Can someone answer this for me...
I have been reading messages from the Elohim passed onto me by a friend, and I fall asleep half way through reading a letter..
This also happens to me when I read the Bible.. 1-2 pages and I am out like a light??
Also I have amazing dreams during those episodes??
Are they setting something off in my head or psyche??
Anyone out there have similar experiences? Or have any answers or explanations???
Thanks Guys,
Love SOulz
It is the light frequency vibration as the same thing happened to the disciples when Jesus
was talking to them. They got tired and fell asleep. History has a habit of repeating itself.
Be at peace for the same thing is happening again> You may even feel your ears pop as your senses
rise in altitude although your body does not physically. Don't worry as it is normal and as Our Heavenly
Father is Omnipotent and Omnipresent He's sharing everything with you as He really loves you.
Light and Love Peace and Harmony Blessings Kingjeff.
Thankyou for your replies =)
@ Maya Tae'Heno ~ Thankyou with much love to you xx Yes, I don't attend church though, I do all my communion wherever I am whenever needed.. immaculate.. I will look more deeply at the meaning.. "heavenly"??
@ Einstein ~ Thats exactly like me.. It is the most wonderful deep sleep during those times hey =)
@John ~ Yes the seperation between people through the ages through God's name is the exact opposite of what the Bible calls for. It really has been insane hasn't it.. I really hope everyone finds the love within and soon..
Hi SOulz,
This used to happen to me quite often and still does on occasion, I can honestly say that I don't know what it is that causes it, when I was younger even during my prayers I'd start feeling drowsy. If I were lying down and couldn't fall asleep, all I'd have to do was start thinking and musing about the heirarchy, I'd then be out like a light. Maybe it's my BS meter that goes into overdrive and knocks me out or maybe it's the heirarchy who does it and wants me to keep the thoughts fresh in my mind so that it will be easier for me to dream of them or something, cos I don't normally dream about them or anything in that sense anyway, well not that I'm consciously aware of that is.