Will We be Given Assistance?
The Federation of Light has answered an important question for me – and perhaps for you: Will we be given divine assistance to carry out our tasks, many of which may be global in nature?
They reply:
“The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, Aug. 5, 2019,” at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/08/05/the-federation-of-light-through-blossom-goodchild-aug-5-2019/.
Many of you will be quite surprised yourselves, at what is being said … through you.
All that you have ‘remembered’ in ways of these messages being the reminder, you shall ‘have on call’ in your heart files!
For years you have been storing information, some of which you may not know you know … and when EACH DIVINE MOMENT PRESENTS ITSELF … you will be there to offer guidance to those who feel so lost.
Many of you will find a strength arise from within and find yourselves in the most ‘unexpected positions’ … that will feel so natural to/for you.
They will be so because these will be the positions you signed up for before you came, should you so choose to see them through. Some will have fallen away from their ‘position’s role.’ There is no judgement on this.
Those whose hearts are TRUE will find their way home, assisting others in a different fashion, that is more suited to their disposition upon the Planet for them now….
We have mentioned that it shall be like a domino effect. Everything will come crashing down like a ton of bricks. And when all is flattened … one shall be able to see right through … IT ALL.
Take into your knowing that as this takes place … YOUR STRENGTH shall increase to the degree that you allow it to.
BG: Could you elaborate on that, please?
Indeed. Inside of Each One of you NOW … as you are reading these words … you are FEELING a ‘change … of/in … heart.’
This is because your Being is reacting to THE ENERGY that is being sent through to you in these coded words.
BG: Hold on a minute … I can’t keep up. Coded words? They seem quite straight forward to me.
Yet ‘within them’ … there are underlying codes that are willingly activating your souls.
Leading you into the next phase of yourselves. Reawakening the parts of your Being that needed to remain ‘switched off’ until such times as this.
“YOUR STRENGTH shall increase to the degree that you allow it to.” I’ve been preparing for this day. You’ve been preparing for it. It appears that our willingness will prove to be the key to our future/further expansion.
The reverse seems also true: That people’s unwillingness will prevent their further expansion.
I personally found Blossom’s message the most helpful overview of where we are and what’s coming down the pike that I’ve heard from a channeled source recently.
It fits with what Archangel Michael said to me in my reading with him on Aug. 2, 2019.
It was an entirely different reading than I’ve ever had. While all along he’s been encouraging me to dream big (UBIs, retiring national debts, universal medicare, etc.), now he was reining me in – saying that others would retire their own nation’s national debts and host their own UBIs. Furthermore, what I envision would take much planning first. Again the signal was to slow down, get real, gear up for actual business rather than just dreaming.
He also said that my hearing was being expanded so that I could hear him, Annastara (my twin flame), and the Mother. If that were to happen, it’d be the single most welcome event I can think of. But it also makes sense in terms of ramping up for real-world work.
My suspicion is that, if it’s happening to me, it’s happening to others as well. (1)
Michael’s message this time was more a call to action than a planning session.
Taking Blossom’s message in hand, it feels as if we’re close to beginning in earnest. Not like any prediction I’ve made to date has come true however. Let the buyer beware.
Nevertheless, once again, we who are left take up our kit and begin to march. And hope that this time, events will actually begin to happen.
The fallout from the Epstein case and the DECLAS, plus the possibility of the Reval or delivery of Prosperity Packages, plus the delegations – bring it on! We’re more than ready. We’re champing at the bit.