Personal Contraband
As is always the case with the evolutionary Ascension Process, we reach periods where we absolutely must dig deeper to excavate something(s) within us that we’ve managed to smuggle through all previous Ascension Checkpoints. We may have shaved a few more layers off from most of our old personal inner issues and stuff—whatever and whoever they are—but we always reach another phase where we have to go deeper and finally get all personal contraband up, out and gone. Why? Because another big evolutionary Stair-step needs to be traversed by us soon and our old lower world and self issues simply cannot travel any further with us into the higher frequency NEW. If we tried to continue smuggling it or them up more energy Light Wave Stair-steps at this point, they would cause us more pain and pressure than they ever caused us originally. It’s just not worth the amplified pain or spiritual risk after all we’ve already been through in this evolutionary process.
We absolutely cannot take our old lower inner contraband stuff with us as we evolve into higher frequency beings of Light in physical bodies. To assist us with the mandatory offloading of any residual inner contraband we still have, we go through repeated Ascension Checkpoints where we’re thoroughly scanned for any prohibited old density items — toxic substances, unnecessary baggage, festering fears, crippling emotional wounds, ridiculous guilt, or poisonous anger. All illicit, prohibited lower density substances will not be allowed entrance through any Spiritual Ascension Customs Checkpoints.
To continue evolving and moving forward with greater ease, safety and comfort, we go through more mandatory safety-net Checkpoints on our personal evolutionary Ascension Process. Such has been the case throughout most of August and September 2016. For some of us, myself included, all of 2016 has been one big Ascension Checkpoint demanding the release of any and all remaining personal and collective contraband. It’s not fun, but I certainly am grateful for them because I, we, all too often honestly believe we’ve already dealt with all our inner stuff years and years ago. We did but we’ve discovered there have been multiple remaining layers of our personal stuff we’ve had to feel, deal with and fully release, neutrally. The second we’ve done this we’re given the all-clear to pass through the latest Ascension Checkpoint to continue up the next energetic Ascension Stair-step.
Collective Contraband
Most Forerunners have very much felt and lived with the human, and in many cases the nonhuman as well, collective contraband throughout 2016 in highly amplified ways. We’ve always felt it, felt them, felt their collective inner and outer stuff, but this year it’s been nearly unbearable at times. The only thing that has helped the Forerunners survive this onslaught of collective old world contraband being amplified and brought to the human conscious surface for removal has been our ability to get in and remain in our HighHearts where everything is known, seen and felt as energetically Neutral. But, because many Forerunners, myself included, have not as yet mastered being in this higher state constantly, there have been times when I’ve had to disconnect from the world as it is at this moment to not be driven insane or heartbroken or worse because of it. We knew this time would come for all of us too but it’s proven to be a real test for us all. Such is the human collective experiencing their first substantial and obvious Ascension Checkpoint. Stay in your HighHeart as they go through this 2016 one including the others throughout 2017. It most likely won’t be pretty or easy but it’s absolutely necessary for them, for us, and for All everywhere else too. This is a Process and each step is important in its Alchemical and evolutionary nature.
Recent Dreams
As you know, when times are tough and full of change as they now are, we can quickly get a lot accomplished, resolved, better understood, transmuted and cleared while in the dream state. You may have been working hard again at night last month and this month too, and because of that have had some pretty wild dreams. Here’s one I had last week that’s rather telling.
In this dream I was in an unknown house with a group of unknown people. We were all talking when I saw a small but incredibly brilliant flash of white light explode in the middle of the living room about three feet above the floor. It was so bright you couldn’t see anything for a second or two and when it was gone, so too were some pieces of furniture and two people. The rest of us jumped up and looked around at the now empty spaces in the room where furniture had been, and some people, and wondered what in the world had just happened. Some people went throughout the house looking for the two missing people but they and some furniture were gone.
After about twenty minutes this happened again in another room in this house and when the flash of brilliant white light dissipated, more people were gone. This repeated ten minutes later in another area of the house and more people and furniture disappeared. At this point in my dream I was mildly concerned and confused and began expanding my awareness in the dream to discern what was happening and why. After a few moments of this I intentionally woke myself up and laid in bed in the dark and went over the dream so I wouldn’t forget it. It impacted me rather intensely so it wasn’t likely I’d forget this one however.
This dream shows how both personal and collective stuff is suddenly disappearing due to increasing Light right where we live. This dreams anomalies are symbolic but also literal, personal but also collective, and will only increase throughout the remainder of 2016, especially after the September 22nd Equinox. Be prepared for more and more personal and collective contraband and other things and people to quickly disappear.
The old world and consciousness is disappearing, is being suddenly zapped away by flashes of brilliant white Light. 2017 could very much be this but 1000-fold more intense which is why we’ve had more Ascension Checkpoints to work our ways through during 2016. Big NEW things are in the works now, and more so soon, and the rush is on like never before to be energetically ready for such a massive change as what’s coming. Do The Inner Work, whatever that is for you now, and everything else unfolds so much easier, faster and less painfully. Have a creative and progressive September 22, 2016 Equinox as you release the old to ready for the NEW in all ways.
Denise Le Fay