If I were you, who would I be?
If I were you, would I still be me?
Who's are they, these eyes, through which I see looking, looking back at me?
- from Dreambus
Life is full of big questions: Who am I? Why am I here? Why is there suffering? Is there life after death? and - ultimately - the question we all try to find the answer to, How can I find happiness or peace of mind?
But what if that search for happiness was based on a huge misconception, a misconception that has been drummed into us since birth, that we are separate individuals?
In Who’s Driving the Dreambus? film makers Boris and Claire Jänsch go on a personal journey through a series of interviews with eminent spiritual teachers, philosophers and writers - in a quest to unravel what it means to be alive. This radical and challenging documentary ventures into the heart of the mystery of identity, flipping the idea of spiritual endeavour on its head, revealing a message so profound and yet so simple that it might just end the search.
(official site) http://www.whosdrivingthedreambus.com/filmdescription.html
can watch full documentary at this LINK
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