THIS INFORMATION MUST BE HEARD! Do you not think that this info would have be suppressed if it was such a threat to the elite? Why are they getting Media attention when the real truth is never mentioned?? Wake up World, WikiLeaks is aZionist propaganda scam!!!

WikiLeaks is ZioPoison!
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  • That is the way forward Unlabeled!! That we all take responsibility for the World and our own countries!! Why are there US military bases all over the world? Because they will be used against the people when the time is right for them. This is just one of the means of control for humanity. The Second is the Privately generated Money by a private family Rothschild bank with debt attached to it!! the people's Government should have the right to create its own money with no debt attached!

    The Third form of control is the Roman Catholic Church!! Religion keeps us divided from each other! If you have noticed, Washington DC, The City of London and the Vatican are all independent States within a host country! That is because they have been set up that way to control the world! They all have an Obelisk that marks them as the three centres of Human Control! Look into it.
  • How about just destroy the concept of countries? And the concept of leadership, which leads to hierarchy, which leads to tyranny? If people make responsibility the burden of a "nation" and "leaders" and not themselves, then those entrusted with those responsibilities have control over those who gave away their individualism in return for peace of mind!
    Unless, of course, they take back their individuality.
  • Thanks KingJeff! Everyone knows that 9/11 was an inside Job, so why didn't WikiLeaks pick that up, because it is part of the cover up.

    It is all rotten Each country has to get its sovereignty back! No UN, No IMF, No EU Dictatorship! No more American Military bases in other countries, it is only a monster to control the world through military means, that is owned by the Bankers. The US military does not protect or serve the US Citizens! It is working against them as you read this.

    Thank you for your comment KingJeff.

  • Same cover up in Russia when millions were killed after World War 11
    and don't forget the butcher Idi Amin. The chink is the support of 9/11
    its 5th column propaganda of the Jesuits and Mossad that's for sure. kingjeff
  • Well, you need to tell that to the Zionists that want to destroy mankind. If you know the reason why they are so evil, I would like to hear it, because I can't work it out?
  • Hate destroys the soul of anyone who tries to teach it.
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