica Piscis, emblem of the female principle. The Compasses, moreover, are the instruments with which geometrical figures are created, and more especially the Circle. By means of two circles the triangle, emblem of the triune nature of God,. is produced, while the Cirde itself is the emblem of Eternity and therefore of Spirit.

    A point within the circle forms the symbol for the Hindu conception of the Supreme Being, Paramatma, whence we have come and whither we shall all ultimately return. At the center of the circle rests all knowledge; there shall we find every lost secret. Now such a figure can only be drawn with the help of the Compasses, and in drawing it the following significant symbolical act takes place.

    One point of the Compass rests at the center, and the other makes the circle of the Infinite. No matter how far the legs of the Compass be extended, or how large the Circle, the fact remains that one leg is always at the center. Thus the Compasses, while they travel through infinity, are at the same time never separated from the center, and from that point cannot err.

    This instrument may therefore be considered as standing for the Divine Spark in Man, in all its manifestations. One of these is conscience; but the Divine Spark has many attributes and names.

    But after these preliminaries the proceedings become of an even more exalted nature. All that has gone before has been but preparation for the Great Quest on which we must now set forth. It is the quest of the Soul for realization of God, and at-one-ment with Him. This is the Mystic Quest of all ages, and, true to the ancient symbolism, it starts from the East, the place of Light, and goes towards the West, the place of darkness and death.

    The East represents God, Who is our home. It indicates that each soul comesout from the place of Light, from Light itself, that is, from the very substance of God, descends through the Gateway of the Dawn and becomes incarnate in Matter. But it brings with it a sense of loss and separation, for it has come out from God, and the Divine Spark within it longs return whence it came. Having lost the secret of its true nature and the way of return, it wanders in darkness, seeking and for most men the way of return is through the Western portal, the gateway of Death, for so long as we are finite beings we cannot hope to comprehend the Infinite.

    Yet there are some few exceptions to the general rule, who, while still in the flesh, have a vision of the Divine splendor, are caught up in it, and became one with God. To such men the return to ordinary mundane existence seems unreal and shadowy. Where others believe in God they Know Him, but it is
    almost impossible for them to convey to others the experience through which they have gone. Yet that such experiences are real, as real as any other fact in life, is attested by a long line of witnesses right throughout the ages.

    To the average man, however, the first real step towards the realization of what constitutes God is through the portal of physical death; - but even then the end is still far off.

    Hence the answer explaining how the true secrets came to be lost indicates, not the cause of the loss, but the first step towards the recovery, and this fact is borne out by the subsequent events in the ceremony itself.

    Note, it is the body only that dies, and by its death enables the Soul and Spirit to re-discover in part the secrets which were last. Yet this death of the Body effectually debars the communication of these secrets to the sorrowing F.C.'s left behind. It is the passing through that veil which separates life and death which stars us on the road which ends with God.

    It must never be forgotten, however, that the genuine secrets are never recovered in the Craft,
    although symbolically we rise from the grave, for that secret can only be discovered at or with the C.-i.e., with God. To that exalted position we can only attain after long journeys through the planes of existence
    beyond the grave. In our symbolism there is nothing which indicates that immediately after death man is fit to pass into the presence of the King of Kings.

    But the Divine Spark within us is never really separated from the Great and All-Pervading Spirit. It is still part of it, though its glory is dimmed by the veil of flesh. Therefore, just as one arm of the compasses ever rests on the center, no matter how far the other leg travels; so however far we may travel from God, and however long and hard may be the journey, the Divine Spark within us can never be truly separated from Him, or err from that Center. Thus the point of the Compasses at the center of the circle may be considered to be the Spirit, the head of the Compasses the Soul, and the point on the circumference the body.

    So the task is set and the brethren go forth on the quest, that quest which must lead through the darkness of death, as the ceremony that follows tells in allegory. It is not correct to say that the search hinted at in the Opening ceremony is suddenly abandoned, and those who think this misinterpret the whole meaning of the legend. Never in earthly life shall we find the answer we seek, nay, even death itself will not give it; but, having passed beyond the grave, through the four veils of the Scottish rite, and so into the H.R.A., we find an excellent answer in allegorical and symbolical language, whilst the jewel of the degree emphasizes what the end of the quest is.

    Nor must it be forgotten that the body alone cannot realize the nature of God, and that is why without the help of the other two, H.A.B. neither could, nor would, disclose the S........t.

    Pasiel : OK, I think I'll stop here due to lenght and so forth....anyway, the essence of what was written was what peaked my interest, and since it so nicely fit into the OP I thought I'd share it with you
  • Jeevan i agree with what you say. We all have the God Spark within us, everything has it, even plants,animals and trees. This forms a whole and makes up a Supreme Consciousness which i see as our Mother/Father Creator God. Masters and Gods like Sananda,Buddha & Krishna are for me personified incarnations of Mother/Father Creator God with specific characteristics and qualities which will be used to guide and teach their people respectively. Those Masters and Gods are serving as Holy Examples to provide a specific path to the people which will lead them back to the source of All That Is. Lord Sananda, Buddha & Krishna give guidance and teachings so that the people do not stray from God, who is WITHIN us. Different race and culture may have different spiritual practices and teachings but they all have the same goal to : To Awaken the Divine Within and come closer to God. For me, that`s part of the Universal Game. I hope i was able to provide help on this subject.
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