Believing in online dream interpretation is apparently being increasingly considered to be a silly thing to do - about as silly as Moon Landings. Just like people don´t believe in Moon Landings no more, there is nobody out there online who can interprete another person´s dreams successfully for free.
How do I know this? Simple answer. 10 years of patient search and waiting to find an online dream interpreter have provided me with proof positive that the reason there is no such thing as an online free dream interpretation is because the Creator doesn´t want that to happen. That´s why we can´t use modern mass communications technology to interpret dreams. It was believed for over 35 years that we could - until my discovery proved otherwise. I got taken by surprise. I didn´t want to eventually conclude the inevitable - that I had a message to tell and that the message was on dream interpretation and that this was an important message. The lesson learned is that unexplained dreams are meant to remind us of the importance of the unexplained.
They are not there to be solved online. And just like nobody has ever been born under a Moon sign, so has nobody been born under ´the sign of online free dream interpretation´. There are no signs out there on the web which can help us to interprete our dreams online. And the conclusion I reached to the end of this 10 year quest of mine got to be that belief in online free dream interpretation is delusional and nobody should attempt to use online chat rooms to have their dreams interpreted. And since I can´t I can´t imagine a reason anybody else should. Just like nobody should sign up to the imaginary ticket which´ll take you to the Moon because the guys telling us we went to the Moon never went there because they know that nobody else has gone there either. How can the guys telling us that there is a free online dream interpretation service which can analyse somebody´s dreams with the use of chat prove that? They can´t cause there is no such thing. No. In the world of science and spirituality proof comes after a long time of research and in this case the proof that there are no free online dream interpretation services can help relax many a nerve whose time has been wasted trying futile attempts to search for such things.
Our talents were meant for other things than free online dream interpretation and that is why those things are available for free online - not dream interpretation in a chat room. And once I realized why the purpose of unexplained dreams is to remind us of the importance of the unexplained - I understood why no dream who has ever been interpreted has been interpreted for free unless it´s offline. In other words a perplexing, unexplained dream is one which either stays unexplained - or gets interpreted by another dream. But never for free when it comes to the use of technology. In other words the answer as to why we can´t use modern technology to interprete dreams for free is Creation.
Thanks for enlightening me Mickail.
I did not fail to find any answers in my quest for dream interpreters capable of interpreting dreams with the use of online chat. My present lack of enthusiasm for such a thing is the result of the pursuit of the scientific spirit - not the result of a personal failure. If anybody is attempting to offer dream interpretation ´for free´with the use of online chat and I or others interested in science and spirituality have missed that - I´d suggest they stop doing so immediately. Unexplained dreams are meant to be unexplained unless one has a dream which explains the unexplained dream - or by means of an interpretation which is available from an offline source. Chat rooms do not offer the time dream interpreters need to interprete dreams. That is one of the most important reasons for why dream interpretation does not concern itself with the use of chat rooms. Belief in ´free online dream interpretation´is therefore silly.
10 years of fruitless search and mroe years of fruitless search by others are starting to convince people that unexplained dreams are meant to be unexplained and can only be interpreted by another dream which will resolve the meaning of the unexplained dream. But only if this is meant to happen.