You are more than a body. You are more than your logical mind. You are an exquisite and essential piece of the jigsaw that is, dare I say, both singular and divine. Could I convince you this is so? Or is that you already know?
Perhaps the most obvious identification is with our body. It’s born, changes, growing then degrading until it dies. Bodies invite the perception that it is who you are since bodies seem so solid, but consider this.
High school science suggests our body is made up of cells and that these cells are made up of atoms, and that these atoms are made up of electrically charged particles that orbit a nucleus with the opposite electric charge.
Is it not then the case that this “solid reality” of our body is constituted vastly more by the space between the something than the something itself? Rather than having solid bodies, physical bodies are in fact a collection of tiny points of energy occurring within a vastly larger volume of “nothing”. Your allegedly solid physicality is mostly made up of space.
As for your logical mind it was shown long before, and then again by the philosophers in ancient Greece that logic fails to succeed in describing truth, that logic can at best merely approximately predict reality. Essentially we believe things to be true because it seems useful to do so. Then we construct a detailed story called logic in order to confirm that our belief is valid.
A clever cliché asserts that the wiser you become the less you know. I suggest you let these ideas sink in slowly and allow the urgent search for a secure identity to wane. Stop defending who you are. Stop trying to discover what you could become. Instead simply enjoy what is present and unfolding in the now.
I didn’t really expect to convince you that you’re at one with the divine singularity as I suggested in the opening paragraph. I do however hope I’ve helped you wonder a bit more as you wander more wisely upon your magical mystery tour.