You’ve probably heard the comments before, “if your psychic then why don’t you win the lottery?”. They just won’t listen when you try to say that it doesn’t really work like that. If they had any extrasensory abilities that would be the first thing they’d want to do. I thought about it and wondered “why not?”. I’d recently learnt to dowse so I thought I’d give it a try. So I contacted my guide and asked if I would be allowed to win the lottery. To my surprise they said yes! So I went through the numbers to find what the winning ones would be. They only gave me 3 numbers the first time and when I tried again they gave me the same 3 and 3 more. Well later on when I looked at the results I was amazed to find that I had won the lottery! The first 3 numbers they’d given me were all right and I’d won £10!
It might not sound like much but if you look at it as win or don’t win, then I won. It was also a confirmation that they could do this, but mostly that I didn’t need any more money in my life.
It was an interesting thing to do and now when I’m ask “why don’t you win the lottery?” I can tell them that I did. J
Love and Gratitude
Just one thing, though; money is useful only because of the things of real value for which it can be exchanged. So we have the end (which is prosperity or the ability to help others) and a means (money) that may or may not serve that end well.
This distinction is the beginning of social wisdom. Without it, means can easily become ends.
Respect and wisdom.