Folks, there's a blog on Ashtar Command that says that presenting objective evidence of ET visitation is no longer Galactic Federation of Light policy.


The following statements are made:


"All untrained ET contactees face the dilemma of, 'should I or shouldn't I present my proof to the world...!' ..."


"So currently, the GFL policy has been revised...the presentation of objective data to a low consciousness world is futile, as the establishment and ignorant members of the public WILL NEVER BELIEVE IT...."

"ET policy has changed since the 1970s, at an experimental time when a concerted effort was made to glean and present objective evidence, which was nevertheless largely dismissed as fradulent, in spite of professional endorsements by individual scientists. The establishment will always suppress dissent. The same applies to airline pilots who see UFOs...They are told not to rock the boat, to keep quiet, or forefit [sic] their careers in aviation. Facts are often hated by the closed-minded and even objective proof is thrown back into the provider's face, if it challenges comfort zones." (1)


These statements do not reflect the reality of the situation.


I wrote a comment to that effect to the blogger on the subject but it was taken down. So I now write an article on the matter for your discernment.


Let's look at what credible representatives of the GFL say about whether they are showing their ships and whether they want these sightings to be publicized.


Here is Hatonn, director of interdimensional communications for the GFL, speaking directly to the author through Suzy Ward, Mathew Ward's mother on Oct. 16, 2010:


"Steve, this is Hatonn.  You are being very conscientious about presenting accurate information — thank you.  We need more sane voices like yours to offset the pure hogwash that’s circulating. Yes, of course there were ships over New York City that day.  We’re showing up there and many other places all around Earth. As Suzy wrote you before, this is part of ramping up our activity to hasten the time when we’re officially recognized." (2)


SaLuSa of Sirius, spokesman for the GFL, said in May of 2011 that "the more that is known about us, the easier it will be to obtain a general acceptance of our presence. We can then organise the many changes that must take place without further delay."  (3) He states that the GFL welcomes discussion of their ships on the Internet:


"We welcome your attention and efforts to see our craft, as by intention we have progressively increased the number of sightings within your atmosphere. Our very large Motherships keep well outside of it, as they would cause some disruption because of their size. We are busy maintaining a level of observation that ensures your security, as the dark Ones still plot actions against you and indeed also us." (4)


Here he is on another occasion in May saying much the same thing:


"There are numerous websites on your Internet where you can indulge yourselves in facts about our craft, and these are supported by photographs and even videos. Whether we exist is no longer the question as we have made contact with every major government.


"We want to open up the whole subject, and thus allow debate and discussion as to what has been taking place over the last century. Governments will have to come clean with regard to their own part in suppressing information about us. They will also have to admit to their activities under the guise of allowing their craft to be taken as ours, or groups such as the Greys.


"It is obvious to any intelligent person that our Mothercraft have not originated from Earth. They are in some cases of such massive size, being several miles long it is common sense that they are coming from other civilisations. There is also the question of the sheer numbers of craft that have been seen on some occasions.


"When you can count around a hundred or more as per the sighting recently in Mexico, you will know for certain that their origin is not from the Earth. The evidence of our presence is so obvious; yet generally speaking your media still hides the truth. We are pleased to say that this situation will not remain the same for much longer. There are many aspects before our appearance that need to come out to prepare people for it." (5)


Here SaLuSa again describes how delighted the GFL is that people are seeing their ships in April 2011:


"Continual reports of our sightings occur on a daily basis. It is no longer possible to deny our existence, as the evidence is mounting for it and more of you have had direct contact. This will most likely happen where you have incarnated upon Earth from one of the civilisations directly involved with you. Such souls invariably feel a strong connection with us, and easily accept the role we are playing in your evolution. We are the way forward by your invitation and also the divine edict that calls for the end of duality. So you will see that nothing will prolong the current experiences for much longer, and as the Light descends upon Earth the changes will be accelerated." (6)

Here is Wanderer of the Skies, representing the GFL, also making a similar comment in May of  2011:


"Expect several major displays of multiple hundreds of 'lighted orb' type sightings in several major cities across Europe and North and Central America in the next several weeks. We are “testing” several appearance patterns we intend to use after hard disclosure and this is in preparation for that. …


"We have reopened our discussions in our own councils on our own disclosure of photos and videos of our various species to you, but again no consensus has been achieved. We will continue to push for such a resolution as we deem it imperative to the overall process. (7)


Here is the Arcturian Group speaking through Marilyn Raffaele in April of this year:


"It will not be long before you will see the ships of those who would help you. Many of you see them now, but there are still those who live in denial and fear for such an idea as extraterrestrial beings.  Many still believe everything they are told, and will need you to gently educate them as you see them become open to it.  It is going to happen dear ones, so be ready for it and do not go into fear and trepidation or fall back into the old beliefs about such things." (8)


So the statements that the GFL has abandoned decloakings and sightings, that objective evidence is not the way they are going, and that the presentation of facts is not GFL policy are not indicative of the situation according to the GFL itself. In fact they are polar opposite to what the bulk of channeled messages from the GFR say.




Steve Beckow


The 2012 Scenario               

First Contact                         





(2) Hatonn through Suzy Ward in Ward to Steve Beckow, Oct. 16, 2010.


(3) SaLuSa, May 25, 2011, at


(4) SaLuSa, March 19, 2010.


(5) SaLuSa, May 20, 2011.


(6) SaLuSa, April 8, 2011.



(7) Wanderer of the Skies, May 31, 2011, at



(8) The Arcturian Group, April 3, 2011, at




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