TO GET RID OF ANNOYING ADVERTISING, LEFT CLICK ON LEFT SIDE OF SCREEN. The hand-drawn ephermeris (above) reveals a massive Aquarius sign transit of 4 planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Pluto) and 2 luminaries (Sun and Moon) during mid-February of 2024. This is significant; Aquarius is ruled by Uranus and Uranus rules "surprises." This is important per timeframe perspective since Neptune is approaching the last degree station of Pisces. Neptune rules Pisces, and the sign of Pisces is "the last sign of the zodiac" (before spring begins). There is usually a "cleanup" before spring begins, and if one is not careful one may get caught-up and get "swept into the dust-pan" during this cleanup process. Thus, there may be strong probability for significant surprises and scandals about to become public if the Age of Pisces is actually starting to come to an end and the Age of Aquarius is about to begin (which some say is possible in 2050, or around that timeframe). Note that there were massive scandals in Rome as the Age of Aries ended (and the Age of Pisces began), and thus we may be witnessing history not repeating itself but "rhyming" with the end of another zodiac age. Thus, we may start to see clues concerning the so-called dawn of the Age of Aquarius during the first half of 2024, and possibly with some really shocking news as the current Age of Pisces ends. How bad? Sex scandals are a possibility, but so are financial scandals with Uranus transiting Taurus. One joke I heard is that when a video comes out revealing a D.C. based U.S. official having sex with the house pet we will surely know Caligula is laughing (and laughing so hard he is defecating Twinkies). But seriously, Neptune rules the sign of Pisces, and Neptune will be in exact Conjunction (within 1 degree) with the star of Scheat (29 degrees Pisces 42 minutes) from April 2024 through September 2024 (and Neptune goes Direct at 29 degrees Pisces 56 minutes in early July 2024). THIS IS A HOT CONJUNCTION. Below are what my notes say about the star of Scheat:
Scheat * | Imprisonment, murder, suicide, drowning, extreme misfortune. Essence of intellect; psychic talent or interests; independent thought; break with conventional thought or philosophy which may result in chaos or great challenges affecting many. | 29° Pis 22’ | 29°Pis 42’ | Very Unfortunate | Mars/ Mercury | β (Beta) Pegasi |
Also note that the Astrology King website claims that the star of Scheat has a combative, violent, and isolative nature. Neptune rules the sign of Pisces, and will go direct near the very last station of Pisces (minus 4 minutes) during summer of 2024. This Neptune Conjunction star of Scheat does not hold well for those who have benefited from the Age of Pisces (especially if such reward was based on Pisces ruling areas that include organized religion, medicine, chemistry, or espionage work [and the deception that comes with these areas]).
Winter of 2024 may provide subtle or minor clues for the real dawn of Aquarius (if such an Age is approaching). One must get ready for surprising (or shocking) news of a scandalous nature this winter of 2024. Sexual scandals have become the favorite tool of the mainstream media to get one to "look the other way" (remember Jim and Tammy Baker?) But financial scandals are also possible, along with espionage scandals. If the Age of Pisces is indeed ending, please watch for scandalous news coverage to concern areas of organized religion, medicine, chemistry, or espionage work (and the deception that comes with these areas).
Thanks for reading.
Love to all,